
并驾齐驱  bìng jià qí qū








  • 有时候新市场和新技术并驾齐驱
    Sometimes new markets and new technologies go hand in hand.

  • 两列火车在平行的轨道上同速并驾齐驱
    Two trains are traveling side by side and at the same speed along parallel tracks.

  • 这对双胞胎兄弟并驾齐驱地冲过了终点。
    The twin brothers are neck and neck at the finish.

  • 加利品牌深入人心,知名度与美誉度并驾齐驱
    Ghali popular brand, name recognition and reputation go hand in hand.

  • 欧香品牌深入人心,知名度和美誉度并驾齐驱
    Ou Hong popular brand, reputation and name recognition go hand in hand.

  • 生活是运动,无论你是否喜欢,你必须与之并驾齐驱
    Life is movementwhether you like it or notyou must keep pace with it.

  • 我们觉得自己活力充盈,精神饱满,可与宇宙并驾齐驱
    We feel in ourselves all the vigour and spirit to keep pace with the universe.

  • 在头四圈里,贝德福德一直与那名德国赛跑选手并驾齐驱
    Over the first four laps, Bedford stayed abreast of the German runner.

  • 最新的利用电视的技术与旧式的候选人自己印发的小册子并驾齐驱
    New and up-to-date techniques on television are matched by old-style personal pamphlets issued by the individual candidates.

  • 如果圣诞节时尤文还能和国米并驾齐驱,那真可以说意甲是两个队的游戏。
    If the Christmas Juve and Inter can go hand in hand, then I can say that Serie A is a two team game.

  • 我不知道这次习语竞赛谁会取胜,但我认为我们将会并驾齐驱,不分上下。
    I don't know who is going to win this competition in idioms; I think we are running neck and neck .

  • 在品质、价位上与国际品牌并驾齐驱,凭藉的就是出自乡土的纯净与清新。
    On a par with international brands in terms of the price and quality, Yuan Soap competes on the basis of the purity and freshness of its "homegrown" products.

  • 这样一来,除了得分,抢断和投篮命中率,科比的数据就足以和乔丹并驾齐驱
    Kobe is just on par with Jordan on all stats except for points, steals, and field goal percentage.

  • 奥巴马也在下星期二投票选举中能够产生胜差的几个关键州和麦凯恩并驾齐驱
    Obama also leads McCain or is tied with him in several key states that will provide the margin of victory on Tuesday.

  • 在那之后的那些车队彼此很接近,在迈克拉伦之后或者是和迈克拉伦并驾齐驱
    After that there seems to be a gaggle of teams that are all very close to each another, possibly slightly behind McLaren or maybe just with them.

  • 最近战绩奇佳,与欧冠并驾齐驱,这也是贝尼特斯入主安菲尔德以来从没有过的。
    Qi Jia recent record, on a par with the Champions League, which also entered the Anfield Benitez has never been before.

  • 苏联和美国在发射载人宇宙飞船去火星的研制方面,可以说是并驾齐驱,不相上下。
    Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars.

  • 拉涅利率领的尤文图斯本赛季联赛开局不错,一度在积分榜上同国际米兰并驾齐驱
    Ranieri led the league this season, Juventus made a good start, once in the championship to keep pace with Inter Milan.

  • 三大科学史上的伟大发现,足以使爱因斯坦与哥白尼、牛顿、达尔文等人并驾齐驱
    The history of the three great scientific discovery, enough to Einstein and Copernicus, Newton, Darwin and others go hand in hand.

  • 她说:“我们的对手经费超过我们许多。我们只有与他并驾齐驱,才可以继续获胜。
    "We can only keep winning if we can keep competing with an opponent who out spends us so massively, " she said.

  • 李宇春赢得2005年超级女声冠军以后,她成为大陆不多的,跟港台明星并驾齐驱的艺人。
    After Li Yuchun won the 2005 Super Girl singing contest, she became one of the few mainland singers as famous as stars from Taiwan and Hong Kong.

  • 从这点意义上来说,当这一切都被承认和公认的时候,科比才能和世界上最伟大的球员并驾齐驱
    Well Kobe is now in that class, and when it's all said and done, Kobe can now potentially be known as the greatest player that has ever played the game.

  • 祝龙灯瑞迪和你们各位都能有一个昌盛的未来,因为公司和个人的发展是相互依存、并驾齐驱的。
    Wish KRRP and yourselves a very prosperous future because the company and individual are developing in parallel.

  • 持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代并驾齐驱的最稳当的方式,也是在变动的世代中胜利的可靠保证。
    Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

  • 持续的学习是在信息时期中跟时期并驾齐驱的最稳当的方法,也是在变动的世代中胜利的可靠保证。
    Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

  • 罗伯特能在赛跑的大部分过程中与跑在最前面的选手并驾齐驱,直到后来他因体力不支才不得不落在了后面。
    Robert was able to stay with the leading runner for most of the race until he weakened and had to drop back.

  • 目前的红军与切尔西在积分榜上并驾齐驱,卡拉格希望队员们能够克服各种逆境,为了联赛榜首而去赢得每一分。
    As the Reds sit atop the league table with rivals Chelsea, Carragher wants the players to overcome adversity to make very point count in the race for the title.

  • 在比赛中,刘翔后劲十足,最终与来自美国的劲敌,柏林世锦赛银牌得主特伦斯•特拉梅尔并驾齐驱,双双撞向终点。
    He fought back from behind to cross the finish line shoulder by shoulder with arch rival Terrence Trammell of American, silver medalist in the Berlin world championships.

  • 一想到波拿巴竟与欧洲所有国君并驾齐驱,尤其是与我们的国君——伟大的叶卡挞琳娜的孙子并驾齐驱,他就不能忍受了!
    He cannot endure the idea that Bonaparte is treating on equal terms with all the sovereigns of Europe, especially our own, the grandson of the great Catherine!

  • 目前,商学院正在重新思考其教学方式,其中不少已经把领导力、道德规范和责任感列为核心课题,与经济、金融学等传统科目并驾齐驱
    With business schools now rethinking their approaches, many are incorporating leadership, ethics and responsibility as core topics along with the traditional subjects such as economics and finance.

  • 并驾齐驱造句相关
