
惨无人道  cǎn wú rén dào







  • 法西斯分子惨无人道地屠杀了那些妇女儿童。
    The fascists massacred those women and children in cold blood.

  • 他们惨无人道地惩罚他人。
    They punished people in a cruel and inhuman manner.

  • 持枪歹徒的暴行惨无人道
    The violence of the gunman was inhuman .

  • 革命联合阵线犯下惨无人道的反人类罪行,这点是毋庸置疑的。
    That the RUF committed horrendous acts of cruelty amounting to crimes against humanity is not in doubt.

  • 当他对著摄影机描述那惨无人道的酷刑时,他不由自主地颤抖。
    He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him.

  • 他提到他因口所犯的恶业,惨无人道地吃众生肉,如吃猴脑、鹅掌等。
    The man talked about the evil karma he had created with his mouth, because he cruelly ate living beings' flesh such as monkey brains and goose feet.

  • 或许未来的工作可能揭露出更多牺牲的孩童,以及惨无人道的祭祀方式。
    Future work may yet reveal evidence of the most tragic ritual, the sacrifice of children. ―A.

  • 这个地方,许多人犯了重罪却未绳之以法,囚犯却过着惨无人道的生活。
    A place where many people convicted of serious crimes go unpunished, and those in prison live out a brutalised existence.

  • 纳粹又多了一次玩弄一把惨无人道阴谋诡计的机会,这一套他们早已驾轻就熟。
    Such camps lent themselves to the merciless deception at which the Nazis had become adept.

  • 他们利用诬陷、控告和惨无人道的刑法,杀害了许多正直的文武官吏和平民百姓。
    They killed many upright civil and military officials as well as ordinary people by framing up cases against them and by administering inhuman corporal punishment to them.

  • 今天,的同胞,的生活,的自由,遭到了一系列有预谋的、惨无人道的恐怖分子袭击。
    Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberatedeadly terrorist acts.

  • 欧洲人权法院称,麦金农认为如果自己在美国被判有罪,将面临惨无人道的牢狱生活。
    The European Court of Human Rights said that McKinnon himself in the United States if convicted, would face inhuman prison.

  • “不要笑了,”大象说道,“我们过去是濒危动物,农民们总是惨无人道地捕杀我们。
    " Don' t laugh, " said the elephant, " We used to be an endangered species. Farmers hunted us without mercy.

  • 部落惨无人道的行径激怒了精灵们,终于他们正式加入了联盟并将所有资源投入战争之中。
    Furious at this wanton destruction of life, the elves officially joined the Alliance and committed all their resources to the war.

  • 震惊于部落惨无人道的行径,高等精灵正式加入了联盟,并将全部资源投入到了战争中去。
    Horrified at the Horde's wanton destruction of life, the high elves officially joined the Alliance and committed all their resources to the war.

  • 这部军用中国语教科书有力地证明了二战期间日本帝国主义对中国所进行的惨无人道的军事侵略。
    The textbook strongly proves the cruel and inhuman military invasion of China by Japanese Imperialism in the Second World War.

  • 湘军和淮军除了一再上演这样的兽行,还在安庆、苏州、天京等地陷落后进行过惨无人道的大屠城。
    Hunan and the Huai Army In addition to again and again such brutality, is still Anqing, Suzhou, Tianjing and other places after the fall of the great massacre carried out inhuman.

  • 由于“文革”将矛头指向了知识分子,实行惨无人道的迫害,从而导致了大量知识分子的非正常死亡。
    Because of the "Cultural Revolution" will be targeting at the intellectuals, implementing inhuman persecution, resulting in a large number of unnatural death of the intellectuals.

  • 今天,我们的同胞,我们的生活方式,我们的自由,遭到了一系列有预谋的、惨无人道的恐怖分子的袭击。
    Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.

  • 2010年2月20日,一组被标着“惨无人道”标题的照片在福州各大论坛疯传,被称为福州版的虐狗门。
    February 20, 2010, a group has been marked as "inhuman" the title of the picture in Fuzhou, the major forum for crazy mass, known as Fuzhou version of the abuse a dog door.

  • 对印度的生存如此重要的家庭手工业遭到了灭顶之灾。就像英国一些目击者所说,其过程之惨无人道是难以置信的。
    The cottage industry, so vital for India's existence, has been ruined by incredibly heartless and inhuman processes as described by English witnesses.

  • 1968年“布拉格之春”中的一些英雄人物曾坚定地支持过斯大林政权在1948年发动地惨无人道的大清洗运动。
    Some heroes of the Prague Spring in 1968 had been enthusiastic backers of the Stalinist regime's murderous purges after the communist putsch of 1948.

  • 但我们可以换一种角度看问题:任何其他的社会,如果日复一日地遭到这种惨无人道的袭击,可能早已爆发全面内战了。
    But there is another way of looking at it: any other society that had been subjected to this type of barbaric onslaught day in and day out would have been in an all-out civil war.

  • 她被罗马尼亚的人贩子卖到了意大利的博洛尼亚,在他们的控制下,她和其他东欧国家的女孩一样,被惨无人道的虐待。
    She was taken to Bologna in Italy, by Romanian traffickers, and treated cruelly, as were all the other east European girls under their control.

  • 目击了昨天政府惨无人道、并攻击和平游行的激进主义者,你可以看到在古巴,人民没有选择政府如何对待他们的权利。
    Witness yesterday's brutality against peaceful activists, and you can see there has been no change in Cuba's treatment of its citizens.

  • 这些无辜丧生的男女老幼在一个伟大祥和的城市开始了一天的生活,然而却在战场上失去了生命,被惨无人道的凶手任意杀害。
    These men and women and children began their day in a great and peaceful city, yet lost their lives on a battlefield, murdered at random and without remorse.

  • 这些骇人听闻的事件发生在奥斯维兹第一营舍第十区,约瑟夫˙蒙格利进行了许多惨无人道的实验,被冠上「死亡天使」的恶名。
    These terrors occurred in Block 10 of Auschwitz I. Josef Mengele was nicknamed "the Angel of Death" for the inhuman experiments he conducted.

  • 作为一名中国人,一个视狗狗为自己孩子的中国人,我急切的希望得到国际组织的救援,中国不能做出这样无知和惨无人道的行为!
    As a Chinese, a Chinese who regards dog as one's own child, my eager hope gets the rescue of the international organization, China can't make so ignorant and cruel and inhuman a behavior!

  • 1937年辞职之前,他一直是具有影响力的威廉学会(后来的普朗克学会)主席,他向希特勒陈情,希望改变他惨无人道的种族政策。
    As the influential president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (later the Max Planck Society) until his resignation in 1937, he appealed to Adolf Hitler to reverse his devastating racial policies.

  • 当今各狗肉盛产区已通过多种途径将这一传统饮食文化发扬光大;而一些不法商贩为了牟取暴利,采用惨无人道的手段获取狗肉,使这一饮食文化产生异化。
    However, in order to seek exorbitant profits some small retailers, violating the law, take extremely tragic measures to get dog meat, thus making the dietetic culture dissimilated.

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