
怦然心动  pēng rán xīn dòng






  • 我依然会为你的敲门声怦然心动
    I will still be excited when you knock on my door.

  • 什么样的礼物能让他怦然心动
    What kind of gift can make her heart leaps up?

  • 每一次我注视着你,你总是让我怦然心动
    everytime i look at you , my heart misses a beat.

  • 一个“挺”好的丰胸霜广告,让我怦然心动
    " hold out " advertisement of good breast enhancement frost, let me become really interested.

  • 大凡美丽的事物,均可让人怦然心动,心生愉悦。
    Almost all the beautiful things people can be most exciting, heart health pleasure.

  • 这一政策曾令许多地产商们怦然心动,并趋之若鹜。
    This policy had driven many of the developers who got moved, and all rush.

  • 也许你会怦然心动,因为这里是最高,最难攀登的绝地。
    Perhaps you will be exciting, because here is the highest, most difficult climb of the Jedi.

  • 生活不是在于你活了多久,而是那些让你怦然心动的时刻!
    Life is not the amount of breathes you take, it is the moments that take your breath away!

  • 生命的真谛不在于你活了多久,而是那些让人怦然心动的时刻。
    Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away.

  • 生活的乐趣,不在于你活了多久,而在于那些令你怦然心动的瞬间。
    Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it is the moment that take your breath away.

  • 创新无非就是将汇聚一批贤能之士共同探索令人怦然心动的新点子。
    Innovation is all about a lot of smart people thinking of exciting new ideas.

  • 一条条特色街区就像过目不忘的城市符号一样,有时会令人怦然心动
    Characteristics of neighbourhoods not look like a city symbol, sometimes it got moved.

  • 生活不在于你呼吸的次数,而在于让你怦然心动感到窒息的那一瞬间。
    Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.

  • 殊不知,这里非但没有那些使人怦然心动的利益,相反却充满了骗人的圈套。
    It does not know who is here instead of the interests of the exciting, but on the contrary full of deceptive trap.

  • 语言生动,意境鲜明,产品功能、公司形象具体生动地呈现于读者眼前,令人怦然心动
    Language vivid and distinct conception, product features, the company's image in a specific vividly before the reader, it is exciting.

  • 马汀是波多黎各最卖座的艺人之一,他的热门单曲包括《怦然心动》和《疯狂生活》等。
    Martin is one of Puerto Rico's top-selling artists, with hits including "She Bangs" and "Livin' la Vida Loca.

  • 令女人们怦然心动的男演员布莱德皮特就差两学分就能在密苏里大学取得他的新闻学学位。
    Brad Pitt, actor and heartthrob, was two credits shy of a journalism degree from the University of Missouri.

  • 平静与动感,古典与现代,城市与自然的完美结合,一次令人怦然心动的北欧之旅岂容错过!
    There is a combination of peace and innervation, classicality and modern, city and nature, you can not miss such an attractive travel in your life!

  • 他们手牵手的向众人走来,眼中流露出的生生世世的依恋和从容,让在场的每一个人都怦然心动
    They walked to people hand in hand, the attachment and calm of forever and ever betraying from their eyes, let all the attendants bang.

  • 往往是你正坐在那里顾影自怜,突然之间,怦然心动!爱情让你一扫阴霾,让你的脉搏狂乱无章。
    Often you are just sitting there minding your own business and then Wham! Love suddenly hits you out of the blue, and your pulse is off and running.

  • 大面积的绿地,不仅使楼盘的档次大幅度提高,而且这股“绿色的诱惑”,惹得购房者怦然心动
    Large areas of green space, not only for the grades significantly increase sales, and this unit "green temptation, " Though property buyers across moved.

  • 然而千算万算,伊晴就是没有算到柯契斯会对她的请求反应激烈,更没有料到自己会对他怦然心动
    Yet in all of her plotting, Imogen never anticipated Colchester's violent reaction to her request … or her own electrifying reaction to him.

  • 光从名字看这四个“法宝”就能让我怦然心动,但经过仔细使用研究,四大法宝却显得不那么完善。
    "Light look at the four names from the "magic weapon" to let me eyebrows, but after careful use of research, four major magic weapon but is not so perfect.

  • 对于开发商而言,你的房子要让消费者“心动”才能卖得出去,“喜欢”没有用,要有怦然心动的感觉。
    One of the developers, your house to consumers "moved" to sell out, "like" useless, a feeling of excitement heart beat.

  • 浪漫主义小说家大多善于在作品中描写这样的场面:在一间拥挤的房间里,陌生男女随着目光的交汇,怦然心动
    Romantic novelists rarely fail to include in their oeuvre that special moment when two strangers look into each other's eyes across a crowded room feel the tingle of desire.

  • 在这些作品中,美丽的神仙传说与唐宋词人特有的缠绵细致的情感相结合,使得这一意象散发出令人怦然心动的美学意蕴。
    In these works, the beautiful fairy legends combined with the poets' unique and touching emotion, makes the images full of breathtaking aesthetic implication.

  • 在一些刊登房源信息的报刊上,多数房子的位置、条件和价位常常令消费者怦然心动,而实际上这只是用来引诱你的骗局。
    Some newspapers publish information on housing, the majority of houses location, condition and price often consumers across moved, and in fact this is only used to lure you to fraud.

  • 有时看著约翰上学去,我就不禁怦然心动,想起自己上8年级时的感觉——那时尝试不同的生活方式就如同试衣服一样简单。
    Sometimes watching John going to school set my heart beating, and reminded me of the feeling when I was in G 8---at that time trying different life style was as easy as trying on dresses.

  • 奇异俏丽的小安,有着让所有男人都怦然心动的魅力,然而几年的共同生活,却让这对都市金童玉女之间出现了深深的沟壑。
    An exotic pretty small, have all men are exciting charm, but several years of living together, which left the city between Jintongyunv deep gully.

  • 城市里喧闹的人声和热闹的生活,加上鳞次栉比的楼房建筑,在令人惊愕的同时,又令人怦然心动,教给人们模棱两可的生活意义。
    A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms.

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