
三心二意  sān xīn èr yì








  • 做事情要专心,不能三心二意的。
    You need to focus. Don't get distracted.

  • 我就是一个“三心二意”的人。
    I am just a "three hearts two minds" person.

  • 我不知道我的男朋友对我三心二意
    I didn't realize my boyfriend was two-timing me.

  • 他这个人做事情往往都是三心二意
    He is of two minds about practically everything.

  • 我们希望爱情可以三心二意
    We hope to love more than one person.

  • 我对于要不要去这个派对一直三心二意
    I am in two minds whether not to come to this party.

  • 他对当前的工作三心二意
    He doesn't have his heart in his present job.

  • 师:简单,“三心二意“!
    2:Three heart two meaning!

  • 他曾承认,起初他只是“三心二意地”支持共产党。
    He supported the Communists, he admitted, with only "one hand" at first.

  • 和别人在一起是,不要三心二意,要注意听别人在讲什么。
    In any relationship, always have the best interest of others at heart.

  • 对于要牵入大牌球星,比如德科或者里贝里,都是三心二意的。
    Attempts to sign big names like Deco or Franck Ribery have been half-hearted.

  • 工作山拖拖拉拉,漫不经心,无足轻重,三心二意似乎已成常态;
    Slipshod assistance, foolish inattention, dowdy indifference, and half-hearted work seem the rule;

  • 做所有的事情,要尽你的力量去做,三心二意做的事永远不会做好。
    All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.

  • 对那些本来就对婚姻三心二意的人来说,同居所担负的责任是一样的。
    And for those who are skittish about marriage, living together offers what they say is the same level of commitment.

  • 你得承认你从来没有全心全意地爱过她,而三心二意的爱比不爱更糟。
    You must admit you ve never loved her wholeheartedly and half-hearted love is worse than none.

  • 我们对神三心二意,或是满腹怨言,祂却一直说"仰望我就必得救"。
    We get preoccupied and sulky with God, while all the time He is saying - "Look up and be saved."

  • 杰拉尔德是三心二意;不出一星期他就会爱上他在轮船上遇见的某个姑娘。
    Gerald was fickle , in a week he would be in love with some girl he met on the steamer.

  • 只要你对我还真心真意,我的心会永远追随你在爱的十字路口,决不三心二意
    My heart will be with you forever as long as you are honest tome, I never change my mind at the crossroad of love.

  • 三心二意无定性,四处徘徊专精,尽管条条道路通长安,却永远无法到达终点!
    When our mind is indecisive, constantly wandering, and unable to concentrate, we will never reach our destinations, even if every road leads to Rome.

  • 三心二意无定性,四处徘徊不专精,尽管条条道路通长安,却永远无法到达终点!
    Even if every road led to Rome, when our mind is indecisive, constantly wandering, and unable to concentrate, we will never make it to our destination.

  • 他几星期内,尝试放弃多项兴趣;这样三心二意,他要作什麽才能找到专长领域呢?
    He picks up and drops hobbies in the span of weeks ; what can he do to find his niche?

  • 这种情形很难说是一个吉利的开端,但是他已经选定了他的道路了,他不想三心二意
    It had hardly been a propitious beginning, but he had chosen his course, and would show no swerve .

  • “怎么不可能?我们东瞧瞧,西望望,三心二意地散步,而他却是一门心思在走路……”朋友说。
    "How can? We look at the East, the West looked at, half-hearted walk, and he was obsessed with walking … …, " a friend said.

  • 如此三心二意,磨洋工也就不罕见了,我多次见到工人在闲聊,工头又给物管呼来唤去,一团糟糕。
    So hearted, Moyanggong also not uncommon, I have seen workers in the city, and foreman to add Wuguan called Laihuan, travel cake.

  • 飞船离卡巴拉越来越近了,勒荣和克里斯塔还有其他的卡巴拉人变得越来越三心二意并且郁闷不乐。
    As the ship drew closer and closer to Karbarra, Lron and Crysta and their people became more and more withdrawn and morose.

  • 1998年,英国批准了经合组织关于反对行贿海外官员的公约,但其对履行条约的义务则是三心二意
    In 1998 Britain ratified the OECD's convention against bribing foreign officials, but its commitment to the treaty has been half-hearted.

  • 我可以找出代表两个不同极端的词来形容我现在对自己的评价,一个是“随机应变”,一个是“三心二意”。
    Now I've got two phrases representing the different extremes, to give a judge of current me, one is "Other times, other manners."

  • 我现在能理解你妻子为什么要和你离婚了。你得承认你从来没有全心全意地爱过她,而三心二意的爱比不爱更糟。
    Now I can understand why your wife wants to divorce you. You must admit you've never loved her wholeheartedly and half-hearted love is worse than none.

  • 如果你对以上任何一个问题回答了“是”,哪怕是三心二意的“也许吧”,那就意味着 你可能正在制造微观管理僵尸 。
    A "yes" to any of these -- even a half-hearted "maybe" -- means you might be creating Micromanagement Zombies .

  • 就为了即,我会制定一个计划,我也许不会庄重地效力它,但我必定要有计划。我会制止两种舛讹:急急行事和三心二意
    Just for today I will have a program, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

  • 三心二意造句相关
