
待字闺中  dài zì guī zhōng








  • 上不了就继续养着呗,就像养个女儿待字闺中
    Cannot go up to continue to be being raised, in resembling raising a daughter to wait for word boudoir.

  • 一个封建时代的女词人,还待字闺中就才华卓绝。
    Feudal times a poetess, but also the word to be outstanding talent on the women's apartment.

  • 就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲,这是难能可贵的。
    At that time you married a girl, this is commendable.

  • 就当时一个待字闺中的小姐来讲, 这是难能可贵的。
    At that time, a word on the question of women's apartment, Miss, this is commendable.

  • 这是一首待字闺中的女子求偶情诗,“伊人”是想象中的男性形象。
    After analyzing the text thoroughly this paper comes to the conclusion that because the poem expresses the female's love, Yiren is a male whom the unmarried young woman loses.

  • 年已二十六七,但因长的不标致又没有什么财产,所以依然待字闺中
    Has usually, but not long-makers have not made any property, remains to be married.

  • 第一道如女子之豆蔻年华,第二道如女子之待字闺中,第三道如女子之已为人妇。
    the first pot being compared to a girl of thirteen, the second compared to a girl of sweet sixteen, and the third regarded as a woman.

  • 而让周正毅东窗事发的上海地产至今仍待字闺中,理不清的帐磕磕绊绊,没有买家敢下脚。
    And came to the Shanghai Real Estate Zhouzhengyi women's apartment has yet to be words, the account Kekebanban confusion, no buyers to get a foothold.

  • 不管你是白领还是蓝领,待字闺中也好,初为人妻也罢,作为女人的你:永远不要大大咧咧,风风火火。
    First, no matter you are 白领 or the blue collar, is stillunbetrothed also well, initially the manner wife, takes the woman you:Never must be careless, hurriedly.

  • PPLIVE网络电视且来数数这帮待字闺中的35+女星罢~~纯娱乐哦,其实咱们也挺替他们着急的。
    PPLIVE television network and a number of years a few words to be this group of women's apartment in the 35 + actress stop pure entertainment ~~ Oh, in fact we have quite a hurry for them.

  • 由于本人年龄有些偏大了,同时别人介绍的很多,可都不是很理想,所以一直待字闺中,爸妈对我的婚事很是操心。
    Because of my age, some large, and at the same time introduced a lot of people can not be very ideal, so the word has to be women's apartment, the parents of my marriage was a worry.

  • 不过戴花是有讲究的:若是一朵鲜花戴在左耳根,则表示她正待字闺中,可以交往;若是把鲜花戴在右耳根,则表示已是“名花有主”了。
    But wearing the flower is about: If a flower to wear in the left suggestible, are awaiting word that her women's apartment, you can contact…

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