
一心一意  yī xīn yī yì








  • 现在我们一心一意地搞经济建设。
    We are now devoting ourselves wholeheartedly to economic development.

  • 一心一意地爱着那些孩子。
    She loves those children heart and soul.

  • 然后她一心一意喂养牲畜。
    Then she settled down to feed stock.

  • 一心一意希望他离去,可他就是不肯走。
    With all her heart, she wished him away, but he refused to go.

  • 我以个男人的身份保证我会一心一意对你好。
    I guarantee the identity of a man dedicated to Hello, I will.

  • 他们从不谋求私利,而是一心一意为革命工作。
    They never pursue self-interests but work wholeheartedly for the revolution.

  • 孩子,我已经忘了一心一意玩树枝和泥饼的方法了。
    Child, I have forgotten the art of being absorbed in sticks and mud-pies.

  • 在任何时候我们都要一心一意抓发展,全力以赴保增长。
    At any time we must stress the development wholeheartedly, guarantees the growth wholeheartedly.

  • 噢我多么的渴望, 你就在我的身旁,我一心一意的爱着你。
    Oh how I wish, You are here beside me. Loving you waste of my heart.

  • 篇关于一心一意,想要登上世界第高峰的登山者的故事。
    The story tells about a mountain climber, who wanted to climb the highest mountain.

  • 他发起了项帮助残疾人的计划,并且一心一意地扑在该项计划上。
    He started a scheme for helping the disabled people and he put his heart and soul into it.

  • 事实上,如果中国更强的话,它就不会这样一心一意地寻求同我们改善关系了。
    In fact, had China been stronger it would not have pursued the improvement of relations with us with the same single-mindedness.

  • 此齣戏的主角为麦茉莉,她是位年轻的犹太裁缝,一心一意地想成为服装设计师。
    The play tells the story of young Molly May, a Jewish seamstress with dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

  • 内政部将保留名称不变,但将削减它的指责;转而一心一意负责恐怖主义、安全和移民问题。
    The Home Office will keep its name, but will slim down its responsibilities to concentrate on terrorism, security and immigration.

  • 今后的发展更需要维护个和平的环境,才能一心一意谋发展,这符合中国人民的根本利益。
    And a peaceful world is all the more important for China to concentrate on development in the future.

  • 威廉姆斯车队除了拥有优异的历史成绩,车队也心无旁鹜,一心一意地投身赛车事业,很适合我。
    Besides having an amazing history of success, the team has a reputation for a no-nonsense and straightforward approach to racing, which suits me just fine.

  • 当你一心一意的集中精力在你最重要的任务上的时候,你可以将完成任务需要的时间减少50%甚至更多。
    By concentrating single mindedly on your most important task, you can reduce the time required to complete it by 50% or more.

  • 爱你的人假如出无按你所盼望的方法来爱你,美女热舞,这并不代里他们出无一心一意天爱你,同城交友。
    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

  • 两个人,挽着手,一心一意走过红地毡的另端,建立个温暖的新家,从而开始生命中另段美好征程。
    Two people, are holding the hand, passes through red carpet's another end wholeheartedly, establishes a warm new home, thus starts in the life another section of happy journeys.

  • 我今天没有物质上的收获,却又乐思想上的收获,明白了做事要一心一意,才能有所得,万万不可以一心二用。
    I do not have material gain, but music ideological gains, to understand has to be single-minded in order to have income, absolutely not one mind.

  • 拼板机是种结构简单的机械,10年来,我们心无旁骛搞科研,一心一意抓质量,金盛春牌拼板机,您尽可信赖。
    Puzzle is a simple structure of the machinery, 10, we Xinwupangwu engage in scientific research and wholeheartedly grasp the quality of the SHENG Chun-licensing puzzle, you do trusted.

  • 个这样的系统是IDIS(智能驾驶信息系统),它可以延迟电话来电在复杂的交通状况,需要司机的一心一意的关注。
    One such system is IDIS (Intelligent Driver Information System), which can delay incoming phone calls in complex traffic situations that require the driver's undivided attention.

  • 同时布什政府也反对其认为理事会一心一意关注所谓的以色列暴行。但正如布里默所说的那样,奥巴马政府持不同的观点。
    It also objected to what it considered the Council's single-minded focus on alleged violations by Israel. But the Obama administration, as explained by Brimmer, has a different view.

  • 只逃跑的苍蝇和一心一意吃晚餐的熊,合演了场闹剧。说的是乱发脾气的危害,劝人适当控制情绪,以避免灾难…
    An elusive fly and a single-minded bear team up to make dinner a disaster in this comic, cautionary tale that highlights the hazards of losing your temper.

  • 通过这种方法,你就可以一心一意地使用HTML对数据进行排版和显示,对基本数据的改变并不需要对HTML做出任何改变。
    This way you can concentrate on using HTML for data layout and display, and be sure that changes in the underlying data will not require any changes to your HTML.

  • “燃烧之力”是所有超念者所追求的目标——他们从不关心咒符或华而不实的途径,而是一心一意的追求积累尽量多的心灵异能。
    "Power to burn" is something all metaminds strive for—they are unconcerned with glamour or flashy ways, but singlemindedly determined to amass as much psychic power as possible.

  • 越是在经济发展面临较大困难的时候,我们越是要坚定不移地贯彻发展是硬道理的战略思想,聚精会神搞建设、一心一意谋发展。
    The more the economic development more difficult, the more we must unswervingly implement the development of strategic thinking is the last word, concentrate on construction and development.

  • 他在说这句话的时候,仿佛是要说明另外种思想,就是我们一心一意去追求肯定的幸福,肯定不能得到,只不过是折磨自己罢了。
    It was as though in saying this he had expressed another thought—that all the strivings towards positive happiness, that are innate in us, were only given us for our torment.

  • 他们还没有一心一意地使用那些做事情的“正确”方法,因此他们可以自由地追求那些在拥有更多经验的我们看起来不可能的理念。
    They haven't yet completely absorbed the "right" way to do things, so they are free to pursue ideas that seem impossible to those of us with more experience.

  • 内向直觉带理性):这是所有类型中最独特的。他们爱好逻辑以及构想,而可发展成科学研究。然而,他们相当率真/一心一意专心致志
    INTJ (Introverted intuiting with thinking): These are the most independent of all types. They love logic and ideas and are drawn to scientific research. They can be rather single-minded, though.

  • 一心一意造句相关
