
忧心如焚  yōu xīn rú fén








  • 不要因国事、家事、心上事忧心如焚
    Because the thing on pragmatic, housekeeping, heart is extremely worried, do not want.

  • 她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。
    Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.

  • 巴萨尼奥忧心如焚地等候着这场审判的结果。
    Bassanio waited in dreadful suspense the event of the trial.

  • 越发越增添了心中的忧虑,一时竟至忧心如焚
    The anxiety increased, became almost painful for a moment.

  • 罗伯特说,“这人弄得我徒劳无益地忧心如焚啊!
    said Robert, "what useless anxiety that man has given me!"

  • 他走到园子里,一个人独自忧心如焚,在园里徘徊。
    He went into the garden and wandered miserably around the grounds alone.

  • 对此当地的野生动物保护组织大伤脑筋,忧心如焚
    Big to the organization of wild animal protection of this place nerve-racking, extremely worried.

  • 杰克逊的密友,女演员伊丽莎白•泰勒说她忧心如焚,以至于没法再发布声明。
    Jackson's close friend, the actress Elizabeth Taylor, said she was too distraught to __ a __.

  • 望着病床上的婴幼儿,年轻的父母忧心如焚,恨不得以自己的病痛换取孩子的健康。
    Looking at the bed of infants and young children, young parents worried that their wish to return for the pain the children's health.

  • 即使不会复发,到了下一个流感季节,大量忧心如焚的患者也会使医疗系统不堪重负;
    Even if it doesn't, a flood of worried patients may overwhelm the health care system during the next flu season;

  • 四年前当我们聚会为一位总统举行就职典礼时,整个共和国忧心如焚地与我们站在一起。
    When four years ago we met to inaugurate a President, the Republic, single-minded in anxiety, stood in spirit here.

  • 简要内容:望着病床上的婴幼儿,年轻的父母忧心如焚,恨不得以自己的病痛换取孩子的健康。
    Summary: Looking at the bed of infants and young children, young parents worried that their wish to return for the pain the children's health.

  • 如果那些忧心如焚的人担心我家的卫生状况,也许他们可以出钱请个女仆,每周来我家做一次清洁。
    If some of these "concerned people" are so worried about the condition of my house, maybe they could offer to pay for a maid to come in once a week to help.

  • 一位已有几丝白发的妇女目送载着她女儿的列车缓缓地驶出车站,驶出她无能为力的视野,忧心如焚
    A woman with several silver hair was watching the train which her daughter took driving out of the platform, driving out of her helpless view.

  • 国王忧心如焚,只好答应了女巫的条件。老巫婆把国王领到她的小屋子里,只见她的女儿正坐在那儿烤火。
    The king was so frightened that he consented, and the old woman led him to her cottage, where her daughter was sitting by the fire.

  • 朝鲜统一后也许美国军队会撤出、那里产生无法预知或许敌视日本的新政权的前景也让日本领导人忧心如焚
    So is the prospect of Korean unification, which might lead to the withdrawal of American troops and some unpredictable, and perhaps hostile, new regime there.

  • 再过一年,当你回首今天的时候,你会发现你今天忧心如焚的难题,其实是等着你用心学习的又一门宝贵课程。
    A year from now, when you look back at today, you'll see that the problem you're so concerned with right now, was another valuable lesson waiting to be learned.

  • 再过一年,当你回首今天的时候,你会发现你今天忧心如焚的难题,其实是等着你用心学习的又一门宝贵课程!
    4】A year from now, when you look back at today, you'll see that the problem you're so concerned with right now, was another valuable lesson waiting to be learned!

  • 以斯拉欢抵耶路撒冷,向上主献祭之后,突然听到一个消息使他忧心如焚,就是上帝的百姓和异族人杂混通婚的事。
    After Ezra arrived in Jerusalem and joyously offered sacrifices unto the Lord, he was suddenly struck with much grief as he heard about the problem of pagan intermarriage among the people of God.

  • 在离开人世前四个半月时,杰斐逊重病在身,债台高筑,并为家庭的贫困感到忧心如焚,于是他提笔给这位知心好友写了封信。
    Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend.

  • 在离开人世前四个半月时,杰斐逊重病在身,债台高筑,并为家庭的贫困感到忧心如焚,于是他提笔给这位知交好友写了封信。
    Four and a half months before he died, when he was 8)ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his 9)impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend.

  • 她觉得自己的境况本应好一些,只要在节骨眼上使一把劲就能办到,而拖延下去则会使索回财产变得更加困难,真叫她忧心如焚
    To feel that she ought to be in better circumstances, that a little trouble in the right place might do it, and to fear that delay might be even weakening her claims, was hard to bear.

  • 牛津大学出版社说,9·11恐怖事件发生后,忧心如焚的家长、老师和图书馆已经不能招架孩子们对于这场战争的强烈好奇心了,因此他们正在加紧赶印《养家的人》。
    Oxford University Press said it rushed publication after worried parents, teachers and librarians struggled to answer children's questions in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

  • 我注意到,当我父亲说这些话的时候,老泪纵横,尤其是他讲到我大哥陈尸战场,讲到我将来呼援无门而后悔时,更是悲不自胜,不得不中断了他的谈话。最后,他对我说,他忧心如焚,话也说不下去了。
    and that when he spoke of my having Leisure to repent, and none to assist me, he was so move, 0that he broke off the Discourse, and told me, his Heart was so full he could say no more to me.

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