
不值一顾  bù zhí yī gù








  • 会跟随任何人走的狗,可真不值一顾
    The dog that will follow everybody ai not worth a curse.

  • 会跟随任何人走的狗,可真不值一顾
    The dog that will follow everybody ain't worth a curse.

  • 这种谴责是不值一顾的。
    Such an accusation is beneath contempt.

  • 他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾
    He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.

  • 会跟随任何人走的狗,不值一顾!(所以,我更喜欢猫!)
    The dog that follow everybody ain't worth curse.

  • 会跟随任何人走的狗,不值一顾!(所以,我更喜欢猫!)
    The dog that follow everybody ain't worth a curse.

  • 被他们的辱骂性言语所动摇是非常愚蠢的,更何况,这些言词根本不值一顾
    It is very foolish to be swayed at all by their words, which are nothing more than abuse, and do not deserve the slightest heed.

  • 或许他们设定的目标太不合实际了,然而,这并不是说,他们的计划就不值一顾
    They may be making goals that are too unrealistic. That is not to say that they are not worthy goals.

  • 从我们的学者那里拿掉有人聆听他们的乐趣之后,对他们来说,学问将会是不值一顾的东西啦。
    Take away from our learned men the pleasure of making themselves heard, learning would then be nothing to them.

  • 概括句,我可以这么说:对于陌生者,她们是微不足道的人;对于浅薄的人,也许不值一顾
    I may sum up all by saying, that for strangers they were nothing, for superficial observers less than nothing;

  • 从我们的学者那里拿掉有人聆听他们的乐趣之后,对他们来说,学问将会是不值一顾的东西啦。
    Take away from our learn men the pleasure of make themselves hear , learning will then is nothing to them.

  • 从我们的学者那里拿掉有人聆听他们的乐趣之后,对他们来说,学问将会是不值一顾的东西啦。
    Take away from our learning men the pleasure of making themselves heard, learning will then be nothing to them.

  • 至于那些老生常谈的人生目标,诸如物质占有、功成名就、舒适享受等等,在我看来都不值一顾
    The trite objects of human efforts--possessions, outward success, luxury--have always seemed to me contemptible.

  • 从我们的学者那里拿掉有人聆听他们的乐趣之后,对他们来说,学问将会是不值一顾的东?骼病?
    Take away from our learning men the pleasure of making themselves heard, learning will then be nothing to them.

  • 还有种人把最起码的绘画基本功不管不,把传统看的不值路狂奔,成了十足的疯子。
    There is also a sort of people, they ignore basic skills of painting and regard tradition worthless. On the painting creation way wildly rush and become an utterly lunatic.

  • 概括起来,我可以这么说:对于陌生者,她们是微不足道的人;对于浅薄的人,也许更是不值一顾
    I may sum up all by saying, that for strangers they were nothing, for superficial observers less than nothing;

  • “女孩子渴望像芭比这种‘女性化’的软件光碟出现”,有些教育界人士认为这种观念太单纯,而且太夸大,而不值一顾
    Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the notion that girls eagerly await such"feminine"software as barbie CD-ROMS.

  • “女孩子渴望像芭比这种‘女性化’的软件光碟出现”,有些教育界人士认为这种观念太单纯,而且太夸大,而不值一顾
    Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the nation that girls eagerly await such "feminine" software as Barbie CD-ROMS.

  • “女孩子渴望像芭比这种‘女性化'的软件光碟出现”,有些教育界人士认为这种观念太单纯,而且太夸大,而不值一顾
    Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the nation that girls eagerly await such "feminine" software as Barbie CD-ROMS.

  • “女孩子子渴望像芭比这种‘女孩化’的软件光碟出现”,有些教育界人士认为这种观念太单纯,而且太夸大,而不值一顾
    Some educators dismiss as simplistic and overdone the notion that girls eagerly await such"feminine"software as barbie CD-ROMS.

  • 不值一顾造句相关
