
比翼齐飞  bǐ yì qí fēi








  • 麦克斯和米莉娅比翼齐飞,来到了一个新的战区,共同迎战三架强击机。
    Max and Miriya came as one to a new vector, to engage three oncoming armored-trooper skirmish ships.

  • 看,一对对蝴蝶在灌木丛中比翼齐飞,一群群蜻蜓好象飞机特技表演那样在空中比武。
    The pairs of butterfly wishes to fly high together in the bush, groups like dragonflies as stunt planes in the air contest.

  • 人类与鸟类在湖面上比翼齐飞,我们不得不再次歌颂英明的决策者们,多么雄伟的工程项目啊!
    Human beings and birds flying side by side over the Dongting Lake, we can not help but praising our wise decision makers for such a great work!

  • 而和前期场内热点跷跷板特征有明显不同的是,权重股和题材股的比翼齐飞成为了市场走强的关键。
    Hot spots inside the seesaw and the characteristics of pre-marked difference is that the heavyweight shares and wishes to fly high together subject matter has become the key to market strength.

  • 该排行榜已充分表明,亚洲航空已经开始崛起,实现了客货比翼齐飞。而货运的发展是航空运输兴起的重要标志。
    This pop chart makes clear adequately already, asian aviation has begun to rise abruptly, realized customer money to fly wing to wing to fly together.

  • 因此,我们的动画教育应该贯彻团结协作的群体精神,应该建构艺术与商业互为因果,艺术与科技比翼齐飞的观念。
    In order to develop cartoon art education, we should carry out unite spirits. And attach more importance to, both art and commerce, both art and science and technology.

  • 杰娜不知疲倦地战斗着,博尔里亚斯、奥布罗-斯凯、埃巴克9号卫星,在一系列战役中,她与贾格德·费尔比翼齐飞
    Jaina fought tirelessly through campaigns at Borelias, Obroa-skai and Ebaq 9, flying alongside Jag Fel.

  • 比翼齐飞造句相关
