
弃暗投明  qì àn tóu míng







  • 他不会再听从挚友和爱人的恳求,弃暗投明
    He could not hear the entreaties of his friends and loved ones to return from the darkness.

  • 于是,现在有了美国男人做比较,中国女人怎能不弃暗投明
    Then, had American man to do now quite, chinese woman how can not forsake darkness for light!

  • 2007年,大量公募基金经理奔赴私募业指望着“弃暗投明”。
    In 2007, offering a large number of fund managers looking to leave for the private sector, "Qiantouming."

  • 这让一些从别的区域新搬过来的企业多少有种“弃暗投明”的感觉。
    This let some new copy from the other regions there was a kind of corporate "wrong" feeling.

  • 去年派遣美军的人数增涨,伊拉克军队得扩大以及逊尼派的弃暗投明都预示了其中的原因。
    The "surge" of American troops last year, the growth of the Iraqi army and the Sunni awakening all help to explain why.

  • 在内有成员不断弃暗投明,外有军方持续打击追捕的危局下,各派系似乎还要进行一场争夺权力的血腥斗争。
    Competing factions emerged in what seemed to become a bloody succession battle, even as the group suffered from a wave of arrests, defections and surrenders.

  • 影片的男主角曾是一名海军陆战队队员,他最终弃暗投明,带领星球上的居民反抗具有破坏性的资本主义地球人。
    The movie's hero, a former Marine, eventually changes sides to lead the inhabitants' fight against the destructive, capitalist Earthlings.

  • 但后来我们的队伍越来越小,原来很多人都开始弃暗投明,纷纷开始戒烟,只剩我们几个顽固分子在那里“负隅顽抗”。
    But our army is smaller and smaller later, so a lot of people begin forsake darkness for light, begin drop in successionSmoke, remnant us a few diehard are over there " put up a desperate struggle " .

  • 如果在别处也纵容使用此类残忍的手段----比如,在处理弃暗投明的反叛者问题上----那么民族调解就希望渺茫了。
    If such crude methods are used elsewhere—for instance, in handling insurgents wanting to come onside—national reconciliation is unlikely to be achieved.

  • 统一人民自由联盟有望占据142席,但要想修改宪法,非150席不可——拉贾帕克萨发誓要达到这一目标——反正“弃暗投明”是不受限制的嘛。
    The UPFA now expects to secure 142 slots. This is short of the 150 seats required to change the constitution—as Mr Rajapaksa vows to do—but there is no bar on "floor-crossing".

  • 猫王棋下得不好,可爱支招,真正的优点不在这儿,在于勇于弃暗投明,不跟没戏的人搀和。近日猫王上演一出遭擒、获救、支招、叛逃的好戏,更坚信别和主流过不去的真理。
    Feline king performed to be captured recently, be rescued, raise action, fleeing good fun, more be certain the truth that is not impassable with the mainstream.

  • 弃暗投明造句相关
