
攻其不备  gōng qí bù bèi







  • 一些宠物,如狗或蛇可能攻击人,攻其不备
    Some pets such as dogs or snakes may attack people unexpectedly.

  • 要确保胜利,我们就必须出其不意、攻其不备
    To ensure success, we'll have to take them by surprise.

  • 股票经纪人没按原来的打算把巴伯先生逼入绝境,你不可攻其不备
    The stock-brokers did not corner Mr Barber as they purposed; you don't catch weasel asleep.

  • 股票经纪人没按原来的打算把巴伯先生逼入绝境,你不可攻其不备
    The stock-brokers did not corner Mr Barber as they purposed; you don't catch a weasel asleep.

  • 刀者,必临危不乱从容不迫攻其不备出其不意遇敌不变从若不惊在穿越火线中更是体现的淋漓尽致…
    Knife, will remain unruffled calm Gongqibubei unchanged from the surprise Yudi not scared to cross the line of fire is reflected in the most. . .

  • 那些城内放火的人是我早就安排好的。一着火,城内必然不战自乱,这叫'出其不意,攻其不备'。
    The fire was set on at my instruction and it threw the city into confusion. This is called "taking the enemy by surprise and striking when it is unprepared. ""

  • 父亲却不同意,并鼓励我“沉着应棋,在还没到死胡同先别自暴自弃,要积累力量,找机会攻其不备。”
    Father did not agree, and encourage me "composure, should be in dead-end hasn't arrived, don't force, pessimism to catch a weasel asleep for accumulation."

  • 故意暴露我方的行动,以牵制敌方在某地集结固守,然后我方迂回到敌人后面发动攻击,攻其不备,出其不意。
    Intentionally expose movement so as to lure the enemy to defend certain position. Then make a detour to the rear of the enemy and attack, taking him by surprise.

  • 当东京的交易额最终赶上时,他们(指沪深两地)以对东京证券交易构成攻其不备之势:在2005年末2006年初数次使东京的交易体系崩溃,陷入难以自拔的窘境。
    When volumes in Japan finally picked up, they caught the TSE off-guard: on a couple of occasions in late 2005 and early 2006 the exchange's systems crashed, a deep embarrassment.

  • 攻其不备造句相关
