
应接不暇  yìng jiē bù xiá








  • 顾客很多, 售货员应接不暇
    There were so many customers that the shop assistants couldn't attend to them all.

  • 病人太多, 我一个人应接不暇
    There were more patients than I could attend to single-handed.

  • 更多的新发现让你应接不暇
    More to find than can ever be found.

  • 他被演讲邀请弄得应接不暇
    He was besieged with invitations to give addresses.

  • 这家店铺顾客多得应接不暇
    The store has more customers than it can take care of.

  • 风格多变,令人应接不暇
    The styles change with bewildering rapidity.

  • 我们在报纸上登出广告之后,打来的电话应接不暇
    We were swamped with phone calls after our advertisement in the paper.

  • 三个急诊病人被同时送到诊所,护士们真是应接不暇
    Three emergency cases arrived into the hospital at the alike time and the doctors really had their ss hands full.

  • 整体来看,现在的利多利空消息是你来我往,应接不暇
    Overall, the benefit is more bad news to you, to me, too busy;

  • 由于全国各地的愤怒抗议纷纷涌来,电话交换台应接不暇
    The switchboards were jammed as angry protests poured in from all over the country.

  • 他向我们提供大量情报,使我们应接不暇,得出错误的结论。
    He overwhelmed us with information and let us draw the wrong conclusion.

  • 他向我们提供大量情报,使我们应接不暇,得出错误的结论。
    We proffered them the information. = We proffered the information to them.

  • 应接不暇地看着两岸的美景,看见了这边,那边又错过了。
    I could not bear to see the beauty of the two sides, see here, there and missed.

  • 公众纷纷来信对报社新近发表的社论提出诘问,弄得报社应接不暇
    The community besieged the newspaper with letters about its recent editorial.

  • 不久,当打进来的电话使我们应接不暇时,每个人都参与了听电话。
    Before long, everyone was involved in answering the phone when we had an overload of incoming calls.

  • 石头、树脂、瓷器、海螺、陶土等新材料的烛台底座让人应接不暇
    Stone, resin, porcelain, conch, the offering of new materials such as clay base so busy.

  • 华盛顿是崇拜名人的,但奉承之多使人应接不暇,银光灯下使人目眩心迷。
    Washington worships virtuosos, but it also strangles them with attention and blinds them with limelight.

  • 现在,一个毫无规划而突然出现的城镇为了伺候天天应接不暇的游客而成长起来。
    Now a sprawling town has grown up to serve the hordes of tourists that arrive daily.

  • 走进小店,扑面而来的是应接不暇的鲜艳和各种新奇的工艺品,空气中弥漫着淡淡的藏香。
    Enters the shop, what heads on is accepts bright and each kind of novel handicraft, in the air is filling the light Tibetan incense.

  • 近期在冒险岛中出了很多新东西,让大家应接不暇,所以难免会出现些被咱们忽略的东西。
    Adventure Island in the near future in a lot of new things, so that everyone could attend, so there will inevitably be some we have been ignored.

  • 一旦你有意识地将注意力集中在富足上,那么一切如同在沙漠上出现甘露那样,出现的好东西会让你应接不暇
    Once you deliberately focus on abundance, you'll be overwhelmed by all the good things that show up like manna in the desert, without much effort on your part.

  • 听人说,参议员经常用来描述进入国会第一年的话是:“就像从灭火水龙头喝水一样(意指对事情应接不暇)。”
    THERE'S A SAYING that senators frequently use when asked to describe their first year on Capitol Hill: "It's like drinking from a fire hose. ""

  • 曲阳医院疼痛中心的医生昨天特别忙碌,增开的假日门诊除了闻讯而来的病人,咨询、预约电话也让他们应接不暇
    Quyang pain Hospital Center doctors particularly busy yesterday, the increased number of holidays in addition to hearing from out-patients, consulting, phone reservations are overwhelmed them.

  • 在小叶榕的底部衬托着一朵朵五颜六色的花,它们在竟相齐放,红的,黄的,紫的-让人看了眼花缭乱,应接不暇
    Ficus microcarpa At the bottom of the frame one after another colorful flower, which has phase at Qi-fang, red, yellow and purple - it looked spoiled for choice.

  • 正如我说的那样,要处理的事情应接不暇,而且各种争议往往比政治决策更能引起媒体的注意,不管该决策有多么重要。
    As I said, everything happens at once, and any controversy is more likely to dominate the news than a policy decision, no matter how important the decision might be.

  • 尾随行驶,鸣喇叭,在拥挤的州际公路上挥手打招呼,这些都成了他们的特色,种种类似行为在行车路上让你应接不暇
    They have made an art form of tailgating, honking and weaving across clogged interstate-highway lanes. Plenty more of this sort of behaviour on the roads lies ahead.

  • 报道说,盖特纳上任仅两个月,麻烦事接踵而来,银行危机、信贷危机、拯救汽车业到最近的花红风波,教他应接不暇
    Reported that Timothy took office only two months, the trouble coming, banking crisis, credit crisis, to save the automotive industry to the most recent bonus storm, taught him to cope.

  • 我开始喜欢纽约了,喜欢夜晚那种奔放冒险的情凋,喜欢那川流不息的男男女女和往来车辆给应接不暇的眼睛带来的满足。
    I began to like New York, the racy, adventurous feel of it at night, and the satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye.

  • 所有动物的家务琐事和川流不息的访客接待,她和丈夫保罗——一个安静的大高个,穿着工作服和进料盖——总是应接不暇
    With all the animal chores and the constant flow of visitors, she and her husband, Paul, a big, quiet man in overalls and feed cap, were almost always working.

  • 生存是奋斗赋予的特权,而当你如男子汉邂逅那份殊荣时,一个个发挥你聪明才智、助你获取成功的机会便会接踵而至,令你应接不暇
    Existence is the privilege of effort, when that privilege is met like a man, opportunities to succeed along the line of your aptitude will come faster than you can use them.

  • 应接不暇造句相关
