
怅然若失  chàng rán ruò shī


怅然:形容不如意、不痛快。 象失去什么似的烦恼不快。






  • 发现这一点后,他不免有些怅然若失
    Then he noticed a single white feather had fallen from it.

  • 比赛结束后,蓝妮怅然若失地待在房间里。
    After the competition ended, blue ni disappointed, if lost treats in the room.

  • 不要停留在让自己的一颗心怅然若失的地方。
    never end up in a place where you always feel you've lost sth.

  • 一个孩子以怅然若失的目光望著橱窗中的玩具。
    A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the window.

  • 小王子怅然若失地拔除最后一颗巴尔巴巨树的幼芽。
    The little prince also pulled up, with a certain sense of dejection, the last little shoots of the baobabs.

  • 我们之间的争论,并不会造成任何我感到气馁或感到怅然若失
    And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.

  • 怅然若失,但我只是个勿勿而过的游者,而它依旧是它的沉静。
    Changranreshi, but I had only a Momo and the Tour, and it is still the quiet.

  • 有许多人无缘无故地兴高采烈或是怅然若失,她却未容有过这种感觉。
    She felt none of those ups and downs of spirit which beset to many people without cause.

  • 要紧的不是你认识多少人,而是当你撒手离世时,有多少人怅然若失
    What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when your gone.

  • 要紧的不是你认识多少人,而是当你撒手离世时, 有多少人怅然若失
    What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when your gone.

  • 重要的不是你认识多少人,而是你离世后能有多少人怅然若失、深深怀念。
    What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.

  • 但丈夫的离去,国家的灭亡,带给她沉重的打击,使她玉颜憔悴,怅然若失
    But her husband's departure, the country's demise, brought her a heavy blow to her Yuk Ngan, Becky gaunt, saw it.

  • 可孩子一旦真的独立了,当你驻足门外,望着空白的门板,总会有些怅然若失
    But when it happens, when you pause outside that door and look at the blank panels, it is always a little unsettling.

  • 正想着心思,听见洪之光房间的门开了,赶紧伸出头,看到周畅怅然若失地走了出来。
    Is thinking the thoughts, heard light of room the Hong gate to open, hurried to extend raises one's head, saw Zhou Chang was disappointed, if lost walked.

  • 普拉蒂尼普大爷,我们的反英超先锋主席,怅然若失地表达着英超这种良好势头将会停止。
    Michel Platini our usually anti-premier league UEFA President is at a loss to express in words how this trend can be stopped.

  • 我又一次想到了他们的家庭圈子,我自以为已经习以为常的那种怅然若失的刺痛感又袭上心头。
    I thought again of their family circle and felt the sharp ache of emptiness I thought I had grown accustomed to .

  • 我在家中每间房子里走来走去,怅然若失,一如在空无一人的剧场里走动,每间房子里都有他的声音。
    At home the house seemed as haunted as an empty the ater. He was there in my each room.

  • 作为女人,一见到有魅力的男人,她也会心荡神迷、怅然若失,从此在平淡的生活中生出几分殷殷的期待。
    As woman, as soon as saw that has the charm man, her understanding is also absent-minded confuses, disappointed, if loses, henceforth in light life mesozoic several points anticipations ardently.

  • 怅然若失的模样,像伊金斯画笔下持桨暂歇的划船者,拉泽姆静静抽著雪茄吞云吐雾,沉思自己失败的原因。
    Pensive, like one of Eakins's powers resting in his scull, Latham is silently puffing on a cigarette, contemplating his own failure.

  • 赵文王细细地玩味庄子对天子之剑的描述,怅然若失地开始反省,怎么自己没有注意到,世间尚有这么尊贵的宝剑呢?
    King Wen thought over on Chuang Tzu's description of the sword of emperor. He started to introspect: Why doesn't he find such a distinguished sword before?

  • 欣欣兴高采烈地去参加了大学同学聚会,她憧憬着5年未见的同学见面将是怎样温馨的场面,然而从同学会归来的欣欣却怅然若失
    Xinxin went to take part in the classmates gathering cheerfully. She imagined how warm it would be when she saw the classmates five years later, only to fell lost when she returned.

  • 子贡低著头,慢慢地走回车子,他一句话也没说,一个人默默地想著这位乡下农人的话,怅然若失,觉得自己这麽多年的努力,好像全泡汤了。
    Lowered his head, Zi Gong stepped slowly back to his carriage. In silence, he tasted what the farmer said and felt depressed as if his effort of years became futile.

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