
心浮气躁  xīn fú qì zào






  • 夏天由于气温高,人们往往会觉得心浮气躁
    summer because of high temperatures, people tend to think that who are unsettled.

  • 在繁忙的都市生活中,每个京城人都不免有心浮气躁的感觉。
    in busy urban living, but there are people who are unsettled meet each feeling.

  • 第三个对手虽然比较强悍,但一番苦战后,对手就开始心浮气躁
    The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, her opponent became impatient and charged.

  • 所以,不甘淡泊,只赚了个心浮气躁,愤心难平,结果是哀此一生。
    Therefore, never indifferent to, earn a心 indignation agitated heart, the result is the sorrow of this life.

  • 强调长期性以防心浮气躁,增强攻坚意识 ,加深对紧迫感的熟悉。
    Emphasize long-term sex in case impatient gas impetuous, enhance consciousness of assault fortified positions, deepen the understanding to sense of urgency.

  • 读书写字或工作的地方,需要宁静、沉稳的感觉,人在其中才不会心浮气躁
    Read the place that the book writes or works, need halcyon, composed sense, person amid just won't impatient enrages impetuous.

  • 读书写字或工作的地方,需要宁静、沉稳的感觉,人在其中才不会心浮气躁
    study write or work place, need a quiet, comfortable feeling, and people who are unsettled in which will not.

  • 空间过多的色彩,会令人眼花缭乱,心浮气躁,因此最好以单纯而简雅的色系。
    The space crosses much colour, can make a person dazzling, impatient enrages impetuous, because this is best with pure and Jian Ya's color is.

  • 当然,等人帮你忙会让你心浮气躁,但是重拨以及再次等候援助只会浪费你更多时间。
    Sure, it's maddening to wait for help. But redialing and waiting again will only waste more of your time.

  • 玻璃,轻颖、剔透,正好给压力繁重、心浮气躁的现代人,带来些许放飞心情的轻松感。
    Glass, light etc. , explaining precisely to the heavy pressure, the modern people who are unsettled and bring some sense of Flying relaxed mood.

  • 玻璃,轻颖、剔透,正好给压力繁重、心浮气躁的现代人,带来些许放飞心情的轻松感。
    explaining precisely to the heavy pressure, the modern people who are unsettled and bring some sense of Flying relaxed mood.

  • 重庆力帆急于扳平比分,队员心浮气躁,虽然场面占据优势,但却很难形成很好的进球机会。
    Chongqing Lifan draws level the score eagerly, the member rash, although scene hold superiority, but is very actually difficult to form the very good goal opportunity.

  • 另一方面,“眼高手低,心浮气躁”这八个字则基本可以概括社会对大学毕业生的总体印象。
    In other way, " grand plans but little skill", these words can be summed up as the overall impression how the community look our university graduations.

  • 听到流言,先要静下心来反省自己,有则改之,无则勉之。如果心浮气躁,流言的杀伤力会更大。
    When you hear gossip calm down and examine yourself—correct mistakes and guard against new ones. Instability and impatience make gossip worse.

  • 等,也有各种各样的等,心浮气躁是一种等,狂呼乱叫是一种等,平心静气而坚韧不拔更是一种等。
    Etc, also have wait variously, impatient gas impetuous is one kind waits, breathing out madly to cry in disorder is one kind waits, calmly and gritty more wait one kind.

  • 同时随着生活压力的不断增大,人们更容易心浮气躁,抱怨声不绝于耳,人生的美好也因此而遗失了。
    Meanwhile, along with the pressure of living is increasing, and people are more likely Xinfuqizao, endless grumbling, life's beautiful and therefore lost in the mist.

  • 我们穷奢极侈,郁郁寡欢,超速驾驶,心浮气躁,睡太晚,起太难,读书浅,经常看电视却很少祈祷。(?
    We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.

  • 站在窗边,冷却塔散发的一股股热风迎面扑来,热气逼人,而且其运转时的沉闷响声也让人觉得心浮气躁
    On windows, a cooling tower dissemination Unit sirocco coming waves, heat is pressing, but its operation, the boring beep It also makes people feel who are unsettled.

  • 一些校园的“官风”盛行,心浮气躁的“瓦釜”式专家“雷鸣”,而潜心治学的“黄钟”式教授却被遗忘。
    Some of the campus, "officials Wind" popular Xinfuqizao "pot-watt" experts "thunder" and of scholarly research with great concentration, "Huang Zhong" by Professor forgotten.

  • 故骂人之道,最忌生吞活剥心浮气躁,骂得人七窍生烟,斩得人刀痕累累,虽是痛快,但总谈不上艺术。
    Therefore, scolded dealing Zuiji Shengtunhuobao, Xinfuqizao, Made Qiqiaoshengyan people, killing people in the Daohen numerous, although Excitement, but the overall art out of the question.

  • 他们曾无所事事地法国呆了一年。回来后心浮气躁地东搬西搬,所到之处总是富人云集,打马球是常有的娱乐。
    They had spent a year in France for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together.

  • 进入上世纪90年代,谢晋没有心浮气躁地迎合时尚,他依然坚守自己对人生对社会的严肃思考,坚守自己的艺术良知。
    Since the 1990s, Xie Jin did not have the rash to cater to the fashion, he still persevered himself to the life to society's serious ponder, persevered own artistic conscience.

  • 当对方气急败坏恨不能要将你撕成碎片时,这就是你的队友抓住一个心浮气躁的小子并把他狂扁一顿的好机会,同时这也减轻了你身上的压力。
    While the other team is distracted with killing you, your own team can take the opportunity to drop damage on an unsuspecting target and relieve pressure from you at the same time.

  • 今天的人之所以心浮气躁,其中一个原因,正是因为这方面出错:他们吃喝玩乐,想用种种物质来满足自己,谁不知这一切都只能满足肉体,却完全不能满足人的心灵!
    One of the reasons behind the restlessness of this age is just that. Men and women are trying to feed and satisfy their inner beings by those things which only touch the body.

  • 心浮气躁造句相关
