
当头一棒  dāng tóu yī bàng








  • 但是,没有比得意忘形当头一棒更好的事情了。
    And there hasn't been a better kick in the backside than that.

  • 对声称快消灭恐怖主义的白宫,以上报告无异当头一棒
    None of that is good for a White House that claims to be winning the war on terrorism.

  • 他感到了当头一棒当他为公司效力了这么多年后被裁员。
    He felt as though he had been kicked in the teeth when he was dismissed after he had worked so hard for the company.

  • 它虽然躲过了前几次经济衰退,但这次却来了个当头一棒
    Pornography had been immune to previous recessions, so the current downturn has come as a shock.

  • 然而,从萨尔兰州传来的消息却意外的给了CDU当头一棒
    The news from Saarland was an unexpected reprieve for the CDU.

  • 此举当即给这个小区的400多位住户来了个“当头一棒”。
    This immediately to the area of more than 400 households to a "slap in the face."

  • 我们有了些自负/自我膨胀的时候,市场又给了我们当头一棒
    We get a little over-confident and the market humbles us.

  • 这一决定对于那些主张严厉惩治犯罪的人来说,无疑是当头一棒
    The decision was a blow to advocates of get-tough crime policies.

  • 世界范围的石油危机又给航空业当头一棒,他创建的泛美一去不复返。
    A world oil crisis hit airline travel hard, and his business never recovered.

  • 但广电总局日前公布的网络视频许可证管理办法,给了他们当头一棒
    But the network video licence that wide report total bureau announced a few days ago runs way, gave their pawn one club.

  • 多种货币放弃钉住美元的苗头对本已十分疲软的美元不啻是当头一棒
    The prospect of countries breaking their pegs to the dollar put new pressure on the enfeebled currency.

  • 假使她获得这份工作那对彼得是当头一棒;他是拼命想得到这份工作的。
    If she gets the job that's one in the eye for Peter: he was desperate to get it.

  • 假使她获得这份工作, 那对彼得是当头一棒;他是拼命想得到这份工作的。
    If she gets the job, that's one in the eye for Peter: he was desperate to get it.

  • 养老金制度改革是所有社会主义国家的软肋,而这给该制度的改革以当头一棒
    It has made a stab at reforming the pension system—a weak point in all ex-communist countries.

  • 但北约同意签署大部分美国在欧洲的导弹防御计划对俄领导人来说是当头一棒
    But NATO's agreement to sign up to much of America's plans for missile defence in Europe was a blow for the Russian leader.

  • 朋友的这一席话,喝了老五当头一棒,何不等几年再说呢,可以先租房后买房嘛。
    This what one says during a conversation friends, drink a blow to the Old Five, why not say it, and other years, after the first rental housing better.

  • 对非法囤积土地、炒卖土地、以地生财的投机行为而言,新政策不啻于当头一棒
    illegal accumulation of land, speculative land, and money to the speculation, the new policy merely in a blow.

  • 这就足以会给那些蔑视中国的美国政客们以当头一棒,这既无制裁之名,又行制裁之实。
    That is not a sanction but would show the American politicians the price they have to pay for their arrogance.

  • 你必须给GDI当头一棒,一个GDI的小前哨站正适合我用来介绍我最新的进化实验。
    You must strike a blow against GDI. A small GDI outpost is right for the introduction of my new experiments in revolution.

  • 虽然俄罗斯多年处于经常帐户盈余,但资本再次外流和信贷紧缩的问题也给它带来当头一棒
    Russia has run current-account surpluses for many years, yet it has also been badly hit by an outflow of capital and a credit freeze.

  • 入选理由:对非法囤积土地、炒卖土地、以地生财的投机行为而言,新政策不啻于当头一棒
    selected reasons : illegal accumulation of land, speculative land, and money to the speculation, the new policy merely in a blow.

  • 沪深股指连续两日创下今年来的最大单日跌幅,无疑给了刚刚转变多头思维的投资者当头一棒
    Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index hit a two-day this year the largest single-day decline, no doubt to the long shift just thinking investors a head-on blow.

  • 过去两年在阿富汗塔利班组织的攻击中,美国、北约组织及阿富汗军队遭遇了不现实的当头一棒
    U. S. , NATO and Afghan forces have faced a dramatic spike in Taliban attacks in Afghanistan during the past two years.

  • 庞弗雷特使劲撕开信封,但信中的字句却给了他当头一棒:“我不是个坏女人,但也不是个好女人。
    Pomfret tore it open violently, and the lines hit him: "I'm not a bad woman, but I'm not a good cone either."

  • 但是当大连出现了这种老百姓当家做主的一次尝试时,却遭到了大连市国土资源和房屋管理局的当头一棒
    But when such people are the masters of Dalian in an attempt, but suffered a Dalian land resources and a blow to the Housing Authority.

  • 苏军的桥头堡包括7个步兵师和一些装甲单位,他们将会遭到“警卫旗队”师和“希特勒青年”师的当头一棒
    The Soviet bridgehead, held by seven infantry divisions and a number of armoured units, was to be bludgeoned out of existence by a head-on attack by the Leibstandarte and Hitlerjugend Divisions.

  • 尽管我们对亨利五世冷静重访,也难以抹去他皇袍上下拍打的衣翼,难以忘怀法国王储一箱网球拨动天下神经那当头一棒
    And Henry V, even soberly revisited, never quite loses that stirring flap of standards, or the thwack of the Dauphin's tennis balls deep into the hazard.

  • 南韩在星期一公开了自一月以来最厉害的月度出口暴跌数据,给乐观人士关于亚洲第四大经济体将很快从经济萎缩中恢复当头一棒
    South Korea on Monday posted its sharpest drop in monthly exports since January, dousing optimism about Asia's fourth-biggest economy recovering from the economic downturn soon.

  • 具有讽刺意义的是,本周三的走势给了空方当头一棒——大盘一举收复上一天的失地,多方重新收复2000点,股指报收于2017点。
    Ironically, the three-week trend to the empty side of the head-on blow - one market to recover all the ground lost on the day, multi-point to recover in 2000, the stock index to close at 2017 points.

  • 湖人队被快船以107-80给与当头一棒,如果这是常规赛的话,恐怕更能引起哗然,虽然如此,在第二场热身赛后,湖人依然有很多值得关注的地方。
    The Lakers were thumped by the Clippers, 107-80, a more noteworthy event if the game actually counted, though there were still concerns on the Lakers' side after their second exhibition.

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