
离群索居  lí qún suǒ jū








  • 那个自信的家伙总是离群索居
    That confident fellow always keeps himself to himself.

  • 他们变成了可怕的离群索居的人。
    They can become fearful and socially withdrawn.

  • 这是我离群索居的方法,一项挑战。
    It's my way to isolate from the rest of the world, a challenge.

  • 一个总想离群索居的人在为人方面是不成功的。
    The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being.

  • 可是做人也不能完全地离群索居,不与其他人接触。
    However, as a human it is impossible to absolutely isolate himself from others.

  • 但是,由于离群索居,它显然会感到倦怠,情绪沮丧。
    But it is evidently bored and frustrated for lack of company.

  • 纽约把离群索居的礼物和亲历参与的激动混合在一起。
    New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation;

  • 通常熊猫会离群索居,除非是母熊猫要照顾牠的宝宝。
    Usually pandas live alone unless it is a female taking care of her cub.

  • 有些动物是离群索居的,它们独来独往,不与同类相干。
    Some animals are isolated and lead a separate existence away from their kind.

  • 他们离群索居,好閒静处的处世态度,绝非是没有道理的。
    That is way they choose to live in the isolated and peaceful place.

  • 我们难道永远不能独自生活、独自思考、一个人离群索居么?
    Shall we never live alone , think alone , live in a house by ourselves alone ?

  • 作为一个孩子,她象老虎一般骄傲和隐蔽,同时又离群索居
    As a child, she was as proud and shadowy as a tiger, and as aloof.

  • 时常离群索居、跟大自然生活在一起的人们都体会到这种感觉。
    People who live much alone and close to nature experience the sensation of it.

  • 他也以独特路径研究精神病,认为离群索居是致病因素而非其他。
    He also took a unique approach to mental illness, stating that alienation from society leads to illness, not the other way around.

  • 只有离群索居,过简单朴素的修行生活才能与神灵共处,一瞥实像。
    Only reclusive, simple and pure practice life can make you stay with gods and know the truth.

  • 虽然索尼埃离群索居多年,但他对艺术上的贡献却一直为人所敬重。
    Despite Saunière's reputation for being reclusive, his recognition for dedication to the arts made him an easy man to revere.

  • 想更离群索居一点的人,只要乘船就能到许多人迹罕至的小岛上偷个清閒。
    And for the ultimate seclusion, there are numerous islands that are waiting to be explored only a boat ride away from the coast.

  • 这正像长期离群索居的人们那样,一种孤零之感仿佛溢于他们的眉宇之间。
    As with some persons who have long lived apart, solitude seemed to look out of its countenance.

  • 「牠们离群索居,」他说︰「不会出来自找麻烦。」(美联社?翻译︰赖美君)
    "They keep to themselves, ' he said. "They don't go out looking for trouble. ' (AP.

  • 一个从不四处走动的管理人员,久而久之将形同离群索居的隐士,与员工失去联系。
    Chairman who never wanders about his agency becomes a hermit, out of touch with his staff.

  • 后来我变得不是那么特异独行,非得离群索居不可。我发现入境随俗,会使修行更容易。
    Later I changed and I was not so independent and isolated. I found that it is much easier to practice when I do as Rome does.

  • 费米子与玻色子不同,它们喜欢离群索居,包立不相容原理禁止它们处于同一个量子状态。
    Unlike bosons, fermions are misanthropes; the Pauli exclusion principle prohibits them from existing in the same quantum state.

  • 如果一名少年总是离群索居,或时常动怒,这已经不仅仅是正常的青春期反抗心理的表现了。
    If a teenager is trying to avoid relationships or constantly becomes seriously angry, more than normal teenage rebellion may be going on.

  • 科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。
    Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work.

  • 这个盆地属于纳帕潮溼森林生态系,它的隐密偏远地区遗世独立,是许多选择离群索居原住民的家。
    Known as the Napo Moist Forest ecosystem, this remote region is home to uncontacted indigenous groups living in voluntary isolation.

  • 有时精神分裂患者会出现幻听或幻觉。他们或许认为别人想要伤害他们。他们变成了可怕的离群索居的人。
    People who are schizophrenic sometimes hear voices or see things that are not real. They might believe other people want to hurt them. They can become fearful and socially withdrawn.

  • 《砂砾》讲述了一群被社会遗弃、离群索居的人的故事。20世纪90年代末,他们在西威尔士的一个海滨小镇上相遇了。
    Grits is the story of a group of disenfranchised loners who meet in a small coastal village in West Wales at the end of the 1990s.

  • 1533年亨利另立了自己的大主教,即坎特伯里大主教克兰麦,令他宣布废除与凯瑟琳的这桩婚姻。凯瑟琳后来离群索居地度过馀生。
    In 1533 Henry had his own archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, annul the marriage, and Catherine spent her last years isolated from public life.

  • 经过一个半世纪的离群索居之后,一只老鼠和一只兔子发现自己正身处一场涉及它们的未来的国际风暴之中,这是被掠夺艺术品的特有命运。
    A rat and a rabbit, emerging from a century and a half of peaceful seclusion, have found themselves in the eye of an international storm about their future, and the proper fate of looted artworks.

  • “争取民主联盟”内对巴切莱特持批评态度的人士表示她并没有让她的部长们进行统治,相反却信任一群没有多大才能、离群索居的私人顾问。
    Her critics in the Concertación say she has not let her ministers govern, trusting instead in a hermetic group of personal advisers of no great ability.

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