
白雪皑皑  bái xuě ái ái







  • 斯诺登那边的山到处都是白雪皑皑
    and the mountains beyond were covered in snow.

  • 白雪皑皑的冬天它们也是绿色的。
    They're green when winter snow is white.

  • 再见了,白雪皑皑的山峰!
    Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow!

  • 再见了,白雪皑皑的群山。
    Farewell to the mountains high cover"d with snow".

  • 让自由之声响彻科罗拉多白雪皑皑的落基山!
    Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado !

  • 我是万千呼啸的风,飘过白雪皑皑的诺森德。
    I am in a thousand winds and blow, across Northrend' s bright and shining snow.

  • 我是万千呼啸的风,飞过那白雪皑皑的诺森德。
    I am in a thousand winds that blow, across Northreand's bright and shining snow.

  • 让自由之声响彻科罗拉多的白雪皑皑的落基山脉!
    Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rocky Mountains of Colorado!

  • 不久便可以看到不远处峰顶白雪皑皑的落基山脉。
    Soon the snow-topped Rocky Mountains appear in the distance.

  • 让自由之声从科罗拉多白雪皑皑的洛矶山上响起!
    Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

  • 这款电脑外壳绘有白雪皑皑的山峰,里边是登山者。
    It featured a drawing of a snowcapped peak on the top cover and drawings of climbers inside.

  • 隆冬初春,瀑布四周白雪皑皑、银装素裹、是水晶世界。
    Midwinter spring, the snow falls around Aiai, snow-wrapped, is the crystal world.

  • 白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山在蓝色天空的衬托下鲜明地耸立着。
    The snowy Alps stand out in bold relief against the blue sky.

  • 星期五下午莱特伍德市白雪皑皑的圣加布里埃尔山脉发生雪崩。
    One avalanche struck Friday afternoon at Wrightwood in the snow-laden San Gabriel Mountains.

  • 他们不停地走着。走着,可到处是白雪皑皑,峡谷同貌,冰雪同形。
    They walked, walked and walked, but everywhere seemed alike: the same mountains, same valleys and same ice and snow.

  • 我曾经看到过当大地景色白雪皑皑时,河水中的冰与水都像青草般翠绿。
    I have seen our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were almost as green as grass.

  • 每当春末或初冬,山下已是春雨沙沙,或秋雨绵绵,山上依然是白雪皑皑,蔚为奇观。
    Whenever the late spring or early winter, Yamashita is a spring rustle, or continuous rain, the mountains are still snowy, become a spectacle.

  • 我还要飞到被称为“樱花之国”的日本去看看那漫山遍野的樱花和白雪皑皑的富士山。
    I still fly to drive Japan of calling the " the country of the plum flower" to plum flower that see that all over hills and countryside with the Fuji mountain of white snow .

  • 比方说,现在你去告诉一只蚂蚱冬天的情景,白雪皑皑、北风呼啸、冰天雪地、冻死个人。
    For example, now you tell a grasshopper winter the scene, snow gleams white, the north wind howls, the world of ice and snow, to freeze to death individual.

  • 连绵不断的白雪皑皑,只见一条细长的黑色痕迹,向南延伸达500英里,直到契尔库特关口。
    It was unbroken white, save for a dark hairline that was the trail that led south five hundred miles to the Chilcoot Pass.

  • 很简单!只要能去有很多漂亮建筑并且白雪皑皑的地方就好。当然了,还得是和我梦中的情人一起去。
    That's easy! Any place with a lot of snow and beautiful buildings. And, of course, I must be with the man of my dreams.

  • 一株孤独的常青树在怀俄明州大提顿国家公园白雪皑皑的广阔天地里等候太阳是否会从早晨的浓雾里浮现出来。
    A lone evergreen in a snowy expanse of Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park waits to see whether the sun will emerge from the thick morning fog.

  • 尽管瑞士的冬天许多城市是浓雾弥漫,寒冷,和多雨的,山脉地域经常是明信片上的田园诗般的白雪皑皑的景象。
    While the winter months in Switzerland's main cities can be foggy, cold, and rainy, the mountains often boast the idyllic snow-covered image seen on many postcards.

  • 南岛的南阿尔卑斯山脉雄伟壮观,海拔3000米以上的高峰就有19座,耸立在中原白雪皑皑的原野和冰川上。
    The spectacular southern Alps of the south island which rise are made permanents snow fields and many glaciers including 19 peeks exceeding 3, 000 meters.

  • 梦境和现实的虚幻世界,白雪皑皑冰冷的远方,神秘的空间有着模糊的惊人的魔力,秘密和“怪事”,不真实的自然。
    An unreal world between dream and reality , remote iced and snowed terrain, mysterious spaces with a vague macabre charm, secrets and "strange things". Improbable nature.

  • 书中作者描绘了一个美丽的王国。在那里,三条河流交汇在一起,群山高耸入云,山顶白雪皑皑;脚下深草成茵,覆盖大地。
    He described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.

  • 你可以观赏到各种地形风貌,从沙漠到热带雨林,从地处热带的海滩到白雪皑皑的田野,从扑朔迷离的大都市到人迹罕至的旷野。
    Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, from tropical beach to white snow field, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.

  • 当天夜里,她梦见自己正和父亲一同走在一座白雪皑皑的山脊上,如同地道的登山者一样吊着绳索,然而实际这却是他们从未做过的事情。
    That night she dreamed she was walking with her father along a snowy ridge, roped like mountaineers, though this was something they had never done.

  • 2006年6月,白雪皑皑的高原上,一名骑车人独自行驶在漫长的旅途之中。很多人选择骑自行车远行的旅游方式,和大自然亲密接触。
    In June, 2006, a cyclist rides alone on a snow-covered plateau. Many prefer a biking tour nowadays, pedaling their way through nature.

  • 谁也不曾去想,平坦的下面,会是冰窟。曾经的那一张张,呵着热气,青春的脸,银铃般的笑声,红彤彤年龄,映红了整个,白雪皑皑的冬天。
    Who does not have to think about, even the following would be . That had a sheet of heat Oh, youthful face, like laughter, red age, Yinghong the whole, snowy winter.

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