
徒劳无功  tú láo wú gōng








  • 关于巧克力,抵抗是徒劳无功的。
    When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

  • 我努力想唱一首歌,但是徒劳无功
    I try to sing a song, but in vain.

  • 这场会议徒劳无功,只有三个人出席。
    The meeting was a complete dud-only three people turned up.

  • 他厌倦那种「头碰墙」徒劳无功的作风。
    He is tired of beating his head against the (brick) wall.

  • 大自然不做徒劳无功的事。
    Nature does nothing in vain.

  • 不管我们多麽经常作判断,总是徒劳无功的。
    No matter how often we judge, it is always in vain.

  • 一天捕鱼徒劳无功,男人们在海滩村子里踢足球。
    After a day of fruitless fishing, men play soccer in a coastal village in Haiti.

  • 我们竭尽所能想要挽救他的生命但最后仍然徒劳无功
    We did everything we possibly could to save his life but it ended up in vain.

  • 我正在徒劳无功地维持秩序,忽然听到一声可怕的喊叫。
    While I was still vainly trying to establish order I heard a frightful yelling.

  • 一个诗人要想寻找他心里诗歌的母亲的话,是徒劳无功的。
    A poet in order to find his mother's heart the words of poetry, is worth the effort.

  • 一个诗人要想寻找他心里诗歌的母亲的话,是徒劳无功的。
    In vain shall a poet seek the mother of the songs of his heart.

  • 这位母亲说她已经向三鹿集团和当地政府投诉,却徒劳无功
    The mother said she had already complained in vain to Sanlu and local officials.

  • 数月努力,徒劳无功,科学家突发奇想,问题“迎刃而解”。
    After months of futile labor, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem.

  • 经营传统生意需要兼顾大小事务,很是费神,有时更会徒劳无功
    Running a business of your own can be exhausting because you need to take care of everything.

  • 旅游推介是一项非常需要创新的工作,如果缺乏新意就容易徒劳无功
    Tourism promotion is in a great need for innovative work, in the absence of new ideas, it is easy to no avail.

  • 他们实在是徒劳无功,东奔西逐,想试图通过盲动来逃避与日俱增的无聊。
    In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.

  • 但是如果只是形式上的欺骗而无政策上的改变,他的这一企图必然徒劳无功
    But this attempt of his will certainly prove futile, if it is only a subterfuge and means no real change in policy.

  • 挫火一书中告诉我们,别妄想自己能控制思绪的飞扬,游走,那是徒劳无功的。
    Book of Kundanili tells us; don't try to control activities of thinking, which is in vain.

  • 我曾埋头为学校整理并书写卟告。档案中几乎空白的纸页使我做的努力徒劳无功
    I was close to file and write the obituary for the school. The almost bare sheets in the file mocked the effort.

  • 在人生的旅途中,方向一样重要。有目标,有决心,但如失去或迷失方向,一样徒劳无功
    In real life too, we need a clear direction. You may have goals, but without a clear direction, you may not be able to get there.

  • 之后,他告诉他的朋友们他的发现,他们如他一样,找遍了全城的邮政支局,同样徒劳无功
    Then he told his friends of his discovery, they, too, looked in the city's post offices-also in vain.

  • 本·伯南克会被迫印刷更多的美元极力避免其国家出现债务违约现象(尽管这是徒劳无功的)。
    Ben Bernanke will be compelled to print Dollars in a (vain) effort to prevent his country from defaulting on its debt.

  • 我曾习惯于因为你的笑而笑,因为你受伤害而心碎。我一次又一次告诉自己停止这种状态但徒劳无功
    I got used to smiling for your smile, heartbreaking for your hurt. I told myself to quit this mood once and once again but in vain.

  • “立法院”(国民党在其中占据微弱优势)的僵局将延续,使得进行迫切需要的政治改革的努力徒劳无功
    Deadlock in the legislature—where the KMT commands a narrow majority—will continue, frustrating efforts to pursue much-needed political reforms.

  • 在这四件事完全停止下来之前,治国之才和博爱精神同样是徒劳无功的,甚至基督教的作用也将是微乎其微的。
    Till these four things have ceased to be done, statesmanship and philanthropy alike must work in vain. and even Christianity can reap but small harvest.

  • 当小矮人发现白雪公主躺在地板上死去时,他们试尽各种方法要救活她,却徒劳无功。这可怜的女孩真的死了。
    When the dwarfs found Snow White lying dead on the floor, they tried everything to bring her to life. But all was in vain. The poor girl was dead.

  • 詹妮•桑福德则是个相反的例子,她在一份声明中说,在付出了许多徒劳无功的挽救努力之后,她决定提起离婚。
    A different example is set by Jenny Sanford, whose divorce filing came after "many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation, " she said in a statement.

  • 1974年7月土耳其的入侵使一个希腊支持的旨在促使塞浦路斯合并的政变徒劳无功,此后塞浦路斯陷入了分裂。
    Cyprus has been divided since July 1974, when Turkey invaded after a Greek-backed coup that led to an abortive attempt at enosis (union with Greece).

  • 富含水气的对流胞持续上升(就像锅子底部温度较高的汤往上面冒泡一般),想突破喜马拉雅山的屏障,却徒劳无功
    Convection cells of moisture-laden air continually rise, like the hotter soup at the bottom of a pot bubbling to the surface, in a vain attempt to breach the wall of the Himalaya.

  • 如果眼巴巴要巴望着马上出现结果,却没出现,你可能会认为这些行动徒劳无功,然而经过一段时间,正确行动总会产生正确的结果。
    If you look for immediate results and see none, you may be inclined to think these actions are in vain and yet over a period of time, the correct actions will always generate the right results.

  • 徒劳无功造句相关
