
一面之词  yī miàn zhī cí








  • 我没有凴我的一面之词肯定妳。
    I've kissed so many frogs but I never found a prince.

  • (英译汉)不要相信他的一面之词
    Never believe somebody on his bare word.

  • 防止只听开发商的一面之词,盲目投资。
    The only developers to prevent one-sided, blind investment.

  • 你听到的只是一面之词
    You're hearing one side of the story.

  • 相信一个人的一面之词
    Believe somebody on his bare word.

  • 轻信他人的一面之词
    Believe somebody on his bare word.

  • (英译汉)永远不要相信某个人的一面之词
    Never believe somebody on his bare word.

  • 他以为阿肯色州的媒体都会听他的一面之词
    He thought he would have the Arkansas press all to himself.

  • 他了解的是一面之词,所以他的观点不足为信。
    He knows only one side of the story and therefore his opinion counts for very little.

  • 我们应当核实一下,而不是光听信他的一面之词
    We ought to check up, rather than just accept what he says.

  • 人的两只耳朵是分在两边的,所以不可偏听一面之词
    Man has two ears in the either side, so they should not hear one-sided statement.

  • 究竟他是否在进行离婚,也很可疑,不能信他一面之词
    It was doubtful whether he was seriously trying to get a divorce.

  • 批评人士严肃地指出,市场不应该再次依赖评级机构的一面之词
    Never again, it was solemnly proclaimed, should the markets rely on the word of the agencies.

  • 我有什么权力剥夺别人思考的权力,而把自己的一面之词强加给别人?
    Do I have the right to deprive others of the right to think and impose my own thoughts on them?

  • 全面地的单元测试意味着不必依赖于程序员的一面之词:“相信我!”
    Comprehensive unit testing means never having to rely on a programmer who says "Trust me. ""

  • 可当地球迷的无中生有,警察在向球迷取证后却相信了球迷的一面之词
    Local fans can be created out of nothing, the police in evidence after the fans to believe the fans of one side of the story.

  • 这个网站给人关于这次事件的一面之词,这实际是它做得最好的一方面了。
    Even at its best the site gave a partial, one-sided view of events.

  • 彭日成否认了这些指控,称政府的指控基于手下一位愤怒雇员的一面之词
    Mr. Pang denied those allegations, saying the government based its case on the word of a disgruntled employee.

  • 向魔鬼致歉——必须记住,我们听到的只是一面之词。上帝写了所有的书。
    An apology for the Devil - it must be remembered that we have only heard one side of the case. God has written all the books. - S. Butler(b.

  • 他表示了对于人们称之为阿拉伯和穆斯林一面之词的理解,虽然不完全接受。
    He showed understanding, if not always acceptance, of what one might call the Arab and Muslim narrative.

  • 不要把所有的责任、冲突归于某于一方,特别是如果你所听到的只有一面之词
    Never assume that all the blame for a conflict lies on one side, especially if you have heard only one side of the story.

  • 而且足协只是听信了国安方面的一面之词,没有询问李玮峰,有偏听偏信之嫌。
    Football Association and is believed national security aspects of one side of the story, do not ask Li Weifeng, Piantingpianxin suspected.

  • 职责在于给美国公众提供新闻的报纸却只给出了问题的一面之词…。这是可耻的。
    a shameful one ; That newspapers whose duty is to inform the American public give them only one side of the issues ….

  • 玉皇大帝听了灶君的一面之词,便吩咐四员大将,到来年的龙节抽掉白氏郎的龙筋。
    Hearing that, Jade Emperor asked four of his warriors to deprive the tendons of Bai Shilang in the coming Dragon Festival.

  • 也许你曾因为支持自己的观点而被炒,可你担心一名潜在雇主无法听到你的一面之词
    Maybe you got fired for standing up for what you believe but you're worried a potential employer won't see your side.

  • 是目击者一面之词将现场情形加以放大,还是这只是中国体坛醉酒丑闻中的普通一例?
    One side of the story is a witness to the scene to enlarge the case, this is China or sports drink in the ordinary case of the scandal?

  • 如果这些新闻从业人员还有一点点良知的话,就不会仅仅报道来自地方政府的一面之词了。
    If news media people had an ounce of integrity, they would not report such a one-sided story from the local government.

  • 现在他可以自由地在利比亚舆论界向公众讲述自己的一面之词,而不是在苏格兰法庭上与人对质。
    He is now free to put a one-sided story to the court of Libyan public opinion, instead of having his case tested in a Scottish court.

  • 环境好可以让你心情愉快放松警惕,精品间都是一个个单独的房间,消费者无法了解更多的行情消息闭塞,只能提到奸商的一面之词
    Environment so that you can relax their vigilance in a good mood, quality between a separate room, consumers can learn more about blocking market news, traders can only be referred to the word.

  • 拥挤的城市交通往往伴随着交通事故,当事故发生后,根据当事人的一面之词往往很难做出公正的判决,并且在责任认定及保险赔偿方面不能提供有力的证据。
    When collisions occur, only through what the drivers said, it's difficult to determine the fault for the police and there is no biased evidence can be given to the corresponding insurance company.

  • 一面之词造句相关
