
才高八斗  cái gāo bā dǒu








  • 他是一位才高八斗的诗人。
    He is a poet of profound learning.

  • 平庸的才能只是从未得到高分,注意,才高八斗总是得到。
    The mediocre talent just never hits the high notes that the top talent hits all the time.

  • 从学富五车的传统文化学者,到才高八斗的高学历“海归”;
    From the knowledgeable traditional culture scholars to the highly educated "returnees" from other countries;

  • 圣经的权威不是来自人间作者的才高八斗,而是来自天上作者的属性使然。
    The authority of the Bible comes not from the calibre of its human authors but from the character of its divine Author.

  • 并不需要她是一个才高八斗的能人,她也许会给人一种与众不同的优越感,这就够了。
    It wouldn't have to be a big talent, just enough so that she might gain some sense of distinction.

  • 你可以不用学识渊博,才高八斗,但是一定要对身边的她温柔体贴,关心她,给她足够的安全感。
    you do not have to be learned, Caigaobadou, but must be on the side of her gentle and considerate care for her, give her adequate security Sense.

  • 敝人深知布什总统身边有着众多才高八斗的演讲辞写作高手,但不才依然斗胆自荐为总统先生撰文。
    I know that President Bush has many extremely competent speech writers but I would like to volunteer for the job myself.

  • 这说明状元不一定是“才高八斗,貌若潘安”之辈,而第三名是有真才实学,所以厦门会饼中的“三红”质量特别好,寓意在此。
    This shows that the top may not necessarily be "learned, More Pan An" generation, while the third is a wish to be soft, the cake will Xiamen "three red" particularly good quality, significance here.

  • 有味道的女人也许学富五车、才高八斗,但决不卖弄自己的满腹经论,她把自己的聪慧和才思用于生活中,去创造自己喜欢的空间。
    Perhaps the woman has taste Xue Fu five cars, but it will not show off his full by the theory of her own intellect and imaginative power for life, to create their own space.

  • 才高八斗造句相关
