
一统天下  yī tǒng tiān xià








  • 秦始皇一统天下,您当然知道。
    Qin Shi Huang dominate, you know, of course.

  • 一个26岁之时即一统天下的秦始皇,无不受到人们的尊敬和。
    A 26-year-old at the time that dominate the First Qin Emperor, by all people and respect.

  • 而在军博,则由北京晚报主办“北京个人购房房地产展示交易会”一统天下
    In presided by the Beijing Evening News-sponsored "Beijing individual purchase of real estate display fair" unified world.

  • 不承认,不尊重世界的多样性,企图建立清一色的一统天下,是必定要碰壁的。
    Those who refuse to recognize and respect the diversity of the world and attempt to impose uniformity are sure to run themselves into a stone wall.

  • 互联网技术对电信网的强烈冲击,打破了电信一统天下的局面,促进了技术的发展。
    And the strong impact of Internet technologies upon telecom network breaks the monopoly of telecom, promotes the development of technologies.

  • 中国古代帝王“一统天下”后,没有必要也没有用著通史的形式做哲学和历史的解释;
    The emperors in ancient China had no demand for philosophy and history by writing general history.

  • 现在,一场马桶盖的革命彻底颠覆了白色一统天下的局面,打破了沉闷单调的浴室格局。
    Now, the revolution that a closestool builds overturned thoroughly the situation of white unify the whole country, broke depressing and drab bathroom pattern.

  • 如今又常常是鼠标一统天下,程序应该对所有的移动和选择都提供完整的鼠标和键盘支持。
    Programs should fully support both the mouse and the keyboard for all navigation and selection tasks.

  • 与东亚地区PC单机游戏和网游一统天下的情况不同,主机游戏在欧美占有压倒性的优势。
    Swim with game of stand-alone of PC of East Asia area and net the situation of unify the whole country is different, lead plane game is in Euramerican have overwhelming advantage.

  • 对几乎是国有经济一统天下的格局进行股份制、股份合作制、私有经济及个体经济的改造。
    The pattern that is state-owned economy unify the whole country almost to undertakes collaboration of share-holding system, share is made, demesne of economy and microeconomic transform.

  • 奥运女子体操在过去还从未出现过像现在这样由超小年龄、超小个子运动员一统天下的局面。
    The Olympic women's gymnastics have never before been solely the province of very young, very diminutive athletes.

  • 第二次浪潮出现在二十世纪二十年代,当时电气化改变了制造业,现代消费经济开始一统天下
    Steel and International Harvester. The second wave came in the twenties, as electrification transformed manufacturing, and the modern consumer economy took hold.

  • 远鸿方便米饭是一种全新概念的餐饮食品,它的诞生,即将结束油炸方便食品一统天下的“面霸”时代。
    the far great wild goose convenience rice is one brand-new concept dining food, under its birth, soon ended fries in oil the convenience food to monopolize " the surface tyrant " the time.

  • 相对于以往不分良莠,唯外国建筑师独尊的思想,大量二三流建筑师一统天下的状况而言,这是一个进步。
    This is not the successor?I do not think it is. Many foreign architects came to China, the Chinese tried to vote, and in such a way.

  • 我们首先感到计算机软件的份量正在增大。在系统软件领域以微软为代表的一统天下的局面也在进一步加剧。
    The situation of the unify the whole country that is a delegate with Microsoft in systematic software domain also is in farther aggravate.

  • 其次,美国金融机构一统天下的局面之所以终结,还因为这些新发展起来的地区并不认为美国是资本的好去处。
    But it is also at an end because those newly affluent regions of the world do not find the U. S. a welcoming home for capital.

  • 这将与其他国家(特别是印度)的崛起一道,宣告1800年以来西方统治历史的结束。这将不再是西方一统天下
    This – together with the rise of India, in particular – will bring down the curtain on the age of the west, which began around 1800.

  • 用你的实力去尽情这个世界的每一寸土地吧,用你的赫赫战功去成就至尊无上的王者荣威,《王者之印》等你一统天下
    Use your power to much of the world every inch of your land, your hehe military exploits to the supreme achievements of the Supreme King Roewe, "the King of India" and dominate you!

  • 其次文艺复兴打破了宗教神秘主义一统天下的局面,有力地推动和影响了宗教改革运动,并为这个运动提供了重要的助力。
    The next Renaissance has broken the aspect which the religious mysticism monopolizes, impelled and has affected the reformation powerfully, and has provided the important boost for this movement.

  • 在个人电脑的初期,键盘一统天下。如今又常常是鼠标一统天下,程序应该对所有的移动和选择都提供完整的鼠标和键盘支持。
    Even today, for users who have mastered the command set, the command line is still considerably faster (and often more powerful) than using a mouse for many operations.

  • 黄帝一统天下已经十九年了。在过去这些日子里,他体验到治理国家的不易,并且,有许多问题,也让他感到极度的困惑与不解。
    It had been nineteen years since Yellow Emperor unified the country. In the past years he had confronted many problems of governance, and didn't know how to solve them.

  • 那时《将》剧的导演称他根本没有偶像剧概念,只是看到了日本偶像剧一统天下,要做一个有“扑面而来的青春气息”的电视剧。
    At that time "" play's director said that he simply does not have the idol play concept, is only saw the Japanese idol play has monopolized, must make "the youth breath which has heads on" soap opera.

  • 与此同时,中国园林艺术传入西方,打破了西方古典园林艺术一统天下的局面,使西方产生了新的园林形式—自由布局的风景园林。
    In the mean time, Chinese garden arts' introductioninto the West broke western classic garden art predomination and, new garden style, freedom layout of natural landscape garden appeared in the West.

  • 在英雄辈出的《武林三国》世界里,您将扮演一方诸侯,拥有一座属于自己的城池,进行城池建设、军队发展、发动战争、一统天下
    In the heroes of "martial arts three" world, you will play a party prince, with one of their own cities, to build fortresses, military development and war, pre-eminence.

  • 一直以来,马桶的色彩大多都以白色和米色为主,鲜有五颜六色的马桶。而未来的设计师将打破白、米两色一统天下的沉闷局面,让马桶漂亮变身。
    Be in before long in the future, leave thoroughly the closestool of toilet paper will overturn thoroughly the present closestool that use paper, make the main trend of domestic closestool.

  • 一旦监管部门“放行”,三家银行有望很快推出固定利率房贷,这标志着国内浮动利率房贷“一统天下”的局面有望很快打破,客户将有更多选择机会。
    "release" three banks will soon launch fixed rate mortgage, which marked domestic floating rate loans "unified" situation will soon be broken, customers will have more choices.

  • 三国时期,群雄并立,烽烟四起。要在乱世之中得到天下,必须要有过人的谋略与非凡的智慧。现在,就来棋盘上面一展你的策略,为一统天下而努力吧!
    There are many heroes in the Sanguo dynasty. You must have a very smart brain to stay in that world. Now, come and show your smart brain by chess!

  • 米老鼠和沃尔特·迪斯尼公司在如今的儿童娱乐界一统天下,但是现在他们有了一个惟一的挑战者--一个大胡子的小个儿法国人和他可怜的朋友奥贝利克斯。
    Now Mickey Mouse and the Walt Disney Company rule in the world of children's entertainment. But today their only challenger is a tiny Frenchman with a big mustache, with his poor friend Obelix.

  • 然而,有一些组织认为只有当更多的有色人种参与到幕后工作中的时候,例如导演、剧本创作和影片制作等等,才能从根本上改变白人在银幕上一统天下的局面。
    Nonetheless , some organizations say minorities will have power in front of the camera only when there is more minority representation behind the scenes as directors, writers and producers.

  • 不过他不是在等鱼上钩,而是在等待他心目中的明主。说来也巧,姬昌在一次打猎之前进行了占卜,占卜的人告诉他:“这次的收获不是龙,不是虎,也不是熊,而是一个能帮你一统天下的人才。”
    The seer who consulted the gods before the excursion reported to Ji Chang that instead of a dragon, a tiger or a bear, he would find a man who was to aid him in uniting the land.

  • 一统天下造句相关
