
人人自危  rén rén zì wēi








  • 这更使得中小银行和农村金融机构人人自危
    This more in making small bank and everybody of rural finance organization high oneself.

  • 他统治时期法律严酷,造成了人人自危的恐怖统治。
    Therefore many officials were killed in his ruling period.

  • 当今社会,追求利益,不择手段,人人自保而人人自危
    In today's society, the pursuit of the interests of all else, everyone captive and feel insecure.

  • 它破坏庄稼,吞吃生灵,因此弄得人畜不安,人人自危
    This would destroy all the crops and swallow up all living things.

  • 但是,这样的行为会将人们变为人人自危、记旧账和指责。
    But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm.

  • 在次贷危机爆发之后,身处华尔街的美国金融机构人人自危
    In the second loan crisis, the United States in the Wall Street financial institutions a sense of insecurity.

  • 自从李天享被害以后,村子里人人自危,一个个又噤若寒蝉了。
    After the murder of Original Fortune Lee the people went about in terror and shut up again like clams.

  • 而纽约时报公司的威胁震惊了整个美国报业,他们感到人人自危
    And the menace of company of new York Times astonished whole United States to sign up for course of study, they feel everybody highs oneself.

  • 与其作为违法者人人自危,不如变被动为主动,寻找一条突围之路。
    Instead, as the offenders feel insecure, not passively, to take the initiative to find a breakthrough way.

  • 掘金急于清理薪金空间,搞得队内人人自危,连艾弗森也不能免俗。
    Digs the gold to clean up the salary space eagerly, does in the team the everybody feels insecure, Iverson cannot be unconventional continually.

  • 并非只是占人口总数9%的白人对此产生抱怨,而是几乎人人自危
    It is not only whites (9% of the population) who complain. Almost everyone is afraid.

  • 因此,对于网络举报,一定要实名,以防无限制的举报引得人人自危
    Accordingly, inform against to the network, must real name, inform against without limit in case bring so that everybody highs oneself.

  • 历史上曾经有过这种草木皆兵人人自危的时期,在美国有过这种时期。
    Historically, both China and the United States hae experienced such periods when hysteria becomes the norm.

  • 历史上曾经有过这种草木皆兵、人人自危的时期,在美国有过这种时期。
    Historically, both China and the United States have experienced such periods when hysteria becomes the norm.

  • 但这一分价码表公布后,也引起大陆税务单位追踪,让演艺圈人人自危
    But once this report is out, it also gain the interest of the Tax Department of China, making the artists feeling worried.

  • 最近这一年,家居行业笼罩在一片愁云惨雾当中,家装公司也是人人自危
    Recently this year, lived at the profession to cover in the middle of a gloomy cloud and sorrowful fog, the family installed the company is also an everybody feels insecure.

  • 同时,马斯切拉诺承认随着阿奎拉尼处子秀上演,利物浦每个中场都人人自危
    Meanwhile, Javier Mascherano accepts everyone in the Liverpool midfield now has to be on their toes following a first start for Italy ace Alberto Aquilani.

  • 普京称,这样会使“人人自危,人们会感觉国际法再也不是可以保护他们的坚实壁垒。”
    As a result, Putin exclaims, "no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them."

  • 由自民党领导的执政联盟现在压力重重,国会受到的各方面的反对呼声更使得内阁中人人自危
    Adding to the pressure on the governing coalition headed by the Liberal Democratic Party, the opposition submitted to Parliament a no-confidence motion in the cabinet.

  • 而温州鞋企品牌才20多个,无怪乎,这些老板们在“挟资本以令诸侯”的百丽面前人人自危
    The Wenzhou shoe enterprises to more than 20 brands, it was not surprising that these bosses in the "With the capital in order to make leaders" in front of Belle fear.

  • 对工作的不满情绪增长的最明显的原因是经济衰退,其正以惊人的速度使更多人失业,人人自危
    The most obvious reason for the rise in unhappiness is the recession, which is destroying jobs at a startling rate and spreading anxiety throughout the workforce.

  • 金融危机已令人人自危,通过政府为相关资产提供担保,将帮助树立投资人和交易对手对银行的信心。
    Financial crisis has made insecure by the Government to provide security for the related assets, will help foster investment and counter party confidence in the banks.

  • 虽然这句话说得轻松,但是退出事件所带来了余波却不断,武汉队的球员们人人自危,慨叹命运多舛。
    Saying it easy, but from the aftermath of the incidents have continued, Wuhan team players a sense of insecurity, ill-fated sigh.

  • 更为糟糕的是,政府已经制造了一种人人自危的恐怖气氛,使得这些机密材料快要成为一种“政治通货”。
    Worse, the government has created a paranoid atmosphere, in which secret material is close to becoming a political currency.

  • 但我们相信,这一宗案件是一单一事件,并不反映墨尔本的治安有甚麽恶化,因此我们不需要人人自危的感觉。
    However, we believe this is an individual incident, it does not imply the law and order conditions in Melbourne is getting worse; therefore, we do not have to feel insecure.

  • 一桩又一桩的房产危机已动摇了人们对自由市场的信心,从一开始难以置信到后来人人自危,现在成了怒火中烧。
    Faith in open markets has been poisoned by a crisis that has spread from one asset to the next. First there was disbelief and denial. Then fear. Now comes anger.

  • 董永森表示,这种不负责任的做法一旦在网上形成风气,很可能会造成人人自危的局面,这对互联网的发展也是不利的。
    Dongyong Sen said that such irresponsible practices in the Internet once a trend is likely to result feel insecure situation, which is the development of the Internet is also negative.

  • 在冷静而又权威的斯德哥尔摩国际水资源研究所(SIWI)的专家眼中,尼罗河流域更可能出现巨大的对内投资,而不是面临人人自危的大灾变。
    Water boffins, led by the influential and sober Stockholm International Water Institute, say the Nile is more likely to see huge inward investment than cataclysm.

  • 2003年港商黎智英带着苹果大举入侵,使得台湾报业人人自危,历经一番厮杀后,正如许多观察家预料,《苹果日报》在短短近三年的时间,站稳台湾「四大报」之一。
    The year 2003 witnessed Hong Kong investor, Li Zhiying's involvement in Taiwan's newspaper industry with Apple Daily, which overwhelmed everyone in this field with suspending sense of insecurity.

  • 这一段,我觉得不能扣着字面去翻译,需要从英文去推想原文的意思。我猜是这样:关于他,最后还有件不得不提的轶事,当他快五十岁时,开着辆巨大无比的破车,以二十公里的时速,叫路上人人自危
    His last indispensable experience, when he was almost fifty years old, was an enormous and battered automobile that he would drive at great risk to everyone at twenty kilometers an hour.

  • 人人自危造句相关
