
一日千里  yī rì qiān lǐ








  • 太阳能科技日新月异,一日千里
    The solar energy science and technology change rapidly.

  • 当今时代,科技发展一日千里
    The contemporary era, rapid advances in technology.

  • 近五年来,牙齿干细胞新知一日千里
    The studies on human dental stem cells have been greatly progressed during recent five years.

  • 世界经济的发展一日千里,社会变化日新月异。
    Along with the rapid economic development in the world, society change from day to day, customer's demands are diversifying.

  • 生产者对成熟的数字音频和视频娱乐的需求一日千里
    Consumer is mixed to mature digital frequency change quickly of video recreational demand.

  • 现在的技术一日千里,要预测久远的未来是不可能的。
    Given the tremendous pace of technology, it is impossible to predict far into the future.

  • 过去我们的发展一日千里,也得到社会各方面的肯定。
    In past days, we grew up in a tremendous speed, and received plenty of praises.

  • 科技一日千里的今天,人们并公文搜没有忽视对环境的爱护。
    With the rapid development of technology, people don't ignore the protection to the environment.

  • 这技术,一日千里啊。不愧是高手!喜欢倒数第二张,太美了!
    I love you not because who you are, but who I am when I stand infront of you!

  • 中国金融及银行业务发展一日千里,近十年来成绩骄人,有目共睹。
    In recent decade, financial and banking businesses have made surprisingly swift progresses and achievements in China.

  • 一个人能有几个十年?科学一日千里啊!我不能不说,不能不写了。
    How many ten years in one's life? Science advances greatly fast, I have to speak and write.

  • 过去二三十年,香港的发展可以说是一日千里,香港人均引以为荣。
    Over the past three decades, Hong Kong has developed rapidly and we are all proud of our achievements.

  • 20世纪以来,IT技术一日千里的发展状况,剧烈地改变着企业的经营环境。
    Over 20 centuries, the development condition of the first of IT technique a long distance, violently change the management environment of business enterprise.

  • 在当代,由于资讯传播过于的便捷,人文性格和艺术创作的变化也往往是一日千里
    In our times, information communication is so easy, so cultural characters and artworks also change very rapidly.

  • 马集雄伟、骁勇、壮美、矫健、驯良于一身,是一日千里、刚劲有力、勇猛精劲的象征。
    Ma sets ambitious, brave, beautiful, robust, in all ones is the rapid, vigorous and powerful, slightly more refined symbol.

  • 我们将通过从事航空服务,以国际性高水平的服务,推动深圳日新月异,一日千里的经济发展。
    We will engage in air services to international high level of services, promote Shenzhen with each passing day, the rapid economic growth.

  • 如今,随著生物学知识过去数十年来一日千里,有少数几位研究人员相信,长生不老已指日可待。
    And now, with the growth of biological knowledge that has marked the past few decades, a few researchers believe it might be within reach.

  • 生涯规划系属通识课程,身为21世纪的我们,由于各行各业竞争日趋白热化,讯息潮流一日千里
    Life-Career Planning is a kind of common issues. We all live in 21 century. The competitions among all kinds of professions are intensive.

  • 然而,在一日千里的结构性调整浪潮中,惟一能够幸免于难的只有以引导变革为己任的变革引导者。
    However, wave is adjusted in the structural sex of at a tremendous pace in, only can of escape by the skin of one's teeth change in order to guide only for oneself allow change guide.

  • 报纸数 度一日千里般加多引发了波动的阛阓比赛,而姹紫嫣赤的不暗白 报纸更变成一道亮丽的风景线。
    Increase the number of bulbs newspapers sparked intense market competition, but colourful color newspapers a beautiful scenery.

  • 由于电脑网路科技的一日千里已逐渐改变了图书与出版的形貌与变化,发展数位出版已是不可改变的趋势。
    As computer network of the advances tremendously in science and technology has changed the appearance of books and publication gradually, the development of digital publishing trend is irreversible.

  • 公司业务一日千里,机器产品销售遍及美国、日本、韩国、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、香港、中国大陆等地区。
    Our business grew very fast, we have exported machine products to u. s. a. , japan, korea, singapore, thailand, malaysia, hong kong, china and other areas.

  • 但昆明楼市从单纯比地段、比户型、比环境,到现在推出的“零缺陷设计”,可谓一日千里,有了可喜的飞跃。
    But the property market from Kunming more than simply lots, than Huxing, than the environment, until now launched "zero error design" is by leaps and bounds, a good leap.

  • 一日千里的通讯科技、新一代的崭新意念,以及无分国界的国际经济体系,以上全都是21世纪营商的独特之处。
    Rapid advances in communications technology. New ideas from a new generation. An increasing global economy. These features are all changing the way businesses will do things in the 21st century.

  • 在电信技术一日千里高速发展的今天,高技术手段层出不穷,电信设备的产品生命周期大大缩短,市场风云突变。
    It is a fast-developing era for the telecommunication technologies nowadays. The life-period of these products is so short that this market appears fluky.

  • 可是,他们的技术,资金,经验等方面的付出,对于我们一日千里、突飞猛进的发展,确实也有著不可磨灭的贡献。
    however, the technology, capital and experience they brought into our market have made an indelible contribution to the fast development of our economy.

  • 现在世界的发展,特别是高科技领域的发展一日千里,中国不能安于落后,必须一开始就参与这个领域的发展。
    In the world today, mankind is progressing at a tremendous pace. Especially in science and technology, if we lag only one year behind, it will be very hard to catch up.

  • 具有讽刺意味的是,如今宽带基本实现普及,整体连接速率的提高更是一日千里,然而打开网页的等待时间却不减反增。
    The irony is that, with broadband nowadays more or less everywhere, overall connection speeds have gone up by leaps and bounds, yet the time taken to load web pages seems only to have got longer.

  • 随着新世纪的到来,薛城的城市建设突飞猛进,一日千里,向着现代化的大市、名市、强市的发展方向一步步迈向世界。
    In accordance with the step of new century, Tengzhou is marching to the world as one strong and famous city.

  • 尤其是考虑到当前网络技术在全球范围内一日千里的发展事实,我们就更加迫切地感受到信息技术对人类的学习观念和学习方式所产生的影响与冲击。
    Especially now considering the growing influence of internet technology in a global range, we deeply feel the pressing effect of information technology upon study concept and study mode of mankind.

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