
三缄其口  sān jiān qí kǒu








  • 人们不希望被误解,宁可三缄其口
    People do not want to be misunderstood, so they rather remain silent.

  • 至于二人密谋了什么,巩晓彬同样三缄其口
    As for the two-person conspiracy what, Gong Xiaobin tight-lipped about the same.

  • 记者一再追问具体的下降比例,林隆璇三缄其口
    Reporter repeated questioning specific proportion of the decline, Lin Long-hsuan to remain silent.

  • 银行家和叶刘淑仪会面后,对会议内容都三缄其口
    Bankers emerging from the meeting with Mrs Ip were tight-li ed about what was discs ed.

  • 银行家和叶刘淑仪会面后,对会议内容都三缄其口
    Bankers emerging from the meeting with Mrs Ip were tight-lipped about what was discussed.

  • 翻译我所知道的就是,对我所知之事三缄其口就是了。
    The very thing I was talking about was to ask him in his face.

  • 在问及是否有把握首批上市,企业大多变得三缄其口
    In ask about whether be sure first appearing on the market, the enterprise becomes mostly 3 close its mouth.

  • 中国对其新型的装备有远程核导弹的晋级潜艇三缄其口
    China has said nothing about its new Jin-class submarines armed with long-range nuclear missiles.

  • 因此,“总统经济报告”很大程度上对货币问题三缄其口
    As a result the "Economic Report of the President" is largely silent on the currency.

  • 无言的;沈默的她仍记得她的父亲,对于过去,总是三缄其口
    WORD OF THE DAY - reticent: restrained; uncommunicative. She remembered how reticent her father had been about his past.

  • 对于上市这个最敏感的话题,新浪网人士均三缄其口,婉拒记者有关提问。
    The listing of the most sensitive topic, Sinanet persons are asked, declined a reporter's question.

  • 因此王子并没有告诉她任何关于他美丽的妻子以及孩子的事情,而是对此三缄其口
    So prince kept silence rather than tell her about his beautiful wife and children.

  • 对于该公司的背景,无论招标方浦江开发办,还是相关管理机构虹口区旅委都三缄其口
    for the company's background, whether the tender side River Development Office, or the relevant regulatory bodies are considering Hongkou District appointed brigade.

  • 至于上市将募集多少资金,因目前处在上市之前的静默期,茂业百货对上市问题三缄其口
    The listing will raise the number of funds, as currently listed in the short period before, Maoyebohuo listed issues remain silent.

  • 被曝“正在计划推出固定利率房贷”的工行上海分行,昨天对于记者的求证全都三缄其口
    day before yesterday, a media reporter for the Shanghai branch of the internal invoke the argument that "ICBC is planning to introduce a fixed rate mortgage."

  • 这两篇社论都提到了对谷歌助长淫秽内容传播的指责,但对于更敏感的政治审查问题却三缄其口
    The editorials both mention accusations that Google facilitated the spread of pornography , but steer clear of the more sensitive issue of political censorship.

  • 英国19世纪伟大作家狄更斯在很长一段时间对有关自己的幼年生活和自己真实的情感世界都三缄其口
    Charles Dickens, the most famous writer of 19th England keeps his childhood life and the world of his feeling as secret for a very long time.

  • 戴尔公司的内部调查始于2006年8月,但对于调查的相关细节,直至现在戴尔公司仍然是三缄其口
    Dell began the investigation in August 2006 but has been relatively tight-lipped about the details up to now.

  • 霍尔布鲁克大使在访问巴基斯坦和阿富汗时对外界是尽量三缄其口,但是阿富汗官员毫不掩饰他们的期望。
    Ambassador Holbrooke has largely avoided speaking publicly during his travels in Pakistan and Afghanistan this week, but Afghan officials have been open about their expectations.

  • 出现问题后,还却一味推卸责任,对事故原因三缄其口,对民众要求赔偿的呼声置之不理,其行为,让人寒心。
    Problems, but also simply pass the buck, tight-lipped about the cause of the accident, seek compensation for the voice of the people ignored his behavior, so chilling.

  • 近来对于新政的事情,不管是开发商,还是代理行,即便是不那么直接敏感的问题,还是会有很多人三缄其口
    Latter to new politics thing, no matter be development business, still be acting travel, even if is so not direct sensitive issue, still can have a lot of people 3 close its mouth.

  • 很多理智的人会对批评三缄其口,这种现象很普遍,因为他们担心让人讨厌或被认为有失公平,或怕伤害别人。
    Many intelligent people do not express any views for the criticism, it's very normal, because they are afraid of being hated or thinking to be unfair, or injuring someone elss.

  • 同样,在宗教谱系的另一端,还存在着此前由于担心被打上叛教之名而三缄其口的穆斯林怀疑者、修正者和改革者们。
    Also, at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are Muslim doubters, revisionists and reformers, who have had to mute their voices for fear of being branded apostates.

  • 对于4天来实际成交量,不少开发商都三缄其口,“这个还没有统计出来”、“销售还是不错的,具体多少不便透露”。
    The actual volume to 4 days, many developers have kept their mouths shut, "the statistics have not yet come out" and "sales or good, in a position to reveal the specific number.

  • 官方媒体一反中共以往在大灾中三缄其口的态度,对地震进行了广泛详尽的报道,又在民众间激起了对灾区人民的同情。
    Sentiments were further aroused by blanket coverage of the earthquake in the state-controlled media—a departure from the party's usual tongue-tied approach to disasters.

  • 这段时间英国传媒对王子的前线任务三缄其口。这是自发性新闻管制的一部份,以保护王子及周遭的人避免成为敌军的目标。
    All the while, the British media kept mum about the prince's frontline assignment, part of a voluntary news blackout to protect him and those around him from becoming enemy targets.

  • 想想下列的情形:和一个还没有信主的同事聊天时,因为担心你的见证听起来很怪异,于是三缄其口,让无数做见证的机会平白溜过?
    Then imagine this: During a conversation with an unsaved co-worker, you let numerous witnessing opportunities slip by because you're worried about how the words will sound.

  • 有些人你要是让他对量子力学或者脑部手术发表见解,他们会三缄其口;但是说起欧元的经济后果,他们却毫不迟疑,说得头头是道。
    People who would pause before expressing opinions in quantum mechanics or undertaking brain surgery have no hesitation in pronouncing on the economic consequences of the euro.

  • 这就是中国媒体在奥运会开幕前几个月对揭露中国受污染奶粉所造成的危害时反应迟钝的原因了。对于出口奶粉的问题,他们更加三缄其口
    This helps explain why the Chinese media were slow to reveal the dangers of contaminated milk powder sold in China (and to a far lesser extent, exported) in the months leading up to the Olympics.

  • 虽然在歌迷面前对演唱会细节三缄其口,但力宏还是透露舞台上会置放两台两人最爱的三角形钢琴,届时他们会一起合奏、合唱,以组曲方式擦出音乐的火花。
    Mum's the word on what is in store for his fans but Wang revealed that two grand pianos would be in place to bombard them with a medley of his and Lin's favourites.

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