
一视同仁  yī shì tóng rén








  • 法律应该一视同仁而不偏不倚。
    Law shall be uniform and impartial.

  • 政府对待各民族应一视同仁
    The government should regard nationalities as equals .

  • 有关遗产继承的法律对于儿子和女儿一视同仁
    The law on inheritance gives daughters and sons equality.

  • 上海元业实业有限公司对一切应聘者一视同仁
    Shanghai Yuanye Industrial Corp is an equal opportunity employer.

  • 这家公司对男女职工一视同仁男女职工他们都雇用。
    This company does not differentiate between men and women - - they employ both equally.

  • 注:本机构在遴选时对残疾人士及其他申请人会一视同仁
    Note: Candidates with a disability are considered on equal terms with other applicants.

  • 在会上,智者宣布,他将一视同仁,让所有门徒参加这次考核。
    At the meeting, wise announced that he will be equally, let all the disciples to attend the examination.

  • 企业的客户可能会很多,大大小小,企业对待他们不可能一视同仁
    Enterprise customers may be very large, large and small, the enterprise treats they can not be treated equally.

  • 这家公司对男女职工一视同仁──男女职工他们都雇用而且同工同酬。
    This company does not differentiate between men and women--they employ and pay both equally.

  • 当然,老师们不应该特别喜欢某些学生,而是应该对所以学生一视同仁
    Of course, teachers are not supposed to have favorite students, and they should treat everyone equally.

  • 本厂经营形式灵活,大小客户一视同仁,欢迎公司和个体经营者光临惠顾。
    The factory operating flexible form, size customers alike, welcomed the company and individual operators throughout the visit.

  • 教师对差生要持积极的情感,在体育课中,对全体学生,一定要一视同仁
    Teachers for poor students to positive sentiment in physical education to all students, must be treated equally.

  • 亚太经济合作组织必须一视同仁,而且态度上必须是开放的而不是封闭的。
    APEC will have to be non-discriminatory and it will have to seek to be open rather than closed in its approach.

  • 许多民众走上征途,我们团队的发展道路上取得更好的产品供大家一视同仁
    Many people took the journey with our development team onto the road of making a better product for everybody alike.

  • 鼓励自主创新的政策对中国境内所有企业一视同仁,不会把外资企业排除在外。
    The policy of encouraging indigenous innovation provides the same treatment for all enterprises that operate on Chinese soil, and foreign enterprises will not be excluded.

  • 法官:在这个法庭里,司法对待任何种族、宗教、或任何性取向的人,都一视同仁
    Judge Garrett: In this courtroom, Mr. Miller, justice is blind to matters of race, creed, color, religion, and sexual orientation.

  • 把这作为长期的义务可以使我们遇到问题时,提高决策水平,处理问题时,一视同仁
    Long term commitments improve the quality of our decisions and the integrity of the promises we make to one another.

  • 一视同仁的原则出发,“关贸总协定”里包含一项必须声明放弃普遍优惠制计划的条款。
    The GATT includes a general waiver from the principle of nondiscrimination for generalized system of preferences programs.

  • 亚瑟是个坦率正直的青年,待人一视同仁,就是对他不喜欢的人,他也总是做到公平对待。
    Give the devil his due, but is very careful that there is not much due him.

  • 但是,不管怎么样,对不同牧首要一视同仁,不要说一个是「大牧首」,另外一个只是「牧首」。
    However, it is in any case important not to make distinctions between patriarchs, calling some "damushou" and others simply "mushou.

  • 基于儒学治国安邦的理念,中国历代的统治者一般对各种宗教一视同仁,实行较宽容的宗教政策。
    China's dynastic rulers, thanks to their Confucian belief, treated all religions evenhandedly and pursued a relaxed religious policy.

  • 文明举止的另一个要素是能够不管人们社会地位的高低或是其作用的大小,对所有的人都一视同仁
    Yet another component of politeness is the capacity to treat all people alike, regardless of all status or importance.

  • 他说:“我们一定要弄清楚,我们有一个对所有美国人一视同仁的政府,任何人都问题都是大家都问题。”
    "We have to make sure that we have a government that knows that a problem facing any American is a problem facing all Americans, " he said.

  • 第一,“一视同仁”的教学法已经落伍了。教师知道学生们因为背景、经验和天资不同,学习方式也不同。
    First there is no longer space for one-size-fits-all teaching methods. Teachers know that students differ in how they learn, depending on their backgrounds, experiences and inherent aptitudes.

  • 终究什么时分该休憩一段时间,让输出的言语资料在大脑内部依照团体的特性停止加工处置,这完好是一视同仁的事情。
    It varies with each individual when to rest for a period of time and let those input language materials processed in the brain according to the individual character.

  • 注:政府在遴选时对残疾人士及其他申请人会一视同仁,如残疾人士经确认适合受雇于所申请的职位,则会获适度的优先录用机会。
    Note : Candidates with a disability are considered on equal terms with other applicants and will be given an appropriate degree of preference for employment if they are found suitable.

  • 在这个循环里,低估本币常常成为产业政策中最后的卑劣手段,因为通常这样的政策有利于出口,而对任何产业和公司都一视同仁
    In these circles, a cheap currency is often seen as the least disreputable form of industrial policy, because it benefits exporters in general, without favouring any particular industry or firm.

  • 我认为,那还是会发生的,毕竟他确实有点儿不一样,而客观来讲,他在学校学习的时间越长,他就越会像其他学生一样被一视同仁
    I suppose that is to be expected, after all he does stand out a bit, and to be fair, the longer he studies in the school the more he is treated the same as the other students.

  • 而且改革所需的主要部分——更充裕的流动性及资本,企业承担更少的风险及更健全的鼓励机制——应坚定不移地一视同仁地被用于所有放贷者。
    And the main bits of the reforms needed—more liquidity and capital, less proprietary risk-taking and better incentives—should be applied firmly and consistently to all lenders.

  • 对于各种政体下的每一国家的立法机关的权力所加的限制:第一,它们应该以正式公布的既定的法律来进行统治,这些法律不论贫富、不论权贵和庄稼人都一视同仁,并不因特殊情况而有出入。
    These are the bounds which the trust, that is put in them by the society, and the law of God and nature, have set to the legislative power of every common-wealth, in all forms of government.

  • 一视同仁造句相关
