
恬不知耻  tián bù zhī chǐ








  • 街对门的屋子住着一个恬不知耻的女人。
    The house across the street was occupied by a shameless woman.

  • 迈克恬不知耻,从来不在乎别人讲什么。
    Mike is thick-skinned and never cares what others say.

  • “我追求的是大洋钱。”他恬不知耻地说。
    "I was after the bucks, " he said boldly.

  • 他是个恬不知耻的人。
    He is a man dead to shame.

  • 大家都说他恬不知耻
    Everybody said he was shameless.

  • 恬不知耻之风盛行之际,我们常为谁堪信任感到困惑。
    At a time when shamelessness is pervasive, we are often at loss as to who can be trusted.

  • 那些罪人怎么能够如此恬不知耻地宣称他们是上帝的后代?
    How could those sinful people exclaiming shamelessly that they were the descendants of the Lord?

  • 一位恬不知耻的炫耀者在火光中时不时地鲁莽地舞动自己的脚板。
    One thick-skinned show-off waves his foot in the flames for a foolhardy second.

  • 不单如此,有些还自鸣正义和恬不知耻的来肯定自己拥有那无耻的权力。
    On top of that, some of these even justify their right to being shameless self-righteously and without any evidence of shame.

  • 是的,你们不害羞,因为你们在中国掠夺的文物,现在却恬不知耻的在拍卖!!
    Yes, you feel ashamed because you are in the plunder of Chinese cultural relics, but now they are shamelessly in the auction! !

  • 白宫一批负责销毁文件的工作人员甚至恬不知耻地准备将一份档案投进波托马克河。
    abandoned: …One White House disposal crew even unblushingly planned to deep six a file in the Potomac.

  • 是的,你们不害羞, 因为你们在中国掠夺的 文物,现在却恬不知耻的在拍卖!!
    Yes, you feel ashamed because you are in the plunder of Chinese cultural relics, but now they are shamelessly in the auction! !

  • 可否说,这和土耳其的亚特坎有些许关系呢,或者小子进一步恬不知耻地说,谁先谁后呢…
    Does it have any relationship with Turkish Atekan, or which one was in earlier time…

  • 达西先生恬不知耻地夸口说,叫人家受罪是他的拿手好戏,这使她愈发深刻地体会到姐姐的痛苦。
    Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.

  • 他纵然不为了他是朋友的原故,而起来给他,也要因他恬不知耻地切求而起来,给他所需要的一切。
    I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.

  • 明明已经停工,却恬不知耻地发出入住通知,明明没钱可退,却和我们办理退房手续,这不是骗子吗?
    It has stopped, but shamelessly occupancy issued notice when money goes, and we have to return a house clearance, this is not an impostor?

  • 看一看这个,这个小偷恬不知耻的在猫王Graceland地产举行的展览会的展示箱偷走了一把手枪。
    Take a look at this. A thief brazenly stealing a pistol from a display case at an Elvis exhibit at Presley's Graceland estate.

  • 欲望过多,必然穷苦不足;恬不知耻,必然贫贱卑微;疑心太重,必然受人轻视;姿态太高,必然遭人排挤。
    Desire leads to poverty. Loss of conscience leads to humiliation. Suspicion leads to contempt. Arrogance makes you unwelcome.

  • 她们都擎着黑伞以躲避灼人的阳光,但对同样灼人的路边恬不知耻的观客的目光,她们毫不在意,从容走过。
    They protected themselves from the burning sun with a black umbrella and were quite oblivious to the effrontery of the people who watched them pass by.

  • 他的父亲找了无数门路替他在政府部门找了一个工作,然而他却沉溺于声色犬马列之中,大家都说他恬不知耻
    his father found him a job in a government office finally all means. however, he indulged in sensual pleasures, everyone said he was shameless.

  • 以反诘把读者说成是反英雄,恬不知耻的享乐主义者,某一先入主题或无意识的囚徒,或随心所欲的意义发明家。
    so as to challenge those that make the reader an anti-hero, a fall guy, an unabashed hedonist, a prisoner of an identity theme or of an unconscious, or a willful inventor of meanings.

  • 分析师恬不知耻地吹捧说,自家银行企业客户的股票值得买进。据披露,他们曾私下承认其中几只股票一无是处。
    While shamelessly touting their own banks' corporate clients as great buys, analysts were revealed to have privately conceded that several of the stocks were hopeless duds.

  • 这些人不计后果,恬不知耻,以耻为荣--总是有人觉得他们这次一定会找到办法逃过去,没人会发现他们干的好事。
    Recklessly, shamelessly, cavalierly — as if this time they're the ones who will somehow manage to get away with it all.

  • 先知鲁特的民族沉溺于这个恬不知耻的堕落,放弃本性,纯洁,与女性的合法关系,而追求不自然的,邪恶的违法的行为。
    Prophet Lut's people were addicted to this shameless depravity, abandoning natural, pure, lawful relations with women in the pursuit of this unnatural, foul and illicit practice.

  • 如果你打算得罪你的观众、行不可宽恕之事、想出花样干些不可救赎的恬不知耻之事,你也最好拍出一部高票房收入得片子来。
    If you're going to offend your peers, parade unforgivable behavior and find all-new ways to turn your life into a nonstop shame-fest, you'd better also deliver big box office.

  • 他说由于苏联的农业掠夺造成的乌克兰大饥荒死人是被夸大了。他还恶毒地、恬不知耻地声称:“你要做个蛋饼,还能不先打碎几个鸡蛋?”
    He called the forced famine in the Ukraine mostly bunk and viciously justified the millions dead by saying, "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs."

  • 我曾经想象,东方酒店会是另一家莱佛士,有棕榈树的庭院、门廊和桌球台下藏有老虎的传说,但是大多数酒店都恬不知耻地选择了现代化。
    I had imagined that The Oriental might be another Raffles, all palm courts, verandas and tales about tigers under billiard tables, but most of the hotel is unashamedly modern.

  • 因此,枢密院议员出于国王判断考虑,呼吁他们不要恬不知耻,应该马上退出。政治分析人士泰提南认为,这是从直接挑战王权“跑步”离开。
    Privy Councillors serve at the king's discretion so urging them to quit in shame is widely seen as a "half step" from directly challenging the monarch, says Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political analyst.

  • 另外,不少的骗子网站还在网址中插有恶意代码,更有甚者开始恬不知耻的在网站内页打出XX网站合作伙伴或指定经销商的旗号来蛊惑消费者。
    In addition, many sites are still at the crook of malicious code into a more even start shamelessly page of the site, making XX site partners or distributors to confuse consumers under the banner.

  • “许多旁观者们为小屁孩儿们的恬不知耻行为以及网络上发生的推波助澜之举而义愤填膺,”著名网络儿童安全专家帕里·阿夫塔布跟《时代》说。
    "A lot of people are angry about what kids are doing and what's happening on the Internet, " Parry Aftab, a leading Internet child-safety expert told the Times.

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