
独辟蹊径  dú pì xī jìng







  • 利用科技独辟蹊径服务世界市场。
    Applies science and technology to creat innovative solutions for the global marketplace.

  • 这种独辟蹊径的方法很值得学习!
    This inventive approach is worth studying!

  • 独辟蹊径地解决了这个问题。
    He invented a new way of settling the problem.

  • 一条小溪如果独辟蹊径,怎能拥抱壮阔的海洋。
    a stream, if inventive, how can we embrace the vast ocean.

  • 这样一套粉红居室在格局上打破常规,独辟蹊径
    Such a pink room in the conventional pattern, break, invented;

  • 美国最重要的建筑师,他是独辟蹊径的愿景艺术家的先驱。
    America's most significant architect, he was the archetype of the visionary artist at odds with capitalism.

  • 这个方案富于创造性,独辟蹊径,很有魄力,因此他们都很喜欢。
    There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.

  • 尤其是他们独辟蹊径、开发了乘“沙漠猎豹”沙海冲浪的探险项目。
    In particular, they identify innovative ways, developed by the "Desert Cheetah" shahai surfing expedition.

  • 任璧莲没有模仿汤亭亭采用后现代主义的创作手法,而是独辟蹊径
    As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, Gish Jen does not foolishly steps into Kingstons shoes by employing many post modernist techniques.

  • 在客体方面,独辟蹊径,从渎职罪侵犯的对象入手,提出自己的观点。
    The object, humor, from the crime of dereliction of duty violations start with the subject, put forward its views.

  • 这种见解言近旨远,独辟蹊径,为认识人类生活开创了一种全新的方法。
    This insight, so profound in its simplicity, opened up an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding human life.

  • 事实上,他还独辟蹊径,把奇异相变的数学模型收纳到他的引力理论中。
    In fact, he has co-opted the mathematics of exotic phase transitions to build his theory of gravity.

  • 在众多描写爱情悲欢离合的浪漫主义小说中,徐訏的作品往往能独辟蹊径
    Among many of joys and sorrows of romanticism about love stories, Xuxu's works are always identity.

  • 此次,新浪独辟蹊径,出台企业博客模板,无疑为业内找到了一个新的模式。
    This time, Sina of revised and promulgated corporate blog template, no doubt for the industry to find a new model.

  • 在如今铺天盖地的都是宣传养生的酸奶广告中,这个独辟蹊径的做法值得推广。
    It is a good example that is worthy to be promoted among those all-the-same ads.

  • 当代西方新经济社会学家科尔曼独辟蹊径,对“信任”问题展开一种“综合研究”。
    Coleman, the contemporary Western economic sociologist, conducted a synthetical research on trust by directly borrowing the theory and method of the rational choice from the new classical economics.

  • 他师法美丽的大自然,独辟蹊径,创造了“墨洇法”,“虚幻法”等新的绘画技法。
    He derived inspiration from nature, formed his own style and created "Ink Bleeding" technique, "Transience" technique, etc.

  • 民间文化中诙谐因素的意义是巨大的,巴赫金独辟蹊径地对其进行了详细地分析和研究。
    The significance of the humorous factor In folk culture is enormous , which Bahktin has analyzed and studied with a new style way .

  • 德勒兹是当代法国著名的哲学家,其思想风格多样,涉及领域广泛,概念和理论也往往独辟蹊径
    Deleuze is one of the most famous contemporary French philosophers, and during his life as a creative and deep thinker, his original thinking has touched various areas.

  • 在传统的贴现现金流估计或相对估计方法不太适用或很难使用时,它可以独辟蹊径达到理想的结果;
    When the traditional DCF method is not or hardly suited it can get the ideal results by specific ways.

  • 本文独辟蹊径,力图从叙事角度对《无字》进行文本细读研究,从中发现其独特的艺术创造及文化意义。
    This paper aims at a special garden path, from the angle of narrative, to analyze the text of the book No Letters and tries to find out its unique artistic creation and cultural significance.

  • 大凡做一件独辟蹊径的事情是要付出更多辛苦的,而艺术创作更是一种在不断地创新与探索中前进的行为。
    It is common that if you want to do something great and unique you have to pay more effort. The art creation is a process of exploration and innovation.

  • 最近,位于望京新区的星海明珠项目独辟蹊径,在每个样板间内配备了一款信息家电产品――汉王e风电脑电话。
    Recently, located in the new district Xinghai Pearl Expressway project herself, in between each model of a section with information appliance -- Emperor e wind computer phone.

  • 格非是一个纯粹的小说家,他的小说以叙事上的独辟蹊径、形式上的标新立异为中国叙事艺术的发展作出了自己的贡献。
    Gefei is a pure fictionist , his novels are unique in narration and form which have made great contributions to the Chinese narrative art.

  • 相信小生意就可以做的还不错,就算是卖很大众化的东西,都一样可以赚的盆满钵满,而在网上做生意,就要独辟蹊径了。
    I believe small businesses can do pretty good, even if they are selling a very popular thing, the same can be earned pours, and in doing business online, we must identify innovative ways of.

  • 这是利用网络互动小工具应对挑战,吸引顾客,扩大销售的一个成功案例。事实表明,面对风暴,更需要独辟蹊径的创新精神。
    The meal box is an interactive tool through the internet. Confronted with the economic crisis, such initiative has achieved a lot in attracting the consumers and expanding sell.

  • 上海仁济医疗集团在公立医院体制改革中独辟蹊径,在一年时间内,连续托管了8家医院,并且在实践过程中进展迅速,运行平稳。
    Shanghai Renji Hospital Group has opened a new road for itself in reformation of government hospitals. This Group trusted 8 hospitals successively within one year and developed and operated steadily.

  • 独辟蹊径的烹饪手法使菜肴的风味与众不同,替代了一成不变的意大利菜肴的味道,当然他的这些菜肴也是十分有创意,典雅的。
    Instead of following the ever-changing trends, he prefers to follow the path of the cuisine of flavors, taste and tradition, presented, of course with creativity and elegance.

  • 本文中,笔者独辟蹊径,运用经济学中的博弈理论与心理学的相关知识分别从群体层面和个体层面对大学生黑客行为的产生作了全新分析。
    The author analyzes it from a new perspective at the collective and individual levels , using the game theory of economy and the related psychological knowledge.

  • 不泥常道,独辟蹊径,匠心独运,对于一些疑难杂症从常人意想不到之处入手,辨病与辨证相结合,每多巧发而奇中,收到了较好的疗效。
    Many difficult diseases were treated from different sides, and received great effects. We are very lucky that can learn from him.

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