
言传身教  yán chuán shēn jiào







  • 知识不能就自身用途而言传身教
    for they teach not their own use;

  • 今日竭诚为主活,言传身教下一代。
    We influence future generations by living for Christ today.

  • 这当然是溥仪“言传身教”的结果了。
    This, of course, Puyi "Yanzhuanshenjiao" the results.

  • 榜样法则:言传身教对孩子的榜样是巨大的。
    rule 6: Example-----your language&action are good example for them.

  • 达妮卡的父亲尽他所知的有关比赛的要点言传身教给她。
    Danica's dad taught Danica everything he knew about racing.

  • 这个故事的寓意是,身教言传要有效的多。言传身教啊。
    The moral to this story is, "It's easier to teach by example than by preaching."

  • 人类的行为是言传身教的结果,而动物的行为则是来自本能。
    Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, A the behavior of animal depends mainly on instinct.

  • 不管我们是否意识到,父母总是不断地对我们进行言传身教
    Our parents are always teaching us whether we realize it or not. They teach both in words and by example.

  • 教师应成为学生的楷模,以身作则,言传身教,陶冶和感化学生。
    Teachers should become a model student, set an example by words and deeds, mold and probation students.

  • 关于太极拳的起源与流传,许多史事轶闻仅见于拳术家的言传身教
    Tai Chi Chuan on the origin and spread, and many anecdotal things only found in the history of boxing's words and deeds.

  • 象后来京剧界的著名演员李少春、马又良,都曾受过白玉珍的言传身教
    Later, as the famous Peking Opera actor Li Shaochun, horse-liang, have received Bai Yuzhen's words and deeds.

  • 原始社会时期,武术教育是适应生产、生活的需要,以言传身教传授的。
    In the primitive society in order to meet the needs of the production and life, Wushu education was given with spoken language and deeds.

  • 一来是为姚明设置可靠的替补,二来也可以言传身教帮助多西尽快成长。
    Yao Ming is one thing to set up a reliable replacement, on the other hand can also help more of the West challenged myself to grow as quickly as possible.

  • 通过言传身教潜移默化,在学生的心灵中播下良好的种子,使他们能够茁壮成长。
    To make them grow healthily and strongly, the head masters should educate their students with their own words and actions, change and influence them gradually, sowed good seeds in their body.

  • 上至公司副总裁,下至销售代表精英,都对我们言传身教,加深我们实地了解市场运作。
    Lots of chances to communicate, from VPs to Sales Reps plus occasions to understand marketing in different locations.

  • 培养人才:通过个人的言传身教,帮助他人发展。创建一个鼓励学习、成长和发展的环境。
    Developing People: Facilitates the development of others through personal involvement in coaching, mentoring and sponsorship. Creates an environment that fosters learning, growth and development.

  • 做好临床护理带教,带教老师必须以身作则,言传身教,加强岗前培训,增强护生的慎独意识;
    The clinical teacher must set a good example with their own conduct and teacher by precept amd example;

  • 愚山通过自己的言传身教、潜移默化,在为人处事、立身教学、创作时文方面对留仙均有所影响。
    Through his penetrating teaching and example, Yu Shan (Shi) had great influence on Liu Xian in the aspects of social manners, career of teaching, parallel prose writing.

  • 她超越了男权社会中的男性,担负起领导全家的重任,并以她的言传身教教导着下一代女性罗撒香。
    She is above the males and she took up the responsibility of leadership. She instructs Rose do Saran through her actions and words.

  • 再见,为我们授课的老师,你们的言传身教为我提供了可资效仿的典范,我会把它传授给我的学生。
    Goodbye, for our teacher, you give the precept provide me with the model of emulation, and I'll put it teach my students.

  • 故事中的小妇人拥有不同的性格,有明理慈爱的母亲,她言传身教女儿们要帮助比自己更穷困的家庭。
    The story of Little Women have different character, understanding and loving mother. her daughter had to help them with more than their poor families.

  • 教师们言传身教,严谨治学的科学作风和开创学术新领域的勇气给中大这座科学殿堂留下许多精神财富。
    Teachers challenged myself, rigorous scientific learning style and create a new academic field of courage to the large halls of the science behind many of the spiritual wealth.

  • 特别是在父母的言传身教下我很早就树立了自己正确的人生观和价值观,并懂得了如何在生活中磨炼自己。
    Especially in the words and deeds of their parents very early on I set myself a correct outlook on life and values, and know how to temper themselves in life.

  • 一旦你进行言传身教,并且监督他们尝试几次后,就应该给予你的孩子信任,让他自己去完成,从自身的错误中学习;
    Once you've talked about the skill, showed your child how to do it, and let them do it under supervision a few times, give your child the trust to do it on his own, and to learn from his own mistakes.

  • 除了需要师傅言传身教,更加需要勤学苦练,积累大量的实际表演经验,因而要组成一个皮影戏剧团是十分不容易的。
    In addiction to the masters' teaching, performers have to work hard to accumulate experiences. That's why to form a shadow play troupe is so difficult.

  • 我们要给予他们追求真理的激情:真理建立在言传身教的基础上,是一切美好事情的开始,是带来相互信任的力量和信念。
    We give them the passion for truth:founded on precept or example, truth is the beginning of every good thing; the power and the faith engendering mutual trust.

  • 班主任鼓励我们学习,他让我们惜时如金,并言传身教说,自己长这么大,都把时间放在读书上了,连离家最近的香山也没去过。
    We encourage him to learn, he let us treasuring time, and personal and said that he greatly regarded in the study of time, the Fragrance Hill has not even been away from home recently.

  • 在王祖农教授严谨、严格的学风熏陶下,言传身教,培养了一批学术上有建树的学科带头人和研究生指导教师,高培基教授就是其中优秀的代表。
    A number of faculties and scientists such the excellent representative as Prof. Peiji Gao were grown up. He is illustrious for his excellent research results in cellulolytic microbiology.

  • 耶稣透过言传身教,告诉我们上帝的真实面目:上帝不是来给我们制定出一套苛刻的条条框框,而是展现出大爱,来爱这世上的所有男人、妇女和小孩。
    In deed and word Jesus showed those who would listen what God is really like - not a rigid rule but a God of passionate love for every man, woman and child on Earth.

  • 父亲们在一块谈论孩子刚刚出生的情景,谈到指导“少年棒球联合会”,谈到儿子结婚,又有了他们自己的儿子,谈到了传统的消失。每一位父亲都言传身教
    Fathers talk about newborns entering the world and about coaching Little League, of sons marrying and having their own sons, and of the passing of tradition.

  • 言传身教造句相关
