
床上安床  chuáng shàng ān chuáng







  • 经常在床上吃早饭,可玛丽不这样。
    Ann has breakfast in bed, but Mary doesn't.

  • 他在床上给它了一个新家,还经常带它出去玩。
    The boy built a new house in his bed for the rabbit, and he would take it outside.

  • :你知道还有什么吗?他的床上功夫更是一流。
    Angela: You know what else? He's unbelievable in bed.

  • 推开门,她看见玛丽摊倒在床上,几乎为悲恸所窒息。
    On opening the door she saw Marinne stretched on the bed, almost chocked by grief.

  • 推开门,看见玛丽摊倒在床上,她几乎为悲恸所窒息。
    On opening the door she saw Marine stretched on the bed, almost chocked by grief.

  • 你们中有多少人极需一个周末躺在床上为周一储存充足的能量?
    How many of you really need a weekend on the couch just to store up enough energy for Monday?

  • 你怎麽可以就这样原谅我?我背叛了你,我跟别的男人
    Ann How can you forgive me, just like that? I betrayed you. I made love with another man.

  • 加利米老爹空等一场,只有回家,他看到了老伴盖著羊皮袄躺在床上
    The rice that increase profit installs old father cool one's heels, come home only, he saw the old partner is building sheepskin coat to lie on the bed.

  • 一天清晨,玛丽对韦伯说:“亲爱的,我有点饿了,我想在床上吃些东西。”
    A day of early morning, maryann says to Wei Bai: "Dear, I am a bit hungry, I want to have some of thing on the bed."

  • 戈德林曼从家里搬来一张行军在办公室里,他和衣躺在床上,想睡却睡不着。
    Godliman had brought a small camp bed from his home. He lay on it in his office, dressed in trousers and shirt, trying without success to sleep.

  • 戈德林曼从家里搬来一张行军在办公室里,他和衣躺在床上,想睡却睡不着。
    from his home. He lay on it in his office, dressed in trousers and shirt, trying without success to sleep.

  • 蜜糖大部分的时间是住在家里,必须跟布莱丝(众多猫中的其中一只)轮流睡在床上
    Honey is mostly inside the house and has to take turns with Blythe (one of Anne's cats) to sleep on the bed with Anne at night.

  • 崔维斯,妳比我交往过的所有女孩子都漂亮。要是妳能帮我弄一顿床上早餐的话,那妳就十全十美了。
    Travis Ann, you're prettier than all the girls I've ever been with. If only you made me breakfast in bed, you'd be perfect.

  • 外祖母一看到我们,立马从床上坐了起来,诧异之情继而转为咧嘴大笑。而当玛丽前拥抱她的时候,老人家的眼泪夺眶而出。
    When she saw us, Grandma sprung upright in bed, her surprise boomeranged into a wide grin, and then melted into tears as Marianne rushed forward to hug her.

  • 她把布娃娃放在床上,盖被子,然后剪掉自己的辫子在布娃娃的头,看去就像她自己睡在床上一样。随后,她又把自己藏在了口袋里。
    She put it in bed under the covers, cut off her own braids, adn sewed them on the doll's head. the doll then looked like Lucia asleep, and Lucia closed herself up in the bag.

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