
急风暴雨  jí fēng bào yǔ








  • 这场运动如急风暴雨, 势不可当。
    This movement carried all before it like a hurricane.

  • 急风暴雨式地进攻;突然进攻。
    attack by storm; attack suddenly.

  • 爱似急风暴雨、持续三十年。
    Their love affair was stormy, but lasted 30 years.

  • 急风暴雨会使飞鸟走兽都感到哀婉悲伤;
    When the wind rages and the rain pours, even the birds seem sorrowful;

  • 急风暴雨信誓旦旦,风平浪静时忘在一边。
    Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.

  • 这个攻击的形势,简直是急风暴雨,顺之者存,违之者灭。
    In force and momentum the attack is tempestuous; those who bow before it survive and those who resist perish.

  • 二十四岁的项羽,就这样被人民起义的急风暴雨推上了历史舞台。
    The twenty four-year-old Xiang Yu , such a hurricane by the people's uprising have pushed an arena of history.

  • 从每个人急风暴雨般的指责中可以看出,他们一定是以为我把房子点着了。
    Anybody would have thought I had set the house on fire from the way in which they stormed at me.

  • 1998年世界各国经历了急风暴雨般的金融危机冲击,经济受到严重影响。
    World each country experienced the financial crisis concussion like violent storm 1998, economy is affected badly.

  • 他们金子般的友谊经受了残酷战火的洗礼和急风暴雨的考验,是那么美丽,那么动人。
    The friendship like their gold underwent the test of the ablution of brutal flames of war and violent storm, it is so beautiful, so moving.

  • 盐田地产的相对滞后使盐田产生了一定程度的急噪情绪,并使盐田表现出一种急风暴雨似的作风。
    Yantian property has lagged behind the Yantian have a degree of impetuous emotions, and Yantian rain storm show a similar style anxious.

  • 急风暴雨的进攻之后,比赛回归到一连串的犯规和闪光点,裁判法里纳也开始像赌博公司的经理一样的开始摸出一张张黄牌!
    After a brief flurry of action the game soon reverted to a succession of fouls and flash points, and referee Farina began to deal out more cards than a croupier.

  • “黄金海岸时尚周”是世界上最大的时尚表演之一,一个刚满13岁的澳大利亚女孩成为它的“头面人物”,从而引起了一场急风暴雨般的论战。
    An Australian girl just turned 13 has caused a storm of controversy by appearing as the "face" of Gold Coast Fashion Week -- one of the world's largest fashion shows.

  • 夏天,在急风暴雨中,娇嫩的花草都凋谢了,而竹子,它们肩并肩,手拉手,互相帮助,任凭风吹雨打,绝不低头弯腰,傲然挺立。秋天,树木的叶子都有渐渐的变黄,直至飘落。
    Summer, the rain swept, delicate flowers are withering, and the bamboo, they are side by side, hand in hand, helping each other, despite the wind and rain, will never bow to bend, stand proudly.

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