
一本万利  yī běn wàn lì








  • 南特港一本万利的奴隶贸易几乎完全停止。
    Nantes had its profitable slave trade reduced to nothing.

  • 但投资商铺并非一本万利,风险仍然存在。
    But investment shops are not multiple profits, the risk remains.

  • 这是一本万利的生意。
    This is highly profitable business.

  • 但是不管你想卖什么,先作大量市场调研会一本万利的。
    But whatever you want to sell, it'll pay you dollars for cents to do a lot of market research first.

  • 不少投资者认为买带租约的商铺,是一本万利的赚钱生意。
    Many investors believed that the lease buy-shops, multiple profits of the business of making money.

  • 使不少投资者认为买带租约的物业是一本万利的赚钱生意。
    Many investors think that buying a property is multiple profits of the lease money business.

  • 其次,一些企业觉得塑料门窗好生产,技术含量低,一本万利
    Secondly, some enterprises that good production of plastic doors and windows, low technological content, multiple profits.

  • 如果我们双方能做成这笔生意,对你方来说,可是一本万利的买卖。
    If we close this deal, you can make big profits with small capital.

  • 对你聪慧洞察的头脑来说,一本万利不是什么好事,尤其在钱财方面。
    That goes double for a deal that doesn't sound quite right to your intelligent, discriminating ears -- in any category, but particularly the financial realm.

  • 企业社会责任的承担.对企业而言并非是无利可图的.而是”一本万利”。
    Corporate social responsibility of the enterprise bear. Is not to be unprofitable. But the bottom line ". At the same time, social responsibility. Although the enterprise will pay cost."

  • 如此一本万利,我都无法想象为什么他们会没有一个好的,可靠的作者网站呢?
    The cost of doing it is so infinitesimal and the results have been so outstandingly large that I can't imagine why anybody would not have a good, solid author's website.

  • 我和比尔南下途中,经过一个小镇,突然起了绑架的念头,这可是一本万利的买卖。
    There was a town down there, as flat as a flannel-cake, and called Summit, of course.

  • 如果他捐一畿尼给这个团体,他就指望人家给他大量的特权,他是要求一本万利的。
    If he pays a guinea to that society, the will expect them to grant him considerable privileges; he's throwing a sprat to catch a whale.

  • 投资失败难道还要政府买单吗,难道各位养蚂蚁就是一本万利,跟把钱扔进印钞厂一样。
    When investments fail, why should the government pay the bill?As if every single ant farmer will make a huge turnaround, like they'd just put their money into a money printing factory.

  • 当时在巴拉基耶附近,有一家小酒店,经常替逃犯们供给服装,这是一种一本万利的特殊行当。
    A small country-house in the neighborhood of Balaguier was at that time the dressing-room of escaped convicts, --a lucrative specialty.

  • 各国政府倾尽全力的背后,是因为他们相信国际水平的大学最终会给经济增长带来一本万利的回报。
    Behind all this is the idea that world-class universities can make a disproportionate contribution to economic growth.

  • 而三聚氰胺含氮量为66%%,是奶粉的23倍,而价格却大大低于真实蛋白原料,真是一本万利
    But nitrogen content of melamine is 66%%, 23 times that of milk powder, its price is greatly lower than real protein feedstock, which is indeed big profits with a small capital.

  • 如果他捐一''。'畿'。''尼给这个团体,他就指望人家给他大量的特权,他是要求一本万利的。
    If he pays a guinea to that society, the will expect them to grant him considerable privileges; he's throwing a sprat to catch a whale.

  • 因为他们认为把吃苦耐劳的非洲黑人运到美洲,既可以解决劳动力问题,又可以做一笔一本万利的生意。
    Because they thought the kaffirs which bears hardships and stands hard work transport the Americas, both may solve the laborforce problem, and may make a prize investment business.

  • 对于垃圾邮件发送者来说,他没有成本或者成本很低,对他们来说,这是一本万利、甚至无本万利的事情。
    For spam senders, He no cost or low cost to them, this is a big profit. even make big profits with no investment matters.

  • 而以市场方式运作的商业开发,更是一本万利,任何与其沾边的单位和个人,大都财源滚滚,至少也能分一杯羹。
    And the commercial development of market operation is multiple profits, and any of its units and individuals involved, mostly financial rolling can at least have a share.

  • 他们念的是一本万利的权钱交易“生意”经,一旦占据官位,往往胆大妄为,总要变本加厉地把“投资”捞回来。
    They read the multiple profits for the "business" of the once occupy an official post, often desperate, to intensify their efforts to the total "investment" money back.

  • 据悉,本报“一本万利”活动,在富力桃园收到了良好的效果,在短短的两个星期的活动中,专门前来投票的买家就有近200人。
    It is learnt that this "multiple profits", In bodied Taoyuan has yielded good results in a short period of two weeks of activities, specifically to vote buyers alone has nearly 200 people.

  • 一本万利造句相关
