
弹指之间  tán zhǐ zhī jiān






  • 财富、快乐、美德,尽在弹指之间
    Wealth, pleasure, virtue, are things of little moment.

  • 弹指之间就能降低血压?
    Lower Blood Pressure Just a Click Away?

  • 弹指之间,战争的风云又重新布满了天空。
    In a remarkably short space of time, the clouds of war returned.

  • 弹指之间找回我面对困境时那必要的冷静。
    I face difficulties at your fingertips when you retrieve it necessary to calm.

  • 弹指之间,名人们开始对婚姻侃侃而谈、趋之若鹜。
    Fingertips, people who begin to speak of marriage, in droves.

  • 用户可以使用手机在弹指之间查阅、浏览围棋定式。
    Users can access at your fingertips in the use of mobile phones, set-go here.

  • 用户可以使用手机在弹指之间查阅、浏览围棋定式。
    Users can access at your fingertips in the use of mobile phone…

  • 但金先生描写的弹指之间杀人于无形是否中国人的准确形象呢?
    Jin's depictions of men who fight and kill at the drop of a hat really an accurate reflection of real Chinese people?

  • 拨走睫毛不过是弹指之间的小事,却充分说明他对她的注意力100%集中。
    Dials the eyelash is the minor matter in a moment, actually fully explains him to her attention 100% centralisms.

  • 这次溃败至少证明股市仍是一个变化多端的所在,财产可以在弹指之间消失无踪。
    At the very least, the rout reminded investors that the stock market is a volatile place where fortunes can vanish at the touch of a computer key.

  • 文祥若有所悟,既然速度可快可慢,如果再把时间缩短到弹指之间,那不就是所谓的神通了吗?
    Wen Xiang seemed to understand. Since the speed could be either fast or slow, wouldn't the compression of the time into the snap of a finger be considered a transcendental power?

  • 弹指之间,任何有助于提供线索的帮助工具都会为你理清一切,如字典,词典或是参考数据库。
    Instant access to any number of learning aids eg. dictionary, thesaurus or reference databases will have you clued in in seconds.

  • 维瓦克说:“我用左手毁灭了一个世界,而我的右手又建立了一个,世界的存在只取决于我弹指之间。”
    'For I have crushed a world with my left hand, ' he will say, 'but in my right hand is how it could have won against me. Love is under my will only.

  • 30年弹指之间,30年迈入而立。2009年1月1日,中美两国迎来建交30周年。美中关系的明天将更加美好。
    30 years pass. Jan 1st, 2009 will mark the 30th anniversary of establishment of China and America. we are hoping for a better future for Sinic-American relationship.

  • 按一下滑鼠就可传到数据机,弹指之间,路由器就与网路伺服器联系,指示仓库里的机械装置取出某一本书,而这本书当天就可出货。
    A mouse click is passed to a modem that fillips a router that talks to a Web server that instructs a warehouse robot to fetch a book that is shipped out the same day.

  • 弹指之间造句相关
