
一纸空文  yī zhǐ kōng wén







  • 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文
    This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper.

  • 不公平的法律等于一纸空文
    An unjust law is no law at all.

  • 瑞莲家园的种种承诺变成了一纸空文
    Ruilian various commitments into a dead letter home!

  • 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文
    This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper.

  • 这就是说审查报告可能变成一纸空文
    This means the review could be a damp squib.

  • 此法已成了一纸空文
    This law have becoming a dead letter.

  • 三个大国间的条约不过是一纸空文,此外别无价值。
    The treaty between the three powers is worth the paper it was written on—but not much more.

  • 往往是这样的监管根本就不会出现,法律也会变成一纸空文
    Often such regulations never appear, rendering the law essentially meaningless.

  • 因全封闭全方位的管理成为一纸空文,区内经常发生偷盗事件。
    For the whole closed-management into just a piece of paper, the frequent theft incident.

  • 然而,这种影响的新法律似乎并不大,卖淫是谁的眼睛是一纸空文
    However, the impact of the new law does not seem large, prostitution Who's eyes are a dead letter.

  • 艾哈迈迪内贾德总统称决议为“一纸空文”,这其实是作茧自缚之举。
    Its president has called the UN resolution a "piece of torn paper".

  • 这些条款,碍于种种原因,要么成了一纸空文,要么做得还远远不够。
    If these clauses, if for whatever reason are not upheld, then this was either a waste of paper, or else it didn't go far enough.

  • 随后,新的高校学籍管理规定等文件相继出台,“禁租令”成一纸空文
    Afterward, documents and so on new university school register administrative provisions appear one after another, "endures rents the command" to become a mere scrap of paper.

  • 法律如果没有法院来详细说明和解释其真正意义和作用,就是一纸空文
    Laws are a dead letter without courts to expound and define their true meaning and operation.

  • 因为,一纸空文,一个机制并不能创造人们所预期的秩序,权利和义务的遵守。
    This is because a piece of paper, a mechanism and it can not be expected to create order and the rights and obligations.

  • 有人说过,如果不能执行的话,领导者的所有其它工作都会变成一纸空文或一场空谈。
    Someone said, if can't carry out, all other works of the leader will become a paper empty text or an empty talk.

  • 我们将与内江签订经济合作框架协议,这协议绝非一纸空文,它必将带来真实的合作!
    We will sign frame agreement on economic cooperation with Neijiang. It will come true, not a mere scrap of paper.

  • 美国拒绝承认这一协定和中国等其他发展中国家的参与不够使得这一协定成了一纸空文
    The American refusal to ratify the treaty and the lack of participation by China and other developing nations have left the pact all but toothless.

  • 显然,新工党与蓬勃发展的中产阶级之间的美好契约已是一纸空文,后事如何,无人能料。
    New Labour's compact with the aspiring middle classes has collapsed, and what happens next is anyone's guess.

  • 正如那一次所表明的,核战争的危险要由力量,意志和果断的外交来消除,而不是靠一纸空文
    As that occasion demonstrated, the danger of nuclear war are repelled not by a document but by strength, resolve, and determined diplomacy .

  • 用煤的话又太不洁净:如果英国保持目前的用煤量,它所做过的任何环保承诺都将变成一纸空文
    As for coal, it is fiendishly dirty: Britain will be breaking just about every green promise it has ever made if it is using anything like as much as it does today.

  • 布什总统提出了开发离岸石油的禁令,但是这项行动本身,除非议会通过提案,否则将是一纸空文
    President Bush has lift ed an executive ban on offshore oil drilling. But the move, by itself, will do nothing unless Congress acts as well.

  • 不少与会者还提出目前解决纠纷亟需第三方见证,否则调解的合约就没有法律效力,只是一纸空文
    Many participants also raised the urgent need for a third party to resolve disputes witness, otherwise the contract will have no legal effect conciliation, a dead letter.

  • 因此,很多人担心到最后气候变化议案将同其他政府承诺一样变为一纸空文,且最终在未来被政府撤销。
    Hence the worries that the climate-change bill will in the end prove as fudgeable as other government commitments. And, ultimately, any future government can repeal it.

  • 没有达到这个标准并不意味着我们试图按照阵营限制生活的选择成了一纸空文,它只是告诉我们下次需要更加努力。
    Failing them does not invalidate the choice we made to attempt to live within the bounds of that alignment; it just means we need to try that much harder next time.

  • 所以除了哈布斯堡家族的世袭领地,布兰登堡乔希姆一世和萨克逊尼的乔治公爵的领地以及巴伐利亚数地之外,皇令不过是一纸空文
    Hence, outside the hereditary dominions of the House of Habsburg, the lands of Joachim I. of Brandenburg and of Duke George of Saxony, and in Bavaria, it remained a dead letter.

  • 最后克林顿语惊四座,直言不讳的总结说:“(在日本开放其国内市场这个议题上)与其获得形同一纸空文的协议,不如不要协议。”
    Clinton's summation was startlingly blunt:"It is better to have reached no agreement(on Japan's opening its domestic market)than to have reached an empty agreement. ""

  • 国家队的时间表基本就是一纸空文,球队只有在奥运会前的几周之内才会匆匆集结,而他们唯一可称得上是胜利的就是获得奥运会金牌。
    The national team schedule didn't help; teams were together for only a short period of time before being shipped off to bring home another gold. It just didn't feel like the U.

  • 不仅如此,有些原先签定的协议成了一纸空文,企业要用土地就要加钱,每亩一加就是10多万元,而且不允许将工业用地改为商业用地。
    Moreover, some of the original agreement signed a dead letter, enterprises should use the money to land, with per mu is a plus over 10 million, but will not allow industrial land to commercial land.

  • 在签字仪式结束后,内江市的一位负责人握着威尔逊女士的手说,“你那句‘这协议绝非一纸空文’的话我记住了,真诚希望我们能在经贸合作上结出硕果”。
    After the signing, one of the principals from Neijiang, shaking hands with Ms Wilson, says that he is impressed by what she had said and hopes to exert satisfactory results.

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