
见义勇为  jiàn yì yǒng wéi








  • 人人都赞美他这种见义勇为的精神。
    Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what is righteous.

  • 他那种见义勇为的精神是难能可贵的。
    His spirit of being ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause is commendable.

  • 真正的勇气是:见义勇为地接受上天给的一切。
    This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends.

  • 我推荐武警战士罗强,他的见义勇为精神让我们感动。
    I recommend Luo armed police, and his honorable spirit moved us.

  • 在事发现场,新民网记者没能找到这名见义勇为的男子。
    In the accident site, new people net reporter has not been able to find the man who this behaves righteously.

  • 罗伯特不仅有一副强壮的骨架,更有一颗见义勇为的心。
    Not only did Robert have a powerful frame, but also a warm heart.

  • 他现在的乐趣就是见义勇为,每天在家练习打坏人的方法。
    His present's pleasure is behaves righteously, every day practices in the home to destroy person's method.

  • 见义勇为行为的认定是对见义勇为者予以社会保障的前提和基础。
    The identification of such heroic action gives the premise and foundation to social protection.

  • 见义勇为保护立法已引起社会的广泛关注,本文拟对其进行法理思考。
    The legislating for the brave deeds of acting for a just cause has attracted wide attention in the society.

  • 鸿见义勇为的性格,让他认识到莫桂兰(李彩桦),并与她成为情侣。
    Hung's heroic nature attracts Mok Kwai Lan (Li Choi Wa, Rain) and they become lovers.

  • 首先,第一章主要内容是见义勇为的概念解析,此章节分为三个部分组成。
    First of all, the main contents of the first chapter are the concept of honorable analyst; this chapter is divided into three parts.

  • 一支常胜之师的特就是要见义勇为,将颓靡和没趣的绪转化为主动的东西。
    The characteristics of a team who wins often is to have no fear, and to use the frustration and disappointment to turn that into positive things.

  • 这是一位中国因见义勇为学生的大学生的座右铭,尽管不尽正确,但很震撼。
    This is a motto from one Chinese college student. This motto may be not completely correct but is thought provoking.

  • 本办法适用于本市范围内见义勇为行为的确认和对见义勇为人员的奖励、保护。
    These Procedures apply to the confirmation of voluntary felon-fighting deed and the reward, encouragement, and protection of VFF in this municipality's area.

  • 他梦寐以求的愿望,是跻身于见义勇为、扶弱挤贫的侠士行列,从而能名垂青史。
    His hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species.

  • 大会授予他们“福建省见义勇为先进群体”荣誉称号,并每人颁发4万元奖励金。
    The congress awards them "Fujian Province to behave righteously the advanced community" the title of honor, and each person issues 40, 000 Yuan bounties.

  • 其中一位学生解释说:“我们是因为做了一件见义勇为的事,才耽误上课时间的!”
    Among them explanation of a student says: "Because did a thing that be ready to help others for a just cause, we are, just delay schooltime!"

  • 在民法属性上,见义勇为呈现出多样性,与无因管理、正当防卫、紧急避险有紧密联系。
    In civil attribute, brave act for a just cause shows diversity and it has close relations with voluntary service, legal defense and necessity.

  • 见义勇为,敢于斗争,对违反社会公德的行为要进行劝阻,发现违法犯罪行为及时报告。
    Behaves righteously, dares to struggle, to violates the common courtesy the behavior to have to carry on advises against, discovery illegal criminality prompt report.

  • 于是大家集合一起说:“秃尾巴老李给人们除害来了,他有仁德之心,咱怎能不见义勇为
    Then, we put together, said: "bald tail pesticides for people to hear his name, and he has the heart Rende, 咱How can we not courageous?"

  • 在一个运行良好的社会里,结果很可能,就算是不很肯定,会被一些见义勇为的人成功制止。
    In a well-run society, those consequences are sufficiently likely, even if not certain, that most of these pragmatists are successfully deterred.

  • 我们作为卡片制卡和会员卡制作机的不入产厂家见义勇为,更答替用户所缓,谋求处置之道。
    We, as the card business card printing and membership card making machine manufacturers now have an opportunity, but also take the user to seek a solution.

  • 李先生夫妇认为,作为消费者,小李的行为是见义勇为,而歌厅没有保证他的人身财产不受侵犯。
    Mr. Lee and his wife believes that as consumers, Li's actions are honorable, and the bar is no guarantee of his personal property shall be inviolable.

  • 玄贞道:“白二侠说得是,先前他不知徐三哥身有武功,可不是见义勇为,出手阻止狗官的家丁行凶吗?”
    That's right, 'said Father Obscurus. 'Before he realized that Brother Xu was a trained fighter, Mr Bo did go to help him.

  • 当主任医师听说玛丽见义勇为的行为时,他立即签署命令,准备让她出院,他认为她的精神现在已经稳定了。
    When the medical director hears of Mary's heroic act, he immediately orders her to be discharged from the hospital because he thinks she now seems mentally stable.

  • 我希望能将《保持通话》献给这些无名英雄,他们才是真正做了电影中那么危险的事,见义勇为绝不是口上说说的。
    I would like to be able to" maintain the call, "dedicated to those unsung heroes, they really have done a Then the film dangerous, is not honorable at the mouth of the talk.

  • 当遇到危险或人民生命财产受到威胁时,我要像冬子的妈妈那样,挺身而出,见义勇为,随时准备献出自己的一切。
    When confronted with danger or people's lives and property is threatened, I should be like Fuyuko's mother did come forward, courageous and ready to give their everything.

  • 债务人在履行债务期间,被追认为烈士或者因见义勇为死亡,其继承人或者受遗赠人可以向担保中心提出书面免除债务申请。
    the debtor in the performance of debt, debt that was due to behave righteously martyrs or death, his successor or legatee may submit written to the security center debt relief applications.

  • 一方为二等乙级以上因公致残的军人、武装警察、公安民警、见义勇为人员,或者一方为烈士的独生子女,只有一个孩子的;
    one party is more than second-class B-incurred disability of soldiers, armed police, public security police, courageous people, or one for the martyrs of the child, only one child;

  • 其剧目大都是取材于我国古典名著《水浒传》的武戏,由艺人自编自演,着力歌颂我国古代见义勇为、为民除害的英雄人物。
    Its repertoire are based on our country classic, "The Water Margin" operaticzi bian zi yan by the artist, focus on our country extol ancient honorable, pesticides hero for the people.

  • 见义勇为造句相关
