
怨天尤人  yuàn tiān yóu rén








  • 自家掘坑自家埋,怨天尤人全是错误的。
    They are digging their own graves, and they have no right to blame fate or other people.

  • 永远寻找解决方案,不要怨天尤人
    Seeking for the solution for ever, but don't blame the God.

  • 在指责中成长的孩子,容易怨天尤人
    If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.

  • 我没有坐在那里怨天尤人
    Instead of sitting there being bitter.

  • 他们怨天尤人,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。
    They complained all the time about their bad luck and not being favored by chances.

  • 在自怜中长大的孩子,他们学会了怨天尤人
    If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

  • 该死的肯亚穷人,你们别那麽怨天尤人就好了。
    Damn those poor Kenyans. If only they weren't such pessimistic sourpusses.

  • 我没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不停地找,奋斗。
    Instead of sitting there being bitter, I just looked for, strived.

  • 我没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不停地找,面试。
    Instead of sitting there being bitter, I just looked for, interviewed.

  • 我没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不停地灌水,灌水。
    Instead of sitting there being bitter, I just added water, added water.

  • 我们可能更努力地工作,或者把时间浪费在怨天尤人上。
    We might just keep chasing cars, work harder, or blame someone and waste time complaining.

  • 但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人而是不断地训练、训练。
    Instead of sitting there being bitter I just practiced practiced.

  • 路既然是自己选择的,就不能怨天尤人,你只能无怨无悔。
    The man who travels a mile each day, May get round the world at last.

  • 但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断的学习,学习。
    Instead of sitting there being bitter, I just studied, studied.

  • 想讨好许太太,往往会徒劳无功,因为她一整天都怨天尤人
    It is like beating a dead horse trying to please Mrs. Xu. She is always grumbling.

  • 乐观主义者更关心如何解决问题,而不是毫无意义的怨天尤人
    When you're an optimist, you're more concerned with problem-solving than with useless carping about issues.

  • 面对中冶的困境,不能怨天尤人,只能从内因上解决竞争力问题。
    In face of difficulties, we couldn't blame anyone but ourselves and could only solve the problem of lack of competitiveness by treating internal causes.

  • 原先还风度翩翩的卡西米罗在连续的失败面前也变的怨天尤人起来。
    The original also Fengduopianpian Kaximiluo in a row has changed the face of the failure of the Yuantianyouren up.

  • 有很多公司通过调整商品和服务的种类来适应天气的变化,而不是怨天尤人
    There are companies that adjust their offerings to match changes in the weather rather than moaning about it.

  • 你既把痛苦转换为怨天尤人的诅咒,也赋予之以诗意,这全在于你自己的选择。
    You can turn your pain into profanity -or into poetry. The choice is up to you.

  • 如果你是一个乐观主义者,会更关心问题的解决,而不是毫无价值地怨天尤人
    When you're an optimist, you're more concerned with problem-solving than with useless carping about issues.

  • 但我没有怨天尤人,也没有埋怨自己的运气,而是不停的练习,练习,再练习。
    But I never blamed anyone or cried for my bad luck, I just practise, practise, and practise.

  • 胜利者不会假装无助,也不会怨天尤人。相反,他们为自己的生活承担起责任。
    Winners do not play "helpless", nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives.

  • 因此一心在善恶上寻求人生之路的人,他们常常会失望;觉得不公平,引发怨天尤人的愤慨。
    Hence those who devote themselves to seeking for life goal by benefaction often feel disappointed and unfair, for which they are overall indignant.

  • 如果你陷入了困境,这并不是你父母的错误,所以不要怨天尤人,而应学会从错误中吸取经验教训。
    If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about our mistakes, learn from them.

  • 比如,假如你同一个人或一群人存在沟通标题,不要怨天尤人,而是要问问自己:我怎样能做得更好?
    For example, if you have a communication issue with one person or a group of people, step away from the blame game and ask yourself, 'How can I be better?

  • 其实,这个世界对我并没有什么不公平,我还得感谢上苍,它使我变得如此明智,再不会因此而怨天尤人了!
    The world has done me no injustice; thank Heaven I have grown wise enough not to rail at it for this!

  • 我们会怨天尤人,我们会慨叹生不逢时,我们心情郁闷,变得尖刻乖戾,我们觉得整个世界都在和自己过不去。
    We might complain, wondering why we're not born at the right time. When we feel depressed, we become poignancy and warp, and feel the whole world is against us.

  • 面对工作和生活—智者守住本分,愚人越过底线;智者懂得感恩,愚人怨天尤人;智者反省自责,愚人执迷不悟。
    Faced with work and life - holding the sub-wise, the fool over the bottom line; Thanksgiving wise man knows, the odds fool; wise reflection ERA, fool of unrepentant.

  • 外表纤弱的她做起事来干净利落,即使再繁重的活儿也不能让她怨天尤人、愁容满面,因为那样做只会暴露自己的无能。
    Semblance delicate she does stages a rebellion neatly, even if the arduous work cannot let her blame god and man, the anxious look over the face, because will such do will only expose own incompetent.

  • 怨天尤人造句相关
