
七零八落  qī líng bā luò








  • 里面七零八落地装着许多信件。
    It contained a vast number of letters in great disorder.

  • 我们走进去的时间发明他屋里七零八落
    When We went in we found his room at sixes and sevens.

  • 圣诞树都七零八落了,还使房间里乱糟糟的。
    The tree is falling apart, and it's messing up the room.

  • 要不是这些大树,大风会把这所房子刮得七零八落
    But for these thick trees, the bitter wind would blow the house to pieces.

  • 衣红走到门口,轻轻敲了一下那个七零八落的柴门。
    Yi Hong approached the doorway and lightly knocked on the roughly hewn wooden door.

  • 应龙飞上天空,喷出大水,将蚩尤的军队冲得七零八落
    Longfei up to the sky, spouting water, the red army was Chiyou pieces.

  • 那支球队这一季一开始就相当七零八落,输掉了首两场比赛。
    The team got off to a pretty shaky start this season, losing their first two matches.

  • 把手榴弹丢到铁罐中,扔到敌营里,就能把他们炸的七零八落
    Throw a grenade into a corrugated tin shack in an enemy encampment and the whole thing will collapse.

  • 欧洲那么一块地方,分得七零八落,你们知道不好,想合起来。
    Europe then a local, isolated Qilianbala, you know well, think together.

  • 不一会儿,花园里七零八落到处都是原 割草机 的金属零件儿。
    The garden was soon littered with chunks of metal which had once made up a lawn-mower.

  • 远的不说,看吧,太平洋的箭矢,把英国美国强盗的洋枪打得七零八落
    Far to say the least, and see the Pacific Arrows, the British played the United States of toothfish pirate pieces;

  • 一低头,一棵枝残叶败的花椒树和一些七零八落的野花儿映入我的眼帘。
    As soon as lowers the head, a remnant Ye Bai Chinese prickly ash tree and some scattered about wild flowers map my view.

  • 从北到南它被许许多多半岛和岛屿撕得七零八落,形成了大大小小的海湾。
    From north to south, they are split by many peninsulas and islands.

  • 一部电梯门突然打开,从里面掉出一个被烧的半死,皮肤七零八落的男子。
    Steam pipes burst, and at one point an elevator door burst open and a man fell out, half burned alive, his skin hanging off.

  • 望着那些看上去长期闲置未用、摆放得七零八落的瓶子和器械,丈夫犹豫不定。
    Looking at the apparently long-idle confusion of bottles and instruments, the husband hesitated, but had no choice.

  • 事实上,这场冲突已经变得已经七零八落,可能需要一个整体国务院来亲自处理。
    Actually, this conflict is now broken into so many different pieces it may take a whole State Department of its own to resolve it.

  • 火箭队是一个大拼图,多年来这个拼图一直不完整,以至于稍有冲击就会七零八落
    Rockets is a big puzzle, the puzzle over the years has been incomplete, so the impact will be slight to pieces.

  • 事故车将收费亭前半部分基本撞毁 ,亭内仪器七零八落,直接经济损失十多万元。
    Accident car will collect fees before booth half part crashs basically, scattered here and there of the instrument inside booth, immediate pecuniary loss ten yuan.

  • 今晚表现十分出彩,积极的跑动、纯熟的技术、以及开阔的视野将对手的防线冲得七零八落
    Tonight displays loses face, positive moves, the skillful technology, as well as the open field of vision flushes scattered about the match defense line.

  • 各大学的书籍七零八落,未必找得着那期杂志,不过里面有韩学愈的文章看来是无可疑问的。
    be able to find the particular issues. But there didn't seem to be any doubt that they did contain Han Hsǚeh-yǚ's articles.

  • 一进家门,他看见七零八落的大门和摔坏的摩托车,心情十分沮丧,于是就坐在马桶上抽起烟来。
    He finds the splintered door and the broken motorcycle as soon as I comes into the gate. he is depressed and sits on the closestool to smoke.

  • 还有一个阶段就是陈家祠,现在也是拆的七零八落,我老是说对旧城的保护不要点状保护,而是成片保护。
    Another stage is Chenjieci, it is the lake down, I always said that the protection of the Old City not point protection, but a piece of protection.

  • 那些好深好密的野草,就象货真价实的精神,早已被浸蚀得七零八落了。一只兔子,正在啃食着它的同类。
    Those deep and heavy grass, just like real spirits, had already been corroded and withered. A rabbit, is gnawing at its own species.

  • 记者赶到刘大妈家里时看见,屋子里一片狼藉,拖布、扫把七零八落地靠墙摆着,地上铺满了吸水用的报纸。
    Reporter Liu father's older brother's wife arrived home and saw, a messy room, Tuobu, went back to the lake front, the absorbent ground cover used in the newspapers.

  • 张华安看到,汽车的门窗、座椅被摔得七零八落,几个血肉模糊的人倒在河边草坪上,还有几个则在水里挣扎。
    Zhang from Huaan see that the car doors and windows, seats were bits left, Several people fell in the river covered lawn, there are several struggling in the water.

  • 另外每天大量的商品、服务和信息一阵一阵不间断的传输,现代社会的整体构造也将会变得七零八落,散乱不堪。
    the massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts; the very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel.

  • 每天三个钟头他不停地敲打着城堡的房顶,房上的石板瓦被砸得七零八落,然后又围着花园一圈接一圈地猛跑起来。
    Every day for three hours he rattled on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates, and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could go.

  • 王受之:广州讲文脉是三块,现在这三个区都想做大楼,拆的七零八落不成样,我原来住的房子,现在变成红绿灯了。
    Wang subject : Guangzhou stresses Wenmai Sam Fai is now three zones do Building demolition of the houses can be, I had lived in the house, now turned into green.

  • 太平洋从北到南它被许许多多的半岛和岛屿撕得七零八落,形成了大大小小的海湾,人们把这些分开的水域称作“海”。
    their ships from India to Asia. 3. From north to south, they are split by many peninsulas and islands. The resultingbays and arms of the Pacific are named as separated seas.

  • 近处的大地震给你的感觉是一次突然的大的颠簸,随后紧接着就是更强烈的让你无法站立、家具七零八落的几秒钟的摇动;
    A large earthquake nearby will feel like a sudden large jolt followed quickly by more strong shaking that may last a few seconds or up to a couple of minutes if it's a rare great event.

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