
钩心斗角  gōu xīn dòu jiǎo








  • 屈原成为朝廷中钩心斗角的牺牲品, 因而遭到放逐。
    Qu Yuan suffered banishment as the victim of a court intrigue.

  • 那是兄妹之间常见的钩心斗角
    Its an usual rivalry between brother and sister.

  • 在嫉妒中成长的孩子,学会钩心斗角
    If children live with jealousy, they learn what envy is.

  • 嫉妒中长大的孩子,将来容易钩心斗角
    The kids growing up in jealousness will  filled with intrigues.

  • 象所有的守财奴一样,他常跟人家钩心斗角
    Like all misers he had a constant need to pit his wit against those of other men.

  • 下岗有时是企业里你死我活,钩心斗角的结果。
    Lay offs are sometimes a matter of corporate survival.

  • 整天的尔虞我诈钩心斗角早已将谦让弃之门外。
    Day of the cheat one another, humility already left outside.

  • 屈原成为朝廷中钩心斗角的牺牲品,因而遭到放逐。
    Qu Yuan suffered banishment as the victim of a court intrigue.

  • 年轻的女主人公陷入了学术界钩心斗角的罗网之中。
    The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world.

  • 屈原成为朝廷中钩心斗角的牺牲品, 因而遭到 放逐 。
    Qu Yuan suffered banishment as the victim of a court intrigue.

  • 我们还能听到中产阶级夫妻间的争吵以及他们彼此间的钩心斗角
    Here we can find the argument between husband and wife in middle class family, and how they aware each other all the time, cunningly planning to hurt each other.

  • 她以锐利的眼光针砭时弊,描述出作品中人物的钩心斗角和尔虞我诈。
    With a sharp eye for the ironic and the bizarre, she describes the intrigues, the insults and the betrayals of her characters.

  • 为了占有而占有,或者与街坊四邻钩心斗角,梭罗认为这是低层次人的行为。
    Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau's idea of the low levels.

  • 四月,雨天,撑着伞,远离城市的喧嚣,远离匆忙的脚步,远离尘世的钩心斗角
    In April, a rainy day far from noisy cities, away from the hurried pace of away from the earth;

  • 当年退出江湖,只因厌倦了追债打官司的钩心斗角生活,期待能有新的发展契机。
    Then withdraw from the political arena and debt collection proceedings because tired of infighting life, look forward to having a new opportunity for development.

  • 去懂得种什麽收什麽,如果散播流言蜚语他们就收获钩心斗角,如果种植爱心他们就收获欢乐;
    To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant love they will harvest happiness.

  • 去懂得种什么收什么,如果散播流言蜚语他们就收获钩心斗角,如果种植爱心他们就收获欢乐;
    To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant love they will harvest happiness.

  • 去懂得播种什么也就收成什么,如果散播流言,收获的是钩心斗角,如果种植爱心,收获的是幸福快乐;
    To learn that they shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant love they will harvest happiness.

  • 态度还包括对公司对自己团队成员,这必须是个分享经验互相合作的团体,钩心斗角不会有长远的发展的。
    But also the attitude of the company's own team members, which must be a shared experience of co-operation groups, Gouxindoujiao not have long-term development.

  • 他可谓“痴迷政坛的勇士”----他是那种能够享受权利角逐钩心斗角,并于谈笑间将对手置于死地的家伙。
    He is also "a happy warrior"—a man who relishes the pig-wrestling side of politics, and can deliver a killer punch without seeming malicious.

  • 在交际上不许你不计较,不许你不打算,结果彼此都“钩心斗角”,像七巧板似的只选定了某一方面和对方去结合。
    and cannot choose but become more calculating in social dealings till they start scheming against each other. they always keep a wary eye , as it were , on each other in their association.

  • 四月,雨天,撑着伞,远离城市的喧嚣,远离匆忙的脚步,远离尘世的钩心斗角;一个人,到乡野寻找一份宁静,寻觅一颗快乐的心,寻找那一缕久违的阳光。
    In April, a rainy day far from noisy cities, away from the hurried pace of away from the earth; a person, to the countryside to find a quiet, looking for a happy heart, to find that ray of long sun.

  • 钩心斗角造句相关
