
弹尽粮绝  dàn jìn liáng jué







  • 敌人弹尽粮绝,被迫放弃那座城市。
    The enemy yielded up that city when ammunition and food supplies were exhausted.

  • 电报上只有四个字:弹尽粮绝
    Only four words: cable heaved.

  • 弹尽粮绝,这些敌兵都成了瓮中之鳖。
    With their bullets and food all gone , the enemy soldiers were sitting ducks for us.

  • 放心地射击吧,你有充足的弹药,永远不会弹尽粮绝
    You have plenty of ammunition, so use it liberally!

  • 只要货币没有完全被毁,美联储将永远不会弹尽粮绝
    As long as the currency is not totally destroyed, the Fed will never run out of ammunition.

  • 随着传统的货币政策已弹尽粮绝,财政政策就变得更为重要。
    With conventional monetary ammunition spent, fiscal policy has become more important.

  • 最后只剩下四个人,担任继续战斗,知道弹尽粮绝,才负伤被俘。
    Finally only four individuals as continued fighting Danjinliangjue know it captured wounded.

  • 他们会找到提醒玩家关注弹药存量,避免弹尽粮绝被撂倒的方法。
    And they'll figure out how to get players to monitor their ammo — before they run out and get gunned down.

  • 有些人担心与经济衰退的抗争中,货币政策的武器几近弹尽粮绝了。
    Some people are concerned that in the the fight against recession, the weapons of monetary policy are nearly out of ammunition.

  • 当小强弹尽粮绝之时,他可以在胸部挖出三颗子弹,然后把填装上膛。
    When Jack Bauer ran out of ammo, he caught 3 bullets in his chest and used them to reload.

  • 按照目前的运营支出,通用汽车、克莱斯勒汽车不久将“弹尽粮绝”。
    According to the current operating expenses, General Motors, Chrysler will soon be "Tanjinliangjue."

  • 你们最好马上投降,否则我们会在这儿一直蹲守,直到你们弹尽粮绝为止。
    You had better surrender right away, otherwise we will have been squat down to guard here, until you play to the utmost a food unique.

  • 一周或者一个月刚过一半,你们中约大多数的人要么弹尽粮绝、要么所剩无几。
    Halfway through the week or month, most of you are either completely without money or very nearly without any.

  • 兰宝是极端的,在利率政策弹尽粮绝的情况下,伯南克也是以极端的方式冀挽狂澜。
    Lan Bao are extreme, the interest rate policy in the case of no food, Bernanke is the way to the extreme tide Ji.

  • 现在,正好相反,我们因这个零界而吃了太多苦头,而且,货币政策也弹尽粮绝了。
    Now, by contrast, we're hard up against zero and have run out of monetary ammunition.

  • 但是我们仍不相信正义的库存已经弹尽粮绝,也不相信国家的机会储备面临赤字危机。
    But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

  • 我在加州圣地亚哥市认识一位老兄,拼全力贷款和付头款,买下一栋华屋,弹尽粮绝
    I understand the city of San Diego in California a Brother, the first payment, and maintain full loan, buy a Chinese house, doing.

  • 当他向这个当时只有十几个人的小公司伸出橄榄枝的时候,这个公司其实已经弹尽粮绝
    When the small company that there are ten people only at that time to this when him extends olive branch, this company has played grain actually absolutely.

  • 通用汽车和克莱斯勒的管理人士表示,如果没有政府支持,两公司可能很快就会弹尽粮绝
    The GM and Chrysler executives said they could run out of funds without government support.

  • 银行间基金市场也已经弹尽粮绝,即使是信用最好的公司和金融企业也付出了惩罚性的利率。
    The interbank-funds market has seized up and even the most creditworthy corporate and financial firms are paying punitive rates.

  • 针对股票的卖出压力可能已经弹尽粮绝,通货紧缩可能已经走到了临界点,通货膨胀就在前方了。
    For the stock may have selling pressure Danjinliangjue, deflation may have already reached the critical point, inflation is on the front.

  • 商人十分生气地找到乘务员,用最难听的语言咒骂了一通,直到弹尽粮绝精疲力尽,这才怏怏离去。
    The businessman finds steward very angrily, cursed with the most offensive language, until play grain absolutely exhausted, this ability is disgruntled leave.

  • 在过去,公司老总总是在公司弹尽粮绝时才会承认出现了问题,而到那时,公司已经没有办法重组。
    In the past, bosses often preferred to run a business down to its last yuan before acknowledging problems, at which point there was little to reorganize.

  • 通用汽车和克莱斯勒汽车的管理人士表示,如果无法获得政府的援助,他们可能很快“弹尽粮绝”。
    General Motors and the Chrysler executives said that if the lack of access to government assistance, they may very soon "Danjinliangjue."

  • 国际安全援助部队相信塔利班的步兵部队仍滞留在该地——数量约在几百人——他们孤立无援,弹尽粮绝
    ISAF believes that the foot soldiers left behind—numbering perhaps several hundred—are in isolated pockets with depleting ammunition.

  • 传说,很久以前,摩尔多瓦的一个城堡被土耳其人包围,守城的战士英勇抗击侵略者,直到弹尽粮绝,侵略者就要攻克城堡了。
    Legend has it a long time ago, Moldova was a castle surrounded by Turks, Cheng brave soldiers to fight the aggressors until Danjinliangjue, it is necessary to overcome the aggressors of the castle.

  • 我以前经常想到,要是能驯养几头山羊,让其繁殖,那么,到我弹尽粮绝时,可以杀羊充饥。因此,我决定把这头小山羊牵回家去饲养。
    for I had often been musing, Whether it might not be possible to get a Kid or two, and so raise a Breed of tame Goats, which might supply me when my Powder and Shot should be all spent.

  • 而11年前,当另一个英国银行Barings银行由于交易损失导致弹尽粮绝时,规管者认为它倒闭将带来的破坏性较低,因此让它破产。
    When Barings, another British bank, was wiped out by trading losses 11 years later, regulators let it fail, judging that the risk of wider damage was low.

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