
一瓣心香  yī bàn xīn xiāng








  • 杨逝世后,各界人士赠送幅“心香一瓣祝上寿,血泪两行哭先生”的挽联。
    After the death of Yang, a gift from all walks of life, "I wish on a heart-xiang shou, two lines of blood and tears, Mr. cry" of the elegiac couplet.

  • 每个人都有许多理由善待自己,把生的光阴凝成时光长河中那一瓣恒久的心香
    Everyone has many reasons to treat themselves to life-time cemented long time that a permanent Hong heart.

  • 十八年后的这个时刻,我在凉爽的微风中为你写下生日寄语,送去我心语片,心香一瓣
    18 years after this moment, I am in the cool breeze in your birthday to write a piece of advice, I sent a Xinyu, a Hong heart.

  • 仲夏之季,这朵在烟雨中摇曳的蔷薇花,是曾缠绵于心的那一瓣心香,竟如此的清新而空灵。
    With the summer season, the rain in the ten, swaying in the heart is touching the disc XinXiang, so pure and fresh and emptiness.

  • 一瓣心香,搀杂份思念,调和成种缠绵,让风儿拂过远方你的脸,其实,那就是我给的情缘。
    Shannon holding a heart, a missing adulterated, to reconcile into a touching, so that wind and the wind blowing your face from afar, in fact, that is, the love I gave.

  • 每个人都有自己喜爱的花,每个人都有许多种理由善待自己,把生的光阴凝成时光长河中那一瓣恒久的心香
    Everyone has their favorite flower, each person has many reasons to treat themselves to a lifetime time cemented long time that the heart of a long-lasting incense.

  • 每个人都有自己喜爱的花,每个人都有许多种理由善待自己,把生的光阴凝成时光长河中那一瓣恒久的心香
    Everyone has their favorite flowers, each person has their own kind to many reasons, the life of the time it cemented a long time the heart of long-lasting incense.

  • 一瓣心香造句相关
