
引吭高歌  yǐn háng gāo gē







  • 疑虑寸步艰难,信心引吭高歌
    Doubt dreads to take a step. Faith soars on high.

  • 爱唱的树叶在引吭高歌
    And the loud song of the ever-singing leaves.

  • 远处的猎人吹响号角,云雀与我引吭高歌
    The distant huntsman winds his horn, And the skylark sings with me.

  • 年轻人喜欢引吭高歌
    Young people enjoy belting out the songs.

  • 打拳健身的,引吭高歌的,晨曦下到处是中老年游客的身影。
    Do shadowboxing fitness, sing joyfully in a loud voice, dawn of older tourists are everywhere on the scene.

  • 于是,我看到祖国辽阔的大地上,华夏儿女于天地间引吭高歌
    So, I see the vast land, the sons and daughters in between heaven and earth sing.

  • 有些人在睡梦中走路,但14岁的比安卡却在睡梦中引吭高歌
    Some people walk in their sleep, but 14-year-old Bianca Ryan sings in her sleep!

  • 梅尔吃了点东西后,居然跪上舞台引吭高歌,让整个酒吧都动了起来!
    After Mel had a few, she jumped onto the stage and sang her little heart out. She had the whole place rocking!

  • 膨化它们的胸部,昂头,和引吭高歌叫,鸟类的雌雄为它们自己做广告。
    Puffing their chest, lifting their heads, and belting out calls, birds of both sexes advertise themselves.

  • 人们排队与他合影,荡舟游览时他为大家引吭高歌之举也令欢乐之情四溢。
    People queued to have their photographs taken with him and gushed with delight when he regaled them with songs during a boat trip.

  • 当时的沉闷节奏被一扫而光,取而代之的是他的打击乐器和引吭高歌的结合。
    The stiff rhythms of the time were slashed away by his combination of the percussive and the soaring.

  • 这时,场上的人群便自觉结成圆圈,敲响铓锣,挥刀舞弓引吭高歌,翩翩起舞。
    At this time, people will pitch consciously form a circle, mang gong sounded, brandished a knife and sang along Bow Dance, Dance.

  • 当时的沉闷节奏被一扫而光, 取而代之的是他的打击乐器和引吭高歌的结合。
    The stiff rhythms of the time were slashed away by his combination of the percussive and the soaring.

  • 刻哈特子孙和科辣黑子孙中的肋未人起立,引吭高歌,赞颂上主以色列的天主。
    Levites from among the Kohathites and Korahites rose to sing the praises of the LORD, the God of Israel, in a resounding chorus.

  • 男人也能应用这种技巧,他们用胸腔的声音直接运气到头腔的高音域引吭高歌
    The men could sing in this style as well, also with a chest voice connected all the way through the highest register.

  • 巴萨球迷为自己的球队引吭高歌,曼联球迷则齐声回应“我们已经三夺奖杯…”
    The Blaugrana sing a song for FC Barcelona: Man Utd answer with a strong chorus of "we won it three times…"

  • 这首诗说青蛙虽然会引吭高歌,倍受著目,但是前面不过是“一滩迷人的沼泽”。
    The poem says that frogs, though they can croak and make themselves heard and be noticed, are noticed only by "an admiring bog."

  • 顿时,整个舞台活跃起来:郁金香们引吭高歌,连翘花翩翩起舞,梅花表演起了独奏。
    C and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum.

  • 第16周:看着浩浩穿着小礼服,站在大舞台上引吭高歌,我在台下感动得热泪盈眶……。
    The 16th week: When I watched haohao standing up on the stage wearing a little tail and singing, I cried.

  • 你尽可以张开你的嘴,引吭高歌。如果听众看到连你自己都不在乎的话,好感便会油然而生。
    Just open your mouth and sing loudly with your full heart, if the audiences see that you don't even care about your teeth, the favor toward you will come naturally.

  • 在她家的周末变得不仅仅只有读书和煮饭,两个五音不全的人伴着走调的钢琴,引吭高歌,其乐融融。
    Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking; they were filled with the wonderful sounds of the out-of-tune piano and two very out-of-tune singers.

  • 我每天中午必须小憩一会儿,很多次躺床上刚要入睡或者已经入睡,总被走廊里同学引吭高歌的声音吵醒。
    I have to nap every day at noon, many times Tangchuang Shang was about to fall asleep or have been asleep, was always the voice of the corridor where the students sang along awakened.

  • 我们无数次围在她的钢琴旁边引吭高歌。偶尔,她还为我的萨克斯独奏。伴奏的比独奏的厉害,这也许不是第一次。
    We spent countless hours around her piano singing. She also accompanied my saxophone solos from time to time, probably not the first time an accompanist was better than the soloist.

  • 有些人在睡梦中走路,但14岁的比安卡却在睡梦中引吭高歌!当她还在襁褓中就开始做一些事情了。她是与生具来的天才歌唱家!
    Some people walk in their sleep, but 14-year-old Bianca Ryan sings in her sleep! It's something she began doing as a baby. She was just born to sing!

  • 有时候,四月一个健步就跃上了弗吉尼亚的小山丘。顿时,整个舞台活跃起来:郁金香们引吭高歌,连翘花翩翩起舞,梅花表演起了独奏。
    In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap – and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum.

  • 有时候,四月一个健步就跃上了弗吉尼亚的小山丘。顿时,整个舞台活跃起来:郁金香们引吭高歌,连翘花翩翩起舞,梅花表演起了独奏。
    In some years, April bursts up Virginnia hills in one prodigious leap-and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum.

  • 有时候,四月一个健步就跃上了弗吉尼亚的小山丘。顿时,整个舞台活跃起来:郁金香们引吭高歌,连翘花翩翩起舞,梅花表演起了独奏。
    In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap – and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas ring plum.

  • 有时候,四月一个健步就跃上了弗吉尼亚的小山丘。顿时,整个舞台活跃起来:郁金香们引吭高歌,连翘花翩翩起舞,梅花表演起了独奏。树木也在一夜之间披上了新绿。
    In some year, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum.

  • 人们引吭高歌,翩翩起舞,船上又开始欢腾起来。这一段航程就在这样顺利的条件下过去了。路路通由于偶然的巧遇能认识了象费克斯这样一位亲切的朋友,感到非常高兴。
    The trip was being accomplished most successfully, and Passepartout was enchanted with the congenial companion which chance had secured him in the person of the delightful Fix.

  • 一段这个真人秀的最新宣传短片近日发布,将关注的焦点集中在平凡生活中的歌者——淋浴时引吭高歌的家伙,或者地铁车站上拨弄琴弦的人等等——他们是如何展开踏上美偶舞台的旅程。
    A new spot for the talent competition juggernaut has started airing that features everyday singers -- folks in the shower, on subway platforms, etc. -- beginning their journey to the "Idol" stage.

  • 引吭高歌造句相关
