
心烦意乱  xīn fán yì luàn








  • 我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱
    Im always upset when I dont get any mail.

  • ‘进来。’他心烦意乱地说。
    Come in, ' he said distractedly.

  • 杰克心烦意乱,责怪他自己。
    Jack is upset and blames himself.

  • 他比赛输了,心烦意乱是可以理解的。
    He was understandably upset when he lost the game.

  • 当皮特的宠物鸟死掉时,他心烦意乱
    Pete was upset when his pet bird died.

  • 她为了儿子的事情心烦意乱
    He was distracted with concern for her son.

  • 外的消息使她心烦意乱
    She was knocked over by the unexpected news.

  • 这坏消息使我心烦意乱
    The bad newss upset me.

  • 她因疑惑而心烦意乱
    She was distracted with doubts.

  • 这消息使他心烦意乱
    The news upset him emotionally.

  • 不把办公室里的每个人弄得心烦意乱他就不会满足。
    He won't be contented until he's upset everyone in the office.

  • 为什么你总是疑神疑鬼的?我实在是有点心烦意乱了!
    Why must you always be so doubtful ? It really upsets me !

  • 心烦意乱的增刊供给者与傀儡一起到上面的房间吃晚餐。
    The upset supplement supplier go up with the puppet to the upper room for supper.

  • 每当粉笔在黑板上打滑时,那磨擦声就使得我心烦意乱
    Whenever the chalk skids across the blackboard it sets my teeth on edge.

  • 这对克里姆林宫的政治领导人来说是个心烦意乱的问题。
    This is upsetting and worrying for the country's political masters in the Kremlin.

  • 你不会为疼痛和劳累而心烦意乱,并且你也会睡得更好。
    You will be less distracted by pain and fatigue, and you will sleep better.

  • 如果没有爱,人可能会变得心烦意乱,也会变得残忍和粗暴。
    Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.

  • 当局表示该名男子可能是由于妻子的离去心烦意乱而做出此事。
    Authorities say the man may have been upset because his wife had left him.

  • 然后他说出了他的箴言:在白天心烦意乱,甚至连芳香都隐蔽了。
    Then it came with his motto: Being distracted during the day, even the aroma could be concealed.

  • 泰瑞心烦意乱了起来,但是杰克要她安心,金姆很有可能不会受到伤害。
    Teri is upset, but Jack assures her that Kim most likely will not be hurt.

  • 人们在自己生活的漫无目的中似乎也发现了熵。他们常常为此而心烦意乱
    People are often upset by the entropy they seem to see in the haphazardness of their own lives.

  • 有些儿童可能会心烦意乱或者出现记忆障碍。这种情况应予以容忍和理解。
    Some children may respond by being distracted or having trouble remembering things. These should be tolerated and understood.

  • 为了继续完成任务,不被他上升的心跳弄得心烦意乱,他重温了一遍鱼雷行动。
    To stay on task, and not get distracted by his racing heartbeat, he reviewed Operation TORPEDO one more time.

  • 好像在我和阿尔弗雷德之间就只有争吵了,搞得我心烦意乱,为此我已经瘦了20磅了。
    Seems like all Alfred and I do is fight. I've been so upset that I've lost 20 pounds.

  • 股市崩盘、楼市下跌、所有的投资在一夜之间可能就会打了水飘……你是否正在为此心烦意乱寝食难安?
    The stock market collapse, the property market down, all the investment in the overnight attack may be floating in water … … you are upset this anxiety?

  • 同时,工党也为许多选票损失在极右翼的英国国家党手里而心烦意乱,这在骗补丑闻爆发前很久就开始了。
    Labour, meanwhile, was fretting about the damage it might suffer at the hands of the far-right British National Party (BNP) long before the expenses scandal broke.

  • 刚养狗的人应该知道:当狗心烦意乱的时候它们不会学得很快。实际上,它们甚至不再尝试与你一起工作。
    New dog owners need to know that when dogs are distracted they don't learn as quickly. In fact many won't even try to work with you.

  • 三十岁之后,一听到名人就若有所失,就心烦意乱,就怒火中烧,就……不知道什么滋味,特别是年轻的、漂亮的女的名人。
    After thirty , upon hearing the names of celebrities, I feel lost, vexed and burning with anger, especially the names of those famous females , who are young and pretty.

  • 他们心烦意乱的时间比女性更长。女性往往大哭五分钟,然后补装,一切就都结束了。但是男人们会哭丧着脸在大厅里踱上几个小时。
    They stay upset much longer than the women. Women cry for five minutes, then do their make-up and it's all over. Men wander around for hours with their faces collapsed.

  • 凯特布。莱尔有朋友,有敌人,有商业伙伴,他们都身居高位,在过去的几个月当中,谣言不停地传到她的耳朵里,惹得她心烦意乱
    Kate Blackwell had friends and enemies and business associates in high places , and for the last few months disturbing rumours had been coming to her ears .

  • 心烦意乱造句相关
