
情窦初开  qíng dòu chū kāi






  • 酸是情窦初开而内心矜持的牧羊人。
    Sour is the heart of shepherd, reserved and sprang inside a blossom of virgin love.

  • 就像情窦初开的少年,时速300码。
    Be like onset of puberty of young, hour soon 300 code.

  • 情窦初开:少女由「不愿意」变为「愿意」的阶段。
    Blooming Age: A stage when a girl changes her answer from "NO" to "YES".

  • 杰森:对,麦琪,你说得不错,本现在是情窦初开了。
    Jason: Ok Maggie. You were right about Ben. His hornballosity has got out of hand.

  • 情窦初开的时候,想要踮起脚尖轻轻把自己的初吻奉上;
    The puppy love, want on tiptoe gently in his first kiss.

  • 想当年这部影片曾经使多少青少年怦然心动情窦初开啊。
    Think that year, this film once made how much teenager however move, and onset of puberty.

  • 小心情窦初开的日子,因为它可能引你到连狗都不如的日子。
    Be wary of puppy love; it can lead to a dog's life.

  • 我因为裸体男人的画面而情窦初开,而不是裸体女人的画面。
    And I was turned on by the images of naked men, as opposed to the images of naked women.

  • 开始的时候是纯真的童年,然后是情窦初开的少年,然后到了成年。
    It begins with innocent childhood, followed by embarrassing youth. Then it reaches manhood .

  • 当时的这一批人,正值青春发育之际,情窦初开,性冲动萌然而生。
    These people at that time, just when the youth develop a moment, onset of puberty and the sexual impulse harbours however livings.

  • 那时我是少女情怀,情窦初开,情不自禁,很纯很真很傻地爱着你。
    When I was still full of girl's feelings, at the dawn of love, cannot control myself, to love you purely, truly, silly.

  • 杰克和露丝在初级中学出双入对,他们的双亲说这是情窦初开的恋情。
    When Jack and Lucy began going around together in junior high school, their parents said it was just calf love.

  • 有一种幸福是长相厮守;有一种青涩是情窦初开;有一种遗憾是擦肩而过。
    There is a happy appearance is Sishou; there is a Qingse Qingdouchukai; regret is that there is a pass.

  • 史提夫,你那只是情窦初开的迷恋。当你明天一觉醒来,你就不会爱特瑞莎了。
    Steve, you've got a case of puppy love. You'll wake up tomorrow and you won't be in love with Theresa anymore.

  • 在夜市贩卖版音像产品的19岁阿龙,正逢情窦初开,更叫人意外的是他酷爱吟诗作对。
    19-year old Ah Loong is in charge of a street stall selling pirated vcds.

  • 情窦初开的少男少女们第一次为异性深深吸引,迫不及待地想“操刀上阵,一试锋芒”。
    For the first time most pubescent teens discover a growing attraction to the opposite sex and are often tempted to with their newly developed "equipment".

  • 她代表了情窦初开的少女对美好爱情的一种憧憬和向往,是一种人类最原始的爱情冲动。
    She represented first awakening of love girl to look forward to to a kind of good love and yearning, it is a kind of mankind's most primitive love impulse.

  • “她们非常好看,”蝴蝶说,“简直是一群情窦初开的可爱的小姑娘,但是太不懂世事。”
    "They are very pretty, " thought the butterfly; "charming little lasses; but they are rather formal.

  • 情窦初开的不良校花她要去约会了,如何避开家人和老师的围堵,准时和她的白马王子见面呢?
    Qingdouchukai bad about going to her school beauty, their families and teachers how to avoid the containment, on time and meet her Prince Charming do?

  • 当然是情窦初开的少女,《夏日遗失的27个吻》中纯情少女那美丽的身体是影片好看的一个重要因素。
    Qingdouchukai is, of course, the girls, "Summer Kiss of the 27 missing" in that beautiful innocent girl\s body is good-looking film is an important factor.

  • 游戏中花钱购买的“舞服”花哨甚至性感,直接勾起了情窦初开的少男少女们朦胧的好奇心和不成熟的欲望。
    Beautiful money buys in game " dance is taken " flowery is sexy even, tick off directly had first awakening of love little male girls' hazy curiosity and immature desire.

  • 但时间在光仔身上走得特别快,每晚的年纪都在急剧递增。情窦初开的光仔在忐忑之馀,还发现了一个有关妈妈自杀的真相。
    It is an impossible dream come true when Kong wakes up the next morning to find himself already a twenty-year-old young man.

  • 渐渐长大,中学时,无论做什么都在想,自己会后悔吗?看着别人疯玩,自己在学习。情窦初开的时候,拒绝了那种朦胧的感觉。
    gradually grew up, school, no matter what are thinking that they will regret it? watching other people, their own learning. time, rejected the kind of dim feeling.

  • 想起情窦初开的时候,我喜欢林志颖,于是想去当记者,现在我早已经实现了当年的梦想,并且因为这个工作,很充实,生活的很好,不好么?
    Girl in mind, I like Chih-Ying Lin, then go reporter, I had already achieved a dream year. Because of this, very substantial and the good life, bad?

  • 如一只长脚青蛉 盘桓于溪水, 她的思绪 在寂静中游移.情窦初开的少女 怀春于心中的亚当, 关上教堂的大门, 莫让孩子们进来。
    Like a long-legged fly upon the stream His mind moves upon silence. That girls at puberty may find The first Adam in their thought, Shut the door of the Pope's chapel, Keep those children out.

  • 珊宝(郭采洁)从小到大的心愿就是谈一场甜蜜的恋爱后嫁为人妻,但彷佛受了诅咒一般,小时候情窦初开却被初恋情人嫌弃“大力女怪兽”、“油腻的叉烧味”。
    Since small, Shan Bao (Amber Guo Cai Jie) wish to has a sweet love before married. But, her first love dislikes she抯 too strong and the barbecued pork scent from her body.

  • 珊宝(郭采洁)从小到大的心愿就是谈一场甜蜜的恋爱后嫁为人妻,但彷佛受了诅咒一般,小时候情窦初开却被初恋情人嫌弃“大力女怪兽”、“油腻的叉烧味”。
    Since small, Shan Bao (Amber Kuo) wish to has a sweet love before married. But, her first love dislikes she's too strong and the barbecued pork scent from her body.

  • 珊宝(郭采洁)从小到大的心愿就是谈一场甜蜜的恋爱后嫁为人妻,但彷佛受了诅咒一般,小时候情窦初开却被初恋情人嫌弃“大力女怪兽”、“油腻的叉烧味”。
    Since small, Shan Bao (Amber Guo Cai Jie) wish to has a sweet love before married. But, her first love dislikes she's too strong and the barbecued pork scent from her body.

  • 这,根本不同于他当年情窦初开时的迷恋。根本不同于他对恺的爱情,他对恺的爱情是以她的甜蜜为基础的,也同样以她的聪颖为基础的,还同样以她兼备白美人和黑美人的特色为基础的。
    It was nothing lake his adolescent crushes, it was nothing like the love he'd had for Kay, a love based as much on her sweetness, her intelligence and the polarity of the fair and dark.

  • 还是天帝宝库前,将已成死敌的自己从粉身碎骨里的一拉?一丝一丝的想念,在岁月里叠叠相加。心头的第一次跳动,也许是在那人还情窦初开失魂落魄地恋慕着师姐时,便已悄悄地发轫。
    I knew I had said words that go agains your poer, but I always feel that believing a god is not important but doing that is right would give you the ticket to heaven.

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