
左右逢源  zuǒ yòu féng yuán








  • 这意味着,他最终都可以左右逢源
    That means he could ultimately end up ahead.

  • 他是一个左右逢源的人。
    He is a diplomat.

  • 牢固掌握,就能积蓄深厚,便能取之不尽,左右逢源
    Firm mastery of knowledge leads to a rich accumulation of knowledge, and the use of it will be inexhaustible.

  • 他有许多朋友,在这个城市左右逢源,为他做的生意。
    He has many friends in that city and everything goes well for him to do business there.

  • 你可能左右逢源或是干得很愉快,所以就会工作更长时间。
    You may go into flow or just have a good time with it and so you'll spend more time doing it.

  • 这是一个左右逢源的协议,湖人队可以填补两个阵容空缺。
    It is a deal that makes sense both ways, with the Lakers filling two lineup holes.

  • 一年级左右逢源与顺利通过资格考试这两者是高度相关的。
    Thriving during your first year is highly correlated with passing your prelims.

  • 后来,他娶了全城最富有的姑娘,这就使他左右逢源,大走其运。
    Later, he married the richest girl in the town, and then his bread was buttered on both sides.

  • 产品直销至欧美、日本等东南亚国家,订单源源不断,生意左右逢源
    Product sales to Europe and the United States, Japan and other Southeast Asian countries, a steady flow of orders, the business of the best of both worlds.

  • 在宫中,马尔伯勒英俊的相貌俘获了不少贵妇,但他又能左右逢源,免于树敌。
    At court, he used his looks to charm the right women and his ability to avoid making enemies.

  • 明天政府将出版一系列关于碳减排的文件,届时我们将知道政府如何左右逢源
    We will find out tomorrow, when it publishes a series of papers on carbon reduction.

  • 1992年海南爆发房地产热,令在房地产投资上左右逢源的陈金飞大发其财。
    Hainan real estate fever outbreak in 1992, the real estate investment, both in the Chenjinfei made its big money.

  • 他脚步移动灵活,必要时可以左右逢源。他利用身高上的优势,一直把球举得高高的。
    He had great footwork, going left or right when the moment called for it. He used his length and kept the basketball high.

  • 贯通欧亚两大洲及左右逢源于东西方两种文明是欧客来公司无人可轻易企及的核心价值。
    Our profound understanding of both the European and Asian cultures is a major advantage, and at Oukelai we continuously nourish this understanding which remains at the heart of our business.

  • 高档商场、精品百货、全国驰名的东门步行街购物区近在咫尺,万佳、沃尔玛左右逢源
    Upmarket shopping malls, fine department stores, national famous East Gate walk Street shopping areas in close proximity, Wanjia, Inc. broken.

  • 他们左右逢源关心每一个人和事,却最擅长在高层领导和其他人面前搬弄是非,散布谣言。
    They have everything from all side to concern each person and matter, but excel most at the key figures to lead to carry tales and the others in front, dispersal rumor.

  • 三届世界冠军尼基•劳达从来都不是个左右逢源的人,他对回答问题的时候总是直言不率。
    Three-time world champion Niki Lauda has never been a man for PR-speak; when asked a question he gives crisp, blunt replies.

  • 然而,这场已持续了100多年的冲突并不容易找到简单的解决办法或做出左右逢源的判决。
    But a conflict that has lasted 100 years is not susceptible to easy solutions or glib judgments.

  • 现在你知道女人最恨单身男人的是哪些事情了,只消牢记在心,你就能在约会期间左右逢源
    It may be "nice, " but women also think it's "wussy. " She may not see it, but trust me when I say that she sees right through you.

  • 现在你知道女人最恨单身男人的是哪些事情了,只消牢记在心,你就能在约会期间左右逢源
    Now you know what women hate most about single men. Just keep these things in mind and you can turn things around in your dating life.

  • 嘉兴地处长三角城市群左右逢源的核心位置,一小时车程接驳上海、杭州、苏州、宁波等城市。
    Jiaxing is the core location serves both urban groups, a car with Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Ningbo and other cities.

  • 处世不是八面玲珑的圆滑,不是左右逢源的奉承,而是我们自省的真诚过程,自省的高尚精神。
    Life is not smooth and slick smooth, not the best of both worlds of flattery, but sincere self-examination process, the noble spirit of self-examination.

  • 愿你的生日百事顺心,愿你在新的一年里欢乐充盈…愿你年年称心如意,左右逢源!祝生日快乐!
    May everything turn out as you wish on your birthday and joy abound in a new year…Wish you every success and satisfaction year after year! Happy birthday!

  • 即使有不满,通常也不是对社会规则的义愤,而是对自身适应能力不足以左右逢源而萌生的失落感。
    Even if there is dissatisfaction, it usually is not the outrage of social rules, but not enough of their own ability to adapt the best of both worlds and the initiation of the sense of loss.

  • 围绕这个核心展开他的创作,所以他左右逢源,任何材料只要有利于表达虚空韵律的,都能拿来使用。
    Around the core of his creativity, so he the best of both worlds, as long as there is any material conducive to the expression of rhythm void, and can be used to use.

  • 送给你最夸姣的祝福,愿你:国庆、家庆、普天同庆,官源、财源、左右逢源,分缘、福缘,缘缘不断。
    Gave you the best blessing to you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate.

  • 祝福您:国庆、家庆、普天同庆,官源、财源、左右逢源,人缘、福缘、缘缘不断,情愿、心愿、愿愿随心。
    Bless you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish.

  • 祝福您:国庆、家庆、普天同庆,官源、财源、左右逢源,分缘、福缘、缘缘不断,情愿、愿望、愿愿随意。
    Bless you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish.

  • 任公先生的学问之所以那样的博大精深,涉笔成趣,左右逢源,不能不说一大部分得力于他的学问根底之打得坚固。
    We have to say that the profound learning and talent of Mr. Liang was mostly due to his solid foundation of knowledges.

  • 其次,由于冯小刚的电影既不得不受制于市场,同时又对艺术难以完全舍弃,因此不得不在商业与艺术之间左右逢源,从而在叙事立场与风格上存在多元与对峙特征;
    Second, from the perspectives of the market and artistry, Feng's movies have to manoeuvre between commerce and art, forming the features of plurality and opposition in narrative and styles.

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