
年轻力壮  nián qīng lì zhuàng







  • 我爸爸年轻力壮时被诊断出有多种硬化症。
    My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of his life.

  • 年轻力壮时,是一位了不起的网球运动员。
    In his heyday, he was a great tennis player.

  • 年轻力壮时,是一位了不起的足球运动员。
    In his heyday, he was a great footballer.

  • 年轻力壮时,是一位了不起的网球运动员。
    In his heyday , he was a great tennis player.

  • 年轻力壮时能行。
    I could have in my time.

  • 也许他同你一样年轻力壮,并且会帮助你逃亡。
    Perhaps he will be young and strong like yourself, and will help you in your escape.

  • 凭圣乔治起誓,你会发现我是个年轻力壮的汉子。
    PETRUCHIO. Now, by Saint George, I am too young for you.

  • 年轻力壮的大小伙子, 怎么能一遇到挫折就叹气呢?
    You are a young and vigorous man. How can you sigh when you meet a setback?

  • 那些年轻力壮,有本领和长相好的年青人都已经老了。
    The young, the strong, the able, the good-looking , are gone.

  • 年轻力壮的熊不只是抓些鱼,有时也能捕获几头小海豹。
    Strong young bear not only grasping some fish, and sometimes can capture several small seals.

  • 我很想问的是,为什么他不在年轻力壮的时候做这件事呢?
    I have to ask, why didn't he do this when he was young?When he has youth and strength?

  • 女人被放上担架由八个年轻力壮的解放军战士扛着翻山越岭。
    The woman is carried on a stretcher back across the mountains by eight strong, sure-footed young PLA soldiers.

  • 小葡萄藤年轻力壮,可以很好地应对生活,一切都靠她自己。
    She was young and strong and could manage quite well all by herself.

  • 年轻力壮的时候去接受死亡,这使大无畏的精神变为疯狂。
    The acceptance of the death agony in the flower of youth and in the flush of health turns intrepidity into frenzy.

  • “别去说那枚戒指,”那个农民回答说,“我们都年轻力壮
    "Stop talking about that ring, " answered the farmer. "We are young and strong.

  • 年轻力壮时吃适量的肉类是对的,但老年人则以蔬菜或小鱼为宜。
    For those who are young and strong it's alright to consume suitable quantity of meats but for older people vegetables or small fishes are the more suitable diet.

  • 年轻力壮时吃适量的肉类是对的,但老年人则以蔬菜或小鱼为宜。
    When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it  more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables or small fish.

  • 健康储蓄账户是为纳税人建立的,我还年轻力壮,很乐意多工作。
    Health savings accounts are tax advantaged, and, since I am young and healthy, work more in my favor.

  • 印度人口多,年轻力壮的人也多。所以,印度没有严重的失业或就业问题。
    India has a large and young population, so, the country has no problem finding workers for any job.

  • 有的叶子年轻力壮,叶子显得青绿青绿,绿得发亮,高傲地挺立着,像一位位健壮的武士。
    Some young leaves, green leaves appear green, light green, proud to stand with, like a digital strong warrior.

  • 蜀王听到这个消息,就命令很多年轻力壮的人,赶快开山铺路,然后把五只大石牛推回来。
    When the king of Shu heard this, he sent many strong young men to go fix the road, and bring back the five cows.

  • 原因就在于,年轻力壮,毫无羁绊牵挂时,你可以把自己所有的时间和精力都投入到工作中。
    The reasoning is that, while you are young and unencumbered, you have the time and energy to fully devote yourself to a career.

  • 同样道理,我们现在拥有的暇满人身,即使是年轻力壮,也随时会受到内外各种障碍的影响。
    In the same way, the precious life that we have right now, even if one is young and healthy, can be affected by outer or inner obstacles.

  • 我试着作一件很难的事:设想老年人又变成了年轻人,恢复了年轻力壮,风流倜傥的 风貌 。
    I tried to do that very difficult thing, imagine old people young again, and invested with the graces of youth.

  • 王子轩一听,也是,把即将伸进口袋的手伸了出来:“对呀,他那么年轻力壮,为什么不去干活?
    Prince Xuan 1, but also to be his pocket hand stretched out: "That's right, he So young and healthy, why not go to work?"

  • 但随即我告诉自己我是幸运的——能够幸运地活下来,幸运有食物、有工具,幸运自己还年轻力壮
    Then I told myself that I was lucky—lucky to be alive, lucky to have food and tools, lucky to be young and strong.

  • 不及时努力学习,年轻力壮时就懒散不堪,生活没有什麽目标和思想,怠惰的人永远不能发现智慧之路。
    Who strives not when he should strive, who, though young and strong, is given to idleness, who is loose in his purpose and thoughts, and who is lazy-that idler never finds the way to wisdom.

  • 时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是效率。你们年轻力壮的时候,为人民做更多贡献吧。——郭沫若。
    Time is life , time is speed, time is effeciency. When you are young and in good health , be sure to make more contributions to people.

  • 球球优质半血马,年轻力壮,是最佳状态年纪,机灵又调皮受到大多数女士和小朋友的喜爱,和境半血马中精灵。
    QiuQiu is emi-blood horse who are young and strong , keeping in a best age. By the most clever and naughty ladies and children's favorite, and the semi-Elven Blood Horse of HeJing.

  • 当时年轻力壮的张先生得到这样的绝症,在人生绝望之馀,多次打电话给当时任职台东县政府黄顺兴县长机要秘书的魏姓同学。
    The young Mr. Zhang was in great despair after the confirmation. He made several calls to Mr. Wei, his old classmate who was the Mayor's secretary of Huangsun County , Taidong County Government.

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