
不了了之  bù liǎo liǎo zhī








  • 这个问题很重要, 可他却不了了之
    This is a very important problem, but he just sleeps on it.

  • 该办法最终的结果是不了了之
    The way to the final result is nothing.

  • 大家于是继续吃饭,此时就此不了了之
    So we continue to eat, nothing on this at this time.

  • 追求不了了之,从此以后也没有人再次叫他霍克区。
    The courtship ended and after that no one ever again called him Hoxy.

  • 这笔旧账最后因为“没有查出任何问题”而不了了之
    The old account for the final "not found any problems" and nothing.

  • 不久,他们几乎不能谈话,就是有,也终因不快而不了了之
    Soon, they barely talked and when they did, it always ended on a bitter note.

  • 因为有很多人被打成右派不仅不了了之,而且是明着写的不予改正。
    Because many people labelled as rightists not only clearly weren't, but it's also clearly written that they didn't receive rectification.

  • 但由于没有从根子上消灭学生课业负担重的土壤,最后大都不了了之
    But the soil that because did not eliminate student lesson burden from root, weighs, end up with nothing definite mostly finally.

  • 如果谈到最后又不了了之,则可能会进一步激化藏族抗议者的不满情绪。
    It could further stir the passions of Tibetan protestors if talks are held and again go nowhere.

  • 这对情侣原已订婚,但是瑞兹—裴瑞兹后来移居巴黎,两人关系也不了了之
    The pair had been engaged but their relationship fizzled out after Ruiz-Perez went to live in Paris.

  • 2006年底,黄光裕就曾传出涉嫌在创业初期恶意骗贷,事后却不了了之
    By the end of 2006, Wong Kwong Yu had been involved in business in the early Piandai malicious, but nothing afterwards.

  • 从一开始闹得全城网店诚惶诚恐,到现在看来没准最后也是个“不了了之”。
    " From the beginning the whole shop much fear, it seems now that the final Meizhun is "nothing.

  • 何兵:我认为,南京市物价部门的规定无合法性,也无可操作性,最终将不了了之
    HE Bing : I think that the pricing department of the Nanjing provides no legitimacy, it is operational, will ultimately nothing.

  • 该名30岁球员一度被认为将在早些时候登陆老特拉福德,但转会谈判最终不了了之
    The 30-year-old was expected to join the Old Trafford club earlier in the summer before the move stalled.

  • 一味地回避问题,幻想把问题拖得不了了之是极为不明智的,也是对购房者的不负责任。
    Stubbornly evaded the question about the issue of handling up to be extremely unwise and irresponsible to property buyers.

  • 英国的这个设想最后不了了之,原因是缺乏美国的合作--后来的结局证明这是个代价昂贵的错误。
    The idea foundered due to a lack of American co-operation — a costly mistake, as it turned out.

  • 据王教授说,由于官僚主义盛行,他的这一建议(提交后)便石沉大海(或杳无音信/不了了之)。
    Professor Wang was quoted as sating that his proposal had died a bureaucratic death.

  • 今天体测,没有预计中的胖,矮了倒是真的。肺活量测出问题来了,浪费了一次机会,第二次也不了了之
    i took the physical test today and found i was shorter and not as fat as i thought before. i met some p…

  • 我曾戒过几次烟,但都没有成功,主要是我的毅力问题,每次快要成功的时候,都给自己一个理由而不了了之
    I have ever quitted smoking several times, but succeeded, mainly is my perseverance problem, each time soon successful time, all give own a reason but conclude without concrete result.

  • 饭桌上泰祖提出招揽永家回饼店工作,殷红提出让永家到规模最小的饼店担任店长,最后入职之事终不了了之
    She agreed. On the table, Tai Cho suggested Wing Ga return to the bakery and work. Yan Hung told Wing Ga to go to the smallest bakery and work there as the leader.

  • 生产一样东西就好像是把它往前拉,而拖延下去则是把它往前推----推向明天,下周,或者最终不了了之
    To produce something is to pull it forward, while to procrastinate is to push it forward — to tomorrow, to next week, or ultimately to never.

  • 银行方面或许希望这个提案最后不了了之,但鉴于眼下人们实在是怒火难消,某种形式的奖金税法案可能获得通过。
    Banks might hope this goes away. But the high outrage levels suggest a bonus tax of some form could pass.

  • 韩国的愤世嫉俗者(这儿有很多这样的人)预期现在淹没了该国最大企业集团(或者称作“财阀”)的丑闻将不了了之
    CYNICS in South Korea, and there are many, expect the scandal now engulfing the country's biggest conglomerate, or chaebol, simply to fizzle out.

  • 剩下的纷乱呢,呵呵,也许就这么不了了之了吧~因为我们中总是有一部人是雄心勃勃,而另外一部分则是永远的消极。
    I am a person who always does this, or always says that. ' It is not that you have a bad habit now.

  • 巴尔扎利已经在俱乐部的计划单上有一段时间了。他们曾在去年夏天和加利亚尼对其竞价,但最后的降级使此事不了了之
    Barzagli has been on the club's wish list for some time and they already had a bid rejected last summer following their Calciopoli demotion.

  • 一位业内人士介绍说,这样的例子并不是头一次,去年的“121号文件”就在全国地产商和媒体的结盟抨击下不了了之
    "An industry source said that this is not the first example. Last year's "121" on developers and the media in the country alliance came under attack.

  • 据他介绍厂里本来接了“潍坊风筝节”的一些业务,因SARS的缘故,风筝节取消了,结果许多谈好的业务只能不了了之
    The factory, he had originally Kite Festival " " weifang some business, by SARS, the Festival was cancelled, resulting in a lot of talk about the business can only be let off lightly.

  • 同时我们更感觉到,记者被打一事背后,石榴园广大业主受到的不公待遇更应得到相关部门的重视,绝不能让他们遇到的问题不了了之
    At the same time we feel that the reporter was hit behind Shiliuyuan owners of the unfair treatment by the relevant departments should be more attention must not allow their problems to go away.

  • 我说太好了,然后我就把这件事告诉了报纸的专栏作家迈克尔·布莱恩,他打电话过去,可这人却否认他这么说过,还让我的上司通知我,这件事不要再提,然后就不了了之了。
    I said good, then I'll tell the newspaper columnist Michael Brian, call him in the past, but this man has denied that he said so, also let my boss informed about this, I don't ask, then nothing.

  • 其次,旨在解决失衡的全球层面努力——国际货币基金组织(IMF)策划的“相互评估计划”(mutualassessmentprogramme)——今年很可能会不了了之
    Second, the global attempt at addressing imbalances - the "mutual assessment programme" being orchestrated by the International Monetary Fund - may well run into the sand this year.

  • 不了了之造句相关
