
忧心忡忡  yōu xīn chōng chōng








  • 医院里,病人忧心忡忡的。
    The hospital patient was worried.

  • 忧心忡忡的家长们都为孩子们的安全担忧。
    The concerned parents were all concerned for the children's safety.

  • 假如孩子与恐惧相伴,他们就变得忧心忡忡
    If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.

  • 然而,政府继续坚持认为人民没有理由忧心忡忡
    Yet the government continued to insist that people had no cause to worry.

  • 念念不忘过去,忧心忡忡未来,我听从心走的声音。
    Never forget the past, worried about the future, I go listen to heart sounds.

  • 虽然我忧心忡忡,但还是对解决这个问题充满希望。
    While I am worried, I am hopeful we will solve this problem.

  • 不断上涨地石油和食品价格令全欧洲消费者忧心忡忡
    Rising fuel and food prices are worrying consumers all over Europe.

  • 另一方面,中国人手头的美国证券显然令他们忧心忡忡
    On the other side, the Chinese are evidently getting anxious about those securities.

  • 尤其是部分民主党议员极力反对此战争,白宫也忧心忡忡
    Parts of the Democratic Party, in particular, are hostile to the war and the White House is nervous.

  • 自冷战结束之后,战略家们就对处于衰败的国家忧心忡忡
    Strategists have worried about failing states ever since the end of the cold war.

  • 忧心忡忡可导致很多疾病,例如,情绪紧张性头痛或脊背痛。
    Worry can bring a lot of diseases such as tension headaches and backaches.

  • 母亲让我保持亲近,操心我的安全,可我永远不理解她为此忧心忡忡
    I could never understand my mother's anxiety about keeping me close and safe.

  • 人们对失业问题忧心忡忡,是因为他们只考虑到了这个进程的一个侧面。
    The fears of unemployment arise because people look at only one side of the process.

  • 他总是对邻近的国王们忧心忡忡,那些国王中有些并不友善,布满了危险。
    He always had to worry about neighboring kings, some of whom were unfriendly and threatening.

  • 一个星期后,露琪亚又假装忧心忡忡,她对银鼻子说还想知道妈妈的消息。
    A week later, sly Lucia pretended to be sad once more and told Silver Nose she wanted news of her mother.

  • 狮子帅克从动物园被带到得克萨斯州的一所教堂里,与其他忧心忡忡的居民一起避难。
    Shackle, was taken from a zoo to a Texas church where it rode out the storm with other worried residents.

  • 刚刚结束激烈的对抗,队员们在场边喝水休息,但都有点心不在焉,甚至是忧心忡忡
    Has just concluded the fierce confrontation, the team members in court drink plenty of water breaks, but somewhat absent-minded, or even worried.

  • 一人一个天使。所以当你开始忧心忡忡时,记住:某个地方有个天使,她正在守护着你。
    Everyone has an angle. So if you begin to worry too much, just remember: Somewhere an angle is looking out for you , too.

  • 不过,当陈水扁“总统”本周宣布将其废止之际,北京感到大为恼怒,美国方面也是忧心忡忡
    But when President Chen Shui-bian appeared to scrap it this week, he caused anger in China, and worry in America.

  • 但也有一点让她忧心忡忡:在最近的民意调查中,她的不受欢迎度和受欢迎度一样,高达36%。
    But she also starts off with worryingly high negatives: in a recent poll her "unfavourables" were as high as her favourables, at 36%.

  • 这一结果将令中国政府感到高兴。最近几年,北京一直为自己眼中的澳门和香港“政治稳定”忧心忡忡
    The result will please the Chinese government, which has been unnerved during recent years by what it regards as "political instability" in Macao and Hong Kong.

  • 上周,美国数百万的同性恋男女都忧心忡忡。他们担心在同性恋权益问题上,美国会朝着全然相反的方向发展。
    MILLIONS of gay men and women in the United States spent last week worrying over whether the country might move in the opposite direction in the matter of gay rights.

  • 如果你常常忧心忡忡,正视这样的感觉,这是在提醒你眼前的威胁——无论是真实的或想像的,都值得你关注。
    When you"re apprehensive, respect that feeling. It"s telling you of a threat --real or imagined. That deserves your attention.

  • 每当他那可爱的脸告诉我们它不舒服时,我们就忧心忡忡,可是我们又不能作出决定可以帮助它结束生命历程了。
    We were concerned when Banjo's dear face told us he wasn't feeling well, yet we were unable to make the decision that the time had come to help him along.

  • 如果你对某种动物或植物因人类的活动受到威胁而忧心忡忡的话,请向本地媒体或有关主管部门通报,提请社会注意。
    Write to your local newspaper or the authorities concerned if you are worried that a certain plant or animal is threatened by human activities.

  • 银行业分析师范坤祥在接受记者采访时表示,除了雷曼之外,上市银行所持其他美元债券难免成为市场忧心忡忡之所在。
    Banking analyst Andrew Fankun reporters in an interview that, in addition to Lehman, listing other dollar bonds held by banks will inevitably become a market worried about.

  • 中共努力推进的同情弱势群体的立场(就像它纵容民族主义那样)反应了一种向民粹主义迈步的趋向,这让一些中国人忧心忡忡
    But some Chinese worry that the party's efforts to boost its standing among the downtrodden, as well as to pander to rising nationalism, reflect a trend towards populism.

  • 每当有旁听的人从法庭出来,汤姆就侧着耳朵细听,但听到的消息都令人忧心忡忡——法网越来越无情地罩向可怜的莫夫•波特身上。
    Tom kept his ears open when idlers sauntered out of the courtroom, but invariably heard distressing news -- the toils were closing more and more relentlessly around poor Potter.

  • 经济学家们对中国的经济前景更加忧心忡忡了,他们大多数人都预言2009年的GDP增长率可能只有5-6%,创过去20年最低。
    Economists have become gloomier about China's prospects, with many now predicting GDP growth of only 5-6% in 2009, the lowest for almost two decades.

  • 切尔西没有一脚射门命中目标,加上周三还有对索斯恩德的足总杯重赛,他们的状态将令斯科拉里忧心忡忡,只能靠服用甜梦口服液安睡。
    Chelsea failed to register a single shot on target and with an FA Cup replay at Southend on Wednesday, their form will be a huge concern for Scolari.

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