
感慨万千  gǎn kǎi wàn qiān






  • 这期间可谓感慨万千,颇多体会。
    It may be said sighs with emotion during this myriad, experience more quite.

  • 但这个同学的故事让我们感慨万千
    The story of the guy let us sigh with emotion.

  • 一个王朝的淩夷,总是让人感慨万千
    The decline of a dynasty always gives people deep feelings.

  • 今天毕业典礼,感慨万千
    It's graduation ceremony today, and it make me sigh simultaneously!

  • 邓智仁在开业仪式上感慨万千又平静如水。
    Dengzhiren at the opening ceremony was filled with painful recollections and calm such as water.

  • 我已经举行了近3年来第一场的演唱会,真是感慨万千
    Rain : I've hold my concert for the first time in 3 years, and I'm filled with emotion.

  • 他把按揭贷款说得很有趣,也很悲壮,我也不禁为之感慨万千
    He said the mortgage very interesting, and very tragically, I can not help it was filled with painful recollections.

  • 长空:在下一想到刺秦之梦想还未成真就感慨万千,诗兴大发。
    Vast sky:At bottom at the thought of stab Qin of dream haven't become true filled with a thousand regrets, poem interest big hair.

  • 一个个平凡的日子,或者一段极为平淡的经历,能使牵挂感慨万千
    Each day, or a very dull experience, can make about by msn. i.

  • 在这次夏令营中,我感慨万千,所谓高分低能的戏说也都不攻自破了。
    During the summer, I was filled with painful recollections, the so-called the also refuted the Joking.

  • 在市政战线上工作了31年的市政一公司经理、全国劳模张全忠感慨万千
    In the 31 years of work on the municipal front of the municipal manager of a company, national model workers Zhang She was filled with painful recollections.

  • 想到你,不禁感慨万千:假如有更多像你这样的朋友,世界将不知美好多少!
    Think of you and how much nicer the world would be if there were more friends like you!

  • 如今再临这块当年的热土,看今昔之变,令人感慨万千,它给我们深刻的启示。
    Face this again nowadays in those days hot earth, read today and yesterday change, myriad of deep feeling making a person, it gives us deep inspiration.

  • 今天出来网吧通宵,在MSN上碰见这两个法国朋友,让我感慨万千:地球真小!
    I surf the net all night today, and i met these two french friends BY MSN. I can't sighing with emotion:the globe is so small!

  • 那一天我感慨万千,因为时间进入到我的生日那一天的时候,我在直播精彩的比赛。
    That day I was full of emotional thoughts, because when the day of my birthday approached, I was broadcasting an exciting competition.

  • 面对错综复杂的世界,我们禁不住感慨万千:世界如此之大,何处才有自己的立足之地?
    Faced with the complex world, we could not help but be filled with emotion: the world so much, where have their own place?

  • 会想起刚才一幕,我真是感慨万千,自己也可以教导比自己小的弟弟妹妹,真是有些自豪。
    Think of just a scene, I am so filled with emotion, they would be smaller than they teach brothers and sisters, with a little pride.

  • 郑罕池是使「斗六仔」扬眉吐气的第一人,说起廿五年前试种爱文芒果的艰辛,感慨万千
    Cheng Han-chih, the man who brought fame to Touliu-tzu with his successful mango crop, swells with emotion when he speaks of the hardships of those days.

  • 这个就不用我介绍了,曾经对我来说是遥不可及的梦想。一睹它的芳容还是让我感慨万千
    PKU is a unreachable dream for me! Anyway I am still moved by its elegance.

  • 手扶云梯,拾级而上,令人感慨万千,正如古人诗云“一线天高不可升,云梯百步客心惊”。
    " Walk ladder, step up, it is filled with emotion, as the ancient Chinese poem goes, "One-Line-Sky high or not, scared off a ladder hundred paces.

  • 王竑历经朝廷风波回到河州,感慨万千,赋诗“十年不见凤凰山,今喜承恩得暂还”,以表心情。
    Wang Hong, storm the court after he returned to the state, filled with emotion, fu shi "Fenghuangshan not decades, this hi cheng en also a temporary" in order to form emotions.

  • 回想与《交通财会》的缘分,不禁感慨万千,也想借此机会表达自己对《交通财会》的感想与祝愿。
    After-thought and " traffic money is met " lot, can't help sighing with emotion myriad, also want to take the opportunity him expression is right " traffic money is met " impressions and wish.

  • 我正在上海拍电影的时候,灾难发生了,离我是那么地近!当我听到这个消息,我的心里感慨万千
    I was filming in Shanghai when this disaster happened and it was so close! When I heard about it, many thoughts really came to my mind!

  • 于是,人们使劲将浑身上下的每一个细胞都挤弄起来,让它们“十分激动”,逼着自己“感慨万千”。
    Therefore, people will exert all one's strength from myself every cell crowded get up and let them "very excited", forcing themselves "having all sorts of feelings.

  • 清朝诗人宋瑞游览壶山水神堂后,感慨万千,赋诗名曰“壶泉寺”:翠结莲峰拥绀园,玲珑喷薄浚壶源。
    SONG Rui tour of the Qing Dynasty poet pot Shentang landscape, all sorts of feelings, Fushi fine-sounding name, "pot-ji quan": Cui Lian Feng Yong-Kon knot garden, exquisite Jun gushing source of pot.

  • 回忆这二十年来的广州房地产行业的发展历程,尤其是在建筑设计领域内的发展演变,盛宇宏感慨万千
    It could be said that it was the first to Piaochuang Chengyuhong introduction to the architectural design of Guangzhou real estate.

  • 本刊编辑在休士顿巧遇郑念大学同窗,为她带来一张泛黄的老照片,看到自己大学时修长的留影,郑女士感慨万千
    Nien Cheng was touched by this faded old photograph from her college days which we brought her from a classmate of hers we happened to meet in Houston.

  • 也许在我笔下的雨夜不是那样的淋漓尽致,但是能表达我内心的真实情感,因为这样的雨夜会让我感慨万千,联想翩翩。
    Perhaps after I write about a rainy night is not as full, but to express my true inner feelings of a rainy night because it will allow me to be filled with emotion, Lenovo elegant.

  • 转眼2个月过去了,从加入俱乐部的第一天到现在,时间虽然短暂,但我心中却可以用感慨万千来形容自己现在的心情。
    It has been 2 months since I joined the MSTC. Although it's not long, I gained a lot during it.

  • 访俄期间,代表团受到热情接待,与社会各界人士进行了广泛的接触。我本人曾在1991年底访问过苏联,亲眼目睹克里姆林宫上空苏联国旗落地的悲剧。这次重返莫斯科,所见所闻,感慨万千
    I myself ever crossed Russia in the visit end 1991, saw with one's own eyes in the sky witnesses a Kremlin the tragedy of Russia ensign be born.

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