
装模作样  zhuāng mó zuò yàng








  • 装模作样的向那位女士鞠了一个躬。
    He bowed to the lady in a pompous manner.

  • 你还想装模作样蒙骗一位顶级科学家。
    You even wanted to pose and lie to a best scientist?

  • 我们都很讨厌她那种装模作样的举止。
    We are all disgusted with her affected behaviour.

  • 椅子总叫我觉得是装模作样,乏味得很。
    A chair always makes me feel respectable and dull.

  • 他忽悠(装模作样)骗得我相信他是清白的。
    He bluffed me into believing that he was innocent.

  • 我笑他装模作样
    I laughed at his histrionics.

  • 没有什么是比在人前装模作样还要危险的尝试了。
    There is no more dangerous experiment than that of trying to appear what one is not.

  • 我真不理解为什么我们老是必须看这些装模作样的电影。
    I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy-fartsy movies.

  • 别跟他太认真,他只不过是装模作样,以便能自行其是。
    Don't take him seriously, he is just putting on an act to get his own way.

  • 在开始追球之后,我立即失去了所有的优雅和装模作样
    I immediately lose all grace and posture when in pursuit of a ball.

  • 妳还想装模作样蒙骗一位顶级科学家。妳到底要做些什么?
    You wanted to blindfold one of the leading scientists with pretending. what do you want ?

  • 人啊,说话最会装模作样了,想听真话么?给他一个面具。
    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.

  • 珍妮特,你对麦凯恩有什么看法?-有点儿装模作样…-大卫?
    Janet, what would you say about McCain? -A little bumbling… -David?

  • 还有人为你准备了假《圣经》,让你在开火前能装模作样地诵读一遍;
    There are camouflaged Bibles for people who want to read scripture before blasting off.

  • 11:45的时候,她停止了她的装模作样,开始检查的化妆、梳理头发。
    So at 11:45 she stopped " pretending" to work to work and refreshed her make-up and checked her hair.

  • 对于自尊自大与装模作样的最佳应急疗法是晕船。想吐的人是不会摆架子的。
    One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never put on airs.

  • 其中一个工人装模作样地问道,在被带往警察局之前,是否可以打一个电话。
    Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a telephone call before being taken to the station.

  • 生活中的乐趣从来是无法装模作样的,或是戴上一张快乐的面具就能拥有的。
    Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask.

  • 事实上,这种装模作样的神态在商人中间并不普遍,用不着多费唇吞去劝阻他们。
    It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it.

  • 从本质来看,和你在一个很激烈的层次上和小孩子一样在玩”装模作样“的游戏。
    Essentially, you're "playing pretend" on an intense level, as kids do.

  • 你的神态现在看上去挺有趣,但要是一不小心,长大就会变成个装模作样的小傻瓜。
    Your airs are funny now, but you'll grow up an affected little goose, if you don't take care.

  • 他的妻子上个才过世,他装模作样地流了几滴泪,可现在他正在筹备他的第二个婚礼了。
    His wife passed away last week. At that time he wept a few crocodile tears and now he's preparing for his wedding again.

  • 要拿出真性情,举止务必自然,不要装模作样,你总希望对方爱你原本的样子,而不是你努力伪装的样子。
    Be honest about who you are. Act naturally and don't pretend to be something or somebody you're not. You want to be loved for who you are ─ not who you are trying to be.

  • 亚历山得并指出,这些只不过是政治圈装模作样的花招,「让某些人得以严厉对待罪犯,却没发挥什么实质功效。」
    Alexander also says such efforts only amount to political window dressing. "They allow someone to look tough on crime instead of being effective, " she said.

  • 在婆罗洲的一条河上,周围一片穷困潦倒的景象,还装模作样的摆谱,真有点不伦不类,简直可以说是荒诞离奇了。
    It was rather absurd, and somehow sinister, to see this social pretence in those poverty-stricken surroundings on a Borneo river.

  • 我不要巧言令色,不,不,从不想那麽辛苦去装模作样,我只要有一个人可以倾诉对象,我要的就是这始终如一的妳。
    I don't want clever conversation, no, no. Never want to work that hard. I just want someone that I can talk to. I want you just the way you are.

  • 如果我知道这是我最后一次,我会抽出一两分钟的时间停下来,对你说我爱你。你知道的我一定会说,而不是在那儿装模作样
    If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say "I love you, " instead of assuming, you would know I do.

  • 现在,我只需要深呼吸几次,瞄几眼红色的横幅,然后装模作样的让自己相信,我正身处世界上受过最好教育的哈里波特迷的盛大集会之中。
    Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and fool myself into believing I am at the world's best-educated Harry Potter convention.

  • 当一个美好的虔诚思想出现在一个人的心�时,它就会在这镜子�呈现装模作样的怪笑,于是魔鬼对于他这狡猾的发明就发出得意的笑声来。
    If a good pious thought passed through a man's mind, such a grimace would appear in the mirror that the Evil One laughed fit to split at his cunning invention.

  • 把你的市民从装模作样的旅游者蜕变为机智的国际性旅行家,当他们学会包括当地的问候方式、舞蹈等新的习俗后,回家教给他们的亲朋好友们。
    Transform them from bumbling tourists to savvy international travelers as they learn new customs including local greetings, dances and more to take home and teach to their friends.

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