
大发雷霆  dà fā léi tíng








  • 警务处长大发雷霆, 因为嫌疑犯尚未找到。
    The police commissioner is on the warpath because the suspect hasn't been found.

  • 当他进来看到一团糟时,大发雷霆
    When he came in and saw the mess, he blew his stack.

  • 简的学校成绩报告单使父亲大发雷霆
    Jane's school report sent Father into a terrible temper.

  • 一时间,莉莲?霍索恩似乎要大发雷霆了。
    For a moment it looked as if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.

  • 他对侍者大发雷霆
    He stormed at the waiter.

  • 那个男孩偷了我的戒指,为此她妈妈大发雷霆
    That boy stole my ring and his mother hit the ceiling.

  • 那老妇人因火车晚点五分钟对收票员大发雷霆
    The old lady rounded on the ticked collector because the train was five minutes late.

  • 她朝侍者大发雷霆,弄得桌旁的人都感到很难堪。
    She stormed at the waiter and embarrassed everyone at the table.

  • 当大卫深夜两点钟回家时,他的爸爸大发雷霆了。
    David's dad hit the ceiling when he got home at two in the morning.

  • 你父亲要是听说了你的所作所为,一定会大发雷霆
    Father will throw a fit when he hears that the house has been burgled.

  • 金正日因核查事件大发雷霆,之后好像是得了中风。
    Mr Kim's verification tantrum was followed by what may have been a stroke.

  • 当我们告诉这位客人我们不收信用卡的时候她突然大发雷霆
    The customer suddenly went bananas when we told her that we didn't accept credit card.

  • 他参加聚会第二天早晨才回家,不用说,他的父母大发雷霆
    He got home from the party the next morning. Needless to say, his parents were furious.

  • 湖人队101-120惨败丹佛掘金队后,杰克逊大发雷霆
    Jackson had an outburst following the crushing 120-101 loss to the Denver Nuggets.

  • 今天老闆针对我们正在进行的专案对我所属的部门大发雷霆
    At work today, my boss got furious at my department because of the project we're doing.

  • 每当老板大发雷霆的时候,我们都战战兢兢地坐着,不敢出声。
    Every time our boss flies into a rage, we sit in fear and silence.

  • 美国人在一次神出鬼没的突击中占据了雷马根桥,希特勒就大发雷霆
    When the Americans in a brilliant dash captured the Remagen bridge, Hitler flew into a tantrum .

  • 史密斯太太正大发雷霆。我们打破了她家的窗子,她就开始对我们吼叫。
    Mrs. Smith is on the warpath. We broke her window and she started yelling at us.

  • 终于有一天,老师对我厌烦,便对我大发雷霆,最后竟然对我大打出手。
    Finally one day, I'm tired of teachers, they told me angry, finally went so far as blows to me.

  • 但是今日,如果有人捐献一件旧衣裳,任何一个上师的侍从都会对此大发雷霆
    But today, if somebody were to do that, the attendants of any guru would get mad at that!

  • 她对那只山羊大发雷霆,因为那只山羊跑到篱笆那边正在吃她种的花。(原因)
    She's furious at the goat, which got on the wrong side of the fence and is eating her flowers.

  • 现在我的心里很不平静,刚才在办公室强忍着没有大发雷霆,但是说话还是很难听。
    Now my heart is very calm, just not in his office furious tried, but it is difficult to speak or listen.

  • 教练对自己的球队寄予厚望,因而当球队在比赛中被打得一败涂地时,他大发雷霆
    The coach pinned high hopes on his team; so when it suffered a complete defeat in the match, he blew his top.

  • 这家瑞士银行早先预测了第一季度的税前利润,投资者对之前造成的巨大损失大发雷霆
    The Swiss bank earlier forecast a pre-tax profit for the first quarter, but investors are furious at the huge losses it has previously incurred.

  • 哎呀,好大的脾气呀!你刚才要是看见主任那个样儿就好了,玛丽计算出了错,为此,他大发雷霆
    My, what a temper! I wish you'd have seen the director just now. Created bloody murder about Mary's mistakes in calculations.

  • 门拉手很不干净,伯爵夫人因此时常大发雷霆,然而就是那个门拉手,仍然是那样轻而易举地给拉开了。
    Still the same door handle, the dirtiness of which so often angered the countess, turned in the same halting fashion.

  • 他父母所做的牺牲给了年幼的他很大的压力,还有一些关于他父亲在觉得他表现得不好时大发雷霆的故事。
    The sacrifices his parents were making put immense pressure on the youngster, and there are stories of his father flying into a rage if he felt his protege was under performing.

  • 情绪要轻松愉快。每当要大发雷霆时,就问自己:“这样做一周后还值吗?”别人开你的玩笑时,你的笑声不妨比别人更大些。
    Lighten up. When you feel ke blowing your top, ask yourself , "will it matter a week from today?" Laugh the loudest when the joke is on you.

  • 不知什么原因,尽管政治家们大发雷霆,工人们也组织起来进行抗议,但吉百利这样的大公司的控制权一直在从英国手中溜走。
    Somehow, despite the blustering of politicians and the protests of organised labour, great companies like this one have been slipping out of British control.

  • 那天晚上,弗兰克把思嘉、皮蒂姑妈和孩子们安顿在媚兰家以后,就和艾希礼一起骑马出去了。思嘉几乎要大发雷霆伤心地落泪了。
    That night when Frank deposited her and Aunt Pitty and the children at Melanie's and rode off down the street with Ashley, Scarlett could have burst with rage and hurt.

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