
万劫不复  wàn jié bù fù








  • 但即使知道是地狱,知道是万劫不复
    But even know the hell that is beyond redemption.

  • 还等什么,将敌人送入万劫不复的坟墓吧!
    Waiting for what will be the grave of the enemy beyond redemption into it!

  • 一旦碰到这把剑,你们的灵魂便将万劫不复
    Touch that blade and your soul will be scarred for all eternity!

  • 气候的变化也会让这里的农业面临万劫不复的境地。
    Climate change could devastate the region's agriculture.

  • 奎托斯:宙斯!你的**回来了!我会让整个奥林匹斯山脉万劫不复
    Kratos : Zeus! Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of Olympus!

  • 记住我的警告:留在这,平安无事;继续走,万劫不复。决定权是你的。
    Heed my warning: Do not proceed . For this room can be your sanctuary or it can be your grave. The choice is yours.

  • 高手过招,来不得半点疏忽,稍微打个盹,就有可能掉进万劫不复的深渊。
    Ace is enrolled too, won't do is the least bit and unwary, take a nap a little, fall into the abyss of beyond redemption likely.

  • 而你们将万劫不复,以任何可能的方式被消灭掉,即使这些方式超越了现实。
    You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible.

  • 万古旷世,又不知道有多少内心懦弱之人因受挫折而葬身于万劫不复的深渊;
    Vancomycin knew, did not know how many people feel weak due to the frustration and end up being buried in the abyss beyond redemption;

  • 人文主义的缺位竟使人陷于那样万劫不复的地步,是我们永远不能平复的伤痛。
    The absence of Humanism in the end traps people in a place beyond redemption. It is a wound we can never heal.

  • 人们常常因为自己的欲望而坠入网罗,坠入万劫不复的境地。所以,欲望是众罪之源。
    People often fell into snare and fell into a situation that can never be recovered, due to their own desires. So we say: desire is the source of all sins.

  • 而对湖人来说,他们越优秀,就会有越多的敌人和攻击者希望他们跌入万劫不复之渊。
    Or in the Lakers case, thereafter they are, the more opponents, pundits and haters want them to fall into the fiery pit of defeat.

  • 我给这些生龙活虎的年轻人带来了灭顶之灾,我把这些无辜的生命推进万劫不复的绝境。
    I give these young people full of vim and vigor brought drowned, I put these innocent lives to promote the impasse beyond redemption.

  • 皇帝之力量来自人类,人类之力量来自皇帝,两者相离则吾等万劫不复。这话是谁说的?
    The strength of the Emperor is Humanity, and the strength of Humanity is the Emperor. If one turns from the other we shall all become the lost and the damned.

  • 国联邦储备委员会面临的是冰火两重天的局面,而世界其它国家则将面临万劫不复的境地。
    The Fed would face ice as well as fire. And the rest of the world would have a far bigger problem.

  • 女人遇人不淑是场莫大的悲剧,遇人不淑偏偏又爱得深切,那就是陷入了万劫不复的地狱。
    Yurenbushu market is a woman of great tragedy, Yurenbushu just Aide Shen also cut, it is beyond redemption into a hell.

  • 美国联邦储备委员会面临的是冰火两重天的局面,而世界其它国家则将面临万劫不复的境地。
    The Fed would face ice as well as fire. And the rest of the world would have a far bigger problem.

  • 不要借钱做自己不在行的投资,也不要为了过度消费而借贷,错误的举债可能让你万劫不复
    Do not borrow money to do not line their own investment, but also not to over-consumption and borrowing, borrowing may be wrong to let you beyond redemption.

  • 极端民族主义,极端的盲目自信把德意志民族拉上了万劫不复的战车,发动了一场错误的战争。
    Extreme nationalism and extremism of the blind confidence of the German nation one way or another beyond redemption of vehicles, launched a wrong war.

  • 原本被视为民进党救星的蔡英文若是辜负了她的历史使命,她会不会成为民进党万劫不复的罪人?
    Tsai Ing-wen was originally seen as the savior of the DPP. If she fails to live up to her historic mission, will she instead become the DPP's irredeemable sinner?

  • 我们每个人离孤独和恶性循环的错误只有一步之遥,而那一步,将在无意间使你踏入万劫不复得的地步。
    Each of us was only one misstep away from that lonely and vicious cycle of errors that could unexpectedly and irrevocably spiral out of control.

  • 内在体验的爆发会将你引入万劫不复的境地,因为生命是自我意识的实现,它根源于唯一能够自我否定的体验。
    The paroxysm of interior experience leads you to regions where danger is absolute, because life which self-consciously actualizes its roots in experience can only negate itself.

  • 现在的问题就是,是谁正在将中东地区甚至整个世界推向如此万劫不复的深渊以及如何才能避免这一情况的发生!
    The question here is that who is pushing the Middle East and the entire world to this horrible end and how to avoid it!

  • 哦,天哪!哦,太惨了!事到如今,我才顿悟:不知不觉中,我已将自己推进万劫不复的地狱,但一切为时已晚。
    Oh, despair! Oh, devastation! Now, too late, came the dawning realization that I had unwittingly damned myself to a hell from which there was no escape.

  • 伯南克的恐惧是,如果他未能大把撒钱,以至经济陷入万劫不复境地,自己将成为大萧条以来最大经济危机的罪人。
    Bernanke's fear is that if he failed a lot of money, as well as doomed economic situation, their own since the Great Depression will become the biggest economic crisis sinner.

  • 您的视线之内,一个谦逊的善于杂耍之人,在命运的兴衰起落之中,同时扮演者万劫不复恶人及其罪恶下的苦难受害者。
    In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

  • 但此次紧缩调控对房地产投资开发提出了更高的要求、更高的挑战,稍有不慎一步走错便有可能陷入“万劫不复”之境地。
    But the tight regulation and control of real estate investment development set higher demand, higher challenge, a wrong step may inadvertently caught in the "beyond redemption" position.

  • 视天为偶像的潘朗清(郭晋安),时常幻想一朝飞黄腾达,做事不择手段,致跌入万劫不复的深渊,最后更被奸人利用来对付天。
    Poon Long Ching worships Tin. His is determined to get rich and famous, by fair means or foul. Nevertheless, he ends up being used by Tin's enemy to fight against Tin.

  • 在网络上,安认识了一个自称“天使猎手”的人,真相的大门渐渐地向她打开,然而,她发现大门之后,却是万劫不复的地狱……
    On the network, a claim to an understanding of the "angel hunters", the truth gradually to her door open, however, she found the main door, it is beyond redemption hell……

  • 如果我办得到,我一定要把保险这个字写在家家户户的门上,以及每一位公务员的手册上,因为我深信,通过保险,每个家庭只要付出微不足道的代价,就可免遭万劫不复的灾难。
    If I can do, I will write insurance on every door and every official i's handbook. Because I make sure that if every family spend negligible money, it can avoid beyond redemption mischance.

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